
I Defy the Laws of Physics

"Focus on every muscle in your body. Every purpose, function. Knowing how to use your body as a weapon is a key component. I want you to picture all these essential muscles of your body as you move to your target, without! Contemplating on space and time.", encouraged Jacob. It was easier said than done. How was I to move four meters forward in such a limited time?

I was about to conclude that it was impossible until Ta-hawa got it right. "Focus Juda", instructed Jacob. I became dismayed at every attempt, why was this so hard for me to perfect? "aww, there, there, stop being so hard on yourself. Just be yourself; Captain Slow", Ta-hawa said with a smug.  At times, this girl was too competitive, honestly.


"Right. It's time for a break and no, Juda you cannot sit down. Run to the back at the lake", he pointed at the Bongo lake which circled a great portion of the entire temple. "You will have to stand under the water for more than fifteen minutes", he instructed. Now really!? Holding one's breath underwater for fifteen minutes had nothing to do with a break. Ta-hawa sprinted to the lake, I on the other hand wanted to crawl there. 

I was gasping for air, my lungs felt as if they shrunk. "You must be disappointed", I frowned, "not at all, though, your grandfather would. His greatest flaw, he would underestimate you from the beginning", said Jacob. "Well... I guess it's...", "Juda you are made of Kufu stuff. You have the knowledge and skills of your ancestors locked in you. In due time it will manifest", assured Jacob.


How long can you hold your breath? As odd as this may sound, given the fact that holding your breath for too long may kill you. In a given circumstance, if holding your breath would mean saving your life. How long can you hold your breath? There I stood motionless at the bottom of the lake, all matter of content, blur to sight.

Figures of moving objects and green matter that dwells under and of course a figure that belonged to Makela. As I stood there, I began to contemplate on un-concerning matters, that of evolution.

Had man originated from the sea? Honestly, it's a load of rubbish to me though the ingenious detail of inventing such fiction to scientific theoretical matter is fascinating. 

Then again, I would remove the fact; a load of rubbish. Seeing that it was Professor John Edmonstone who schooled Charles Darwin.

I must have been losing my mind to be contemplating such things. There was nothing comfortable about being underwater and for the life of me, I kept on creating the image of a great white shark. I won't watch Jaws or any movie that involves sharks. Unless it is Finding Nemo, fish are friends, not food. Oh man, what is wrong with me? I thought to myself. From philosophically questioning science to Finding Nemo? The lack of air was affecting my brain. Honestly mate, being underwater is no habitat for human beings.

I was completely out at the thought that I had not realized that Makela's figure was no longer among the blur lot. I swam to the surface to join Makela and Jacob. "Are you part submarine?", said an impressed Jacob. "How long was I under?", I asked while taking in the magnificently exquisite oxygen as I dried off. "Twenty-nine minutes", replied Jacob. Maybe my eyes were still blurry from being a merman though I think I saw scorn on Ta-Hawa's face. Impossible!


"Impressive but how?", smiled Jacob. "Thanks. When you are always running away from criminals and the authorities,  one has to adapt and find new places to hide. Hiding was never the problem. Running was", my voice sounded dismayed at the recollection of unwanted memories. Jacob gave me a tap on the shoulder, quite comforting. His touch meant that those days were now over. Now, I'd be the one who people would run away from.

"Right lads, you will dry off by taking a jog around the concealed parameter.", he dismissed us, as if...


 "Everything, every moment and everyone in your life, benevolent or malevolent have shaped who you are. I want you to search inside you. In the chambers of memories and moments that have made you rise and fall. I want you to hold to that. Those who degraded you. Who thought nothing of you. THAT, IS WHAT HAS BROUGHT YOU HERE.", encouraged our mentor as we were put to a test of endurance. As if the jogging was not enduring enough.

We were sprinting underwater at freezing temperatures. Mind you, by no means, is it comfortable. Attempting to sprint under freezing water was similar to sprinting while a thousand knives protruded through you. In such conditions, we were taught to do nearly the impossible. Think, focus and remain alive. Yes, do all that when you are over twenty minutes under freezing water, like the arctic, dude! Jacob produced a red flashlight from his Ark which descended below as a sign that it was time to resurface. 

We gasped for air as our heads popped out of the water. Never have I wanted air that much. As much as good as it had done us, the light, no, not sunlight or daylight (whatever), though the light absorbed by the moon affected our sight. "I cannot see", cried Ta-hawa as she coughed. "Well now, being partially blind will not impede you from hiking back to your chamber. You have seven hours of rest. You've earned it.", explained Jacob.

