
The Arcane Excursionist

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Yuno, a hardcore otaku, dies in a tragic manner. God give him a chance to reincarnate to a the anime world he will got along with the powers in the anime through a gacha. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I"m new to writing, I hope you guys can help me with it. And bear with me. English is not my first language.

Pikaaaaa0 · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 23



It's been two weeks since they started training, they all became stronger because of the training they go through especially Esdeath and Raynare.

Yuno can hold his domain longer and the mana cost lessened to a certain degree.

He also got accustomed waking up with two woman in his side. At first he'll make their training more harsh as they disturb his sleep. But as day passes, he got used to it and he got immune when they're bugging him on his sleep.

He even manage to make a skill that let him sleep even if there's a lot of noises around as long as he doesn't sense danger or if they didn't attack him.

Their routine is just them waking up early in the morning to exercise inside his ice domain while he adjust the temperature to them, so even Esdeath feels like freezing when they're inside.

After that, Yuno will teach them how to cook properly. Though they keep failing, he just let them be as he is enjoying teaching the two. He enjoy the reaction they always gave him whether they fail, they will make a cute expression if they fail while looking straight at him and telling him not to laugh.

An improvement can be seen for Raynare but Esdeath is a big no-no. She doesn't have a talent on cooking at all. Everytime she cook, the food always become black.

One time Yuno even asked her if she got cursed on the kitchen which she reacted cutely. She keep punching Yuno's chest slowly and weakly while pouting and having a teary eye, while also demanding him to teach her more so that she can make him a lunch.

He just patted her head with a small smile and agreed with it.

And so, Yuno continued to tutor her every night while Raynare is sound sleep in his bed. Esdeath can now make her food edible.

After their cooking session, their routine continues as they all then will take a bath.

Yuno and Raynare needs to prepare for school and Esdeath needs to prepare for her recent part time job.

She got accepted on a convenient store near their house as a part timer.

After a whole day, when Yuno and Raynare is back from school. They will continue their training but this time in his fire domain.

They will push their limits as they continue to improve their magic along with their physical prowess especially Raynare as she is physically weak. Yuno will also fight Esdeath while holding his strength back greatly to have a battle experience.

Their relationship also turn into a weird one as when there's something they didn't like, they'll have to fight it out. Just like one time when Esdeath don't want to eat the veggies in her plate so Yuno bugs her not to waste his food. She then challenge him to a fight to see who will eat the veggies, but the result was as expected, Yuno win even though he is holding back.

And they will finish almost at midnight so Yuno needs to carry the two to their room but everytime he woke up they're in his bed.

Though harsh, Yuno don't want to exhausted them greatly that's why they took a break during weekends. On saturday the three goes to a park to have a small walk and fresh air.

After that, Esdeath will teleport them to a sea side to watch the sun set. They will then pick a good spot for a picnic as they bug him to cook a lot of food.

On Sunday, he will just let them do what they want as he goes and play some games. Though the two will just join him.


The three just got home and Yuno is letting them to rest for a hit before they train. They're now chilling in a sofa while watching television.

After a while, Yuno sense a familiar strong individual suddenly appeared 50 meters away from their house and now approaching them.

"Raynare, go and greet our visitor."

Although confused on what he is talking about, she nodded and walk towards the door. When she opened the door she was greeted by a beautiful young woman with a back length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with a silver eyes that wears a blue and white French maid outfit.

"Uhh... who might you be?"

"Hmm? I'm a maid that serves the House of Gremory. My name is Grayfia. I came to meet Yuno-sama." she greeted while bowing a bit before looking inside the room.

"Gremory?!!" Raynare then turn to look at Yuno just to see him waving his hand off.


"Let her in."

She then step aside to let Grayfia to walk in.

Esdeath squinted her eyes for a moment before turning back her attention on the television. Grayfia was a bit startled at the sight of Esdeath.

'Where did she came from? Is she always with him? Is there another person who is as strong as her on his side?'

She shook the thought and decide to focus on what she need to do first. She then look at Yuno and saw that he has a amused smile on his face.


"Hn. To what pleasure do I owe to have a beautiful woman like you to visit me?"

"I came to invite you to the wedding ceremony of Rias Gremory on Sirzechs-sama's behalf."

"And why invite me?"

"Sirzechs-sama wants to entertain you as an apology for that conflict last time"

"Heh, even though he already gave me the pieces without getting in return? Interesting."

Grayfia just stay silent while waiting for his reply.

"When is the ceremony?"

"They will start the ceremony tonight, Yuno sama"

"Very well"

'I wonder what Sirzechs' reaction will be if I flirt with his queen'

As if knowing his thoughts, Esdeath decide to speak.

"Oi rascal. I'll go with you."


"You can't just left me out on the fun and I can't have you flirting with other woman"

"Don't act like my wife mongrel."

"You wanna go???"

"Expect a rough session later mongrel"

She just smile wide in response.

'What a battle maniac.' Yuno thought before he sigh and turn to look at Grayfia.

Grayfia is standing there speechless looking at their interaction. Not believing that the man in front of him has that kind of woman in his side. One thing is certain, a dangerous couple. That's what she thought.

"Grayfia was it?"

"Y-Y *cough* Yes?"

"We'll go but you need to entertain us the entire time. Tell Sirzechs this alright?"

"Understood Yuno-sama."

"Hn. You may go, and don't think of teleporting inside my house alright? It's a waste if you die, only that person can go in and out here as she please."

"I'll keep that in mind. Well then, I'll take my leave."

Yuno nod his head in response before turning his attention back at the television as Grayfia walk out. When she was gone, he speak up.

"You two, prepare yourself on any harm. I have this unpleasant feeling for a while now so always put your guard up."


They didn't take his warning lightly as he is showing some concern in his tone for them. They then change their clothes and started to get ready to go.