"Jacob, Sir"; cried Ta-hawa. "Absolute Allegiance is surrendered to the Creed, for the Creed is righteousness", Jacob professed the Third Tenet. "Jacob!? Really, right now!?", complained Ta-hawa. "I am certain that you are under excruciating pain and therefore, makes it the best time to consume this tenet. The pain will serve as a reminder of this tenet. There will come a time when you will need it", he explained as he walked away. He then began to hum to a Brenda Fassi song.

The following morning after breakfast and for a change, we strode to the Manetho Library. As usual, no one saw us or, we so no one on our way to Manetho. Once upon arrival, the entrance to the library was jaw-dropping. There was no ceiling from inside, books and manuscripts would hover from one side to another as if invisible people performed the task.

The floor was made of black marble with moving words engraved on it. No really, the words moved. "Did you know this Library was enchanted by Temple Priest Manetho", Makela dropped a "did you know" fact. The library was self-serviced and maintained, basically it required no human aid except for human curiosity.

Cylinder slabs were erecting from the marble flow called the Slab of Requirements or just SR. The surface of each erected slab displayed a historical event. One would step on the slab and inquire or require a book or manuscript simply by thought. The slab also considered one's curiosity while searching for a precise result.

The library could speak to you, not verbally though like the voice that speaks to you inside your head. Ta-hawa called that voice, Manetho. 

Manetho directed us to the far corner of the library at the discrete section. There, we found a rectangular plain wooden table with books and manuscripts on how to acquire the Mdw Ntru language structure, which the Greeks and all of Gentile refer to as hieroglyphics. We had to learn the language for compulsory reasons.

One, it was the oldest and first complete language system invented by our ancestors and the first language system in the world, two, we had to read pre-historic facts in Mdw Ntru since authentic African history and world history is written in Mdw Ntru. Finally, because it was awesome!

The Library was addictive, not only the aura it radiated though there was an aroma of freshly ripped grapes and coffee with mint. I do not know if it is due to the effects of the aroma but, we were not famished, nor tired and our concentration heightened. Everything was transparent. No misinterpretations, whatsoever.

This is what the first Apostles solely practised before foreign presence, they fed on the knowledge embedded in these books, scrolls, and manuscripts. It felt as if I was consuming the acquired knowledge. Most people argue that water has no taste, if so, then you are only consuming transparent liquid made from a compound of oxygen and hydrogen. One has to familiarize with the distinct taste.

That's exactly how I felt as I fed on the knowledge before me. I have read before for various reasons though none could fathom the point of inquisition I had succumbed to, the lust to read, to know… to be. I read to "be" and not to "possess". To be the knowledge and not possess it, like drinking water simply because it's the equilibrium between life and the body and not due to mundane custom.

How deformed had science become? The metamorphosis of what it was to what it is, is equivalent to the difference between old school Hip Hop and NWA to the micro-wave music done today. This made me question the paradigm which is a paradox to intellectual fiction juxtaposed as fact and fact obscured to fiction. The root cause of global conflict could be mathematically formulated. These people, these masterminds who stored their knowledge to pass it down to us were enlightened with Godlike perspectives.

The reality in pre-historic Africa was not sized or balanced to good or bad, it was not centralized to specific globalized ideology and sciences as they called it in their age; the Mysteries were not facts and logical comprehension but a... a comprehension between the realm in which the body and spirit unite, a state of divinity.

This is... whoa! What the Western world has deformed to magic in the ages before, were practices that were mathematically formulated, a concept of neurolinguistics, algorithms, morphemes and phonemes which in perfect equilibrium produced and ushered the unknown to the known.

Science... science is fickle matter compared to its original African origin. As I sat there, saturated by archaic knowledge, oblivious to my surroundings, oblivious to time, oblivious to Ta-hawa who was drunk in archaic knowledge.

I realized something, if science had been defiled to its current state then was the world filled with defiled minds? Whoa! Too philosophical! I walked through history, seeing every event as it happened and not as it was written. 

"This is why Apostles back in the day had a few heirs to succeed them. They were consumed by the knowledge of archaic wisdom", said Jacob as he pulled us out of the trans. 

"Don't! Open your eyes just yet. You might go blind, permanently this time", he placed shades to protect our sight. "Jacob", called Makela, Jacob interjected. "I can remember everything, vividly. Why is that?", asked Ta-hawa. "That much is a mystery only known to the Apostle Patriarchs. " Sir. I believe that this is the part where you reveal the Fourth and Last Tenet, sir",  I said with a spark of intuition. "Knowledge can also be a bad thing Juda", he returned the expression. "with the knowledge you have acquired here and the continuous to come, remember the Fourth Tenet; Only the innocent may mercy be shown upon", he professed.

The Fourth Tenet was rather ambiguous. Factions of such a nature would stray from harming the innocent, however, the Apostles' Creed made it an option. Why?

"How do you keep all this knowledge inside, sir", I asked. "well, for now, you need a cut and shave, and a shower is in order. A month is a long time", Jacob said as he closed his nose with his right hand. "a month!", bewildered Ta-hawa. "Shower!", exclaimed Jacob as he walked away.

I Slept for about five minutes and then all of a sudden, it was seven o'clock in the morning and I was late! Why didn't Makela wake me up! I got whatever I could and rushed to the training ground only to find Makela training alone. She had not noticed me and I till then, had not noticed how beautiful she was.

The morning star was rising, glowing her goldish skin which made her appear as a goddess, perhaps a combination of  Isis and Aphrodite. She wore training armoury, armouring through the manikin soldiers and she was absolutely beautiful but I wouldn't tell her that just in case she decided to treat me as a manikin soldier.

Makela: it's rude to stare.

Jk: morning to you too and for your info, I was observing.

Makela: yeah, with the way you slacking you need to observe more.

Jk: yo-fada (annoyed). Where's Jacob?

Makela: he had to leave for you know what. He found someone who may know something about his family.

Jk: so, you decided to leave me in my sleep and train alone… Selfish.

Makela: "for your info", I don't sell fish!

Jk: why not? it's lucrative.

Makela: really? … Why don't you step in and show me how lucrative it is, mate!

Jk: are you challenging me?

Makela: it's not like you going to win.

Jk: okay… Let's have a go.


To cut the story short, Makela was kicking my butt. She used all the Four Arts of Combat in random sequences which made it very difficult to counter. Whenever I tried to break an attack, a hit to my back, knee, or any other part of my body got stabbed. I was being beaten by a girl. That's embarrassing if you were raised in the streets of Cape Town… BIG TIME. 

Finally, I remembered my Ark worked as a shield when on neutral so I coward behind my Ark shield, Makela was becoming too aggressive as if she had something against me and this was the perfect time to make it transparent. Ain't no way in hell I was going to be beaten by a girl (note to the reader, this was my way of thinking back in the day. Don't mind my miss conduct,  Foolish boys think foolishly). I knew that I was not concentrating as I should have… I mean I just found out that I was part of a secret brotherhood of another world by blood and I was consumed by Manetho, which takes time to process. 

I would have disappointed the streets of Cape Town that taught me how to survive and the fact that I have been to Gympie Street untouched should testify. 

Within a couple of seconds, I felt this massive adrenaline rush overwhelm me and several things happened. I back-flipped from my coward position which a strike from Makela's sword missed me by an inch, I moved my Ark from neutral to first gear spear using it to disarm her, second gear sword to cut her dagger holster before she could reach it, I moved so fast she hardly had the time to counter my tomahawk which I used to change her standing position to her back lying flat on the ground and the next thing I knew my Ark sword was comfortably pressing on the neck of a girl in a very uncomfortable position. 

"you can let go now...", she said choosing her words carefully. I backed off not understanding what just happened. I held out my bloody hand to help her up but she shoved it away while gasping for air. 

Makela: you think you, funny mate?

Jk: what?

Makela: you pretended to be losing!

Jk: I was!

Makela: yeah right. All this while you were the slow one and now you can suddenly perform an Adrenaline Manoeuvre.

Jk: a what?

Makela: you almost killed me!

Jk: if you haven't noticed, I'm the one who's bleeding here. I only disarmed you! You know what? Forget! [walking away]

Makela:  huh? Jk… Wait… I'm sorry! Wait… Come back! [just realising what she had done].

I was completely furious at her, she was the one stabbing me with her dagger, literally and all I had done was disarm her so why does she get to be angry (girls!), and it's not like I have healing talents so it makes it okay to stub JK.

 I left the training ground and headed for the Healer's Ward, luckily for me I was being patched up but unlucky for her I was not going to speak to her until thy kingdom come!

It was nightfall and I could not go to our chamber. Our chamber, why could I not have my own chamber. I was walking towards the garden; I had been in Bongo Bonang for over four months but I have never seen this garden. I and Makela were limited to the facilities because all we ever did was; train, eat, talk, read, go to Church and sleep. We were limited from what occurred in Bongo Bonang since we trained clandestinely. 

As I approached the garden, I noticed an empty bench, there were two girls on the opposite one. "I fear war is once again, upon us…", said grimly the girl on the right. "I heard that the Maditau is assembling an army against the 11 Council's warning", "an army led by two people who from what we know do not exist" interrupted the girl on the right. "Does not matter!", said the girl on the left.

"it does… The Bantu Kufu is supposed to be here training… Have you seen or heard of him? And then there is the Kammatu Kufu who we thought was… The point is David Kufu is as good as a legend as he is as a myth", "and you know this because?" Asked the girl on the left, "everything that David Kufu has done sounds like a tale to keep people believing that the Kufu still exist, I mean have you ever seen him. He's supposed to be the First World's Eminent student,  one of the fastest pilot in the world, he and his pack are the only people to have come out alive from Moorssaw, the only human we know to return from Ogygia, his the owner of Nimwii and yet no one has ever actually seen him or do you dare to say he's not into the glam life", finished the girl on the right.

"you wrong, General Heru Kwa Nzinga mentors him, Olanma Ogandimu, his PA sees him regularly and from what I know, the Great Professor Dissengomuka also mentors him so don't depict him as a god, he is very much alive. let's go it's getting cold", said the girl on the left, and off they went. 

It was getting cold and I was running out of places to go.  No Disciple knew we were at Bongo

Bonang. I walked to the Bonang tree which is said to be the only standing object when Bongo Bonang was founded about four thousand years ago. All of Bongo Bonang was name after the Bonang tree. 

In the Moonlight the Bonang tree had a silver glow around the top, I was told that on some nights, blue fireflies occupy the leaves of the tree and glowed exquisitely though sadly this night I only witnessed a silver glow around the tree sponsored by the Moon. 

I kept walking, my legs were getting heavier so I was probably climbing a steep hill. By the time I reached the top of the hill I was panting and had to take a knee. When I stood up and noticed the view beyond Temple Bongo Bonang I forgot how to breathe for a moment and in that moment, I also took in what I saw. Fixed and dynamic lights, it must have been the central city of Bongo Bonang. The city was situated near the sea. the city lights had a three-dimensional effect of a woman collecting water apparently from the sea. The smaller lights were probably due to traffic and some fixed lights were from buildings.

The woman placed the calabash filled with water on her head and journeyed in the opposite direction. This was brilliant, I thought to myself. "The story about Oboma the Determined, she gave birth to the Nile river by collecting water from the sea", said a voice. It was one of the girls I saw in the garden, the girl on the left. "Every night is a different story. I usually come here to watch it.", said the girl. "It's amazing".

"I saw you earlier at the garden with your friend talking about the Kufu.", I tried my luck, "yes, you see it has been almost a decade of war and conflict absence though it appears that the government once again is failing at their duty and as usual the citizens of the First World are oblivious to what is happening.", said the girl with a melancholic tone. "I am afraid that once again we must do what we have always done.", she finished and turned to look at me.  It was dark and the only source of light apart from that of the distant city was that of the Moon.

I looked at her as she stared at me, it was quite difficult to tell if she was beautiful or just Moonlight on her face playing tricks. "You are him", she said still staring at me, "I am him?", I asked. "Yes, you are the Kufu from Alkebulan, I'm certain.", she said affirmatively. "I think you are mistaken", I said, I had no idea why I felt the need to remain incognito. "It's your first time here, is it not?", she asked as she stepped closer to me. Luckily for me, the final siren signalled that anyone left outside had about twenty minutes to get indoors before the Watch Hounds were released. 

I and the girl silently walked down the hill, it felt odd like, when you have nothing to say to your girlfriend and she wants you to say something. We reached the garden, she paused and held my left hand to a stop, "I know you won't admit it though I have a feeling it's you. This is where we say goodbye, I hope you do not forget me when you become a General.", she said to me with a blissful expression. "General?", I asked, "yes, when you get to have your coalition", replied the girl. "I don't even know your name…", "Boity Dumelo", she replied as she walked away.

I finally gave up on finding a place to chill and besides I had less than twenty minutes, so I walked back to "our" chamber. Makela was sitting on my bed holding my tomahawk, I could tell that she had been crying though it was not solely due to our duel in the morning. Due to my entrance, she straightened up and started part two of the drama episode. 

Makela: are you alright?

Jk: that depends…

Makela: on?

Jk: I don't know… You might start stabbing me again.

Makela: my apologies, I lost control.

Jk: I see...

Makela: what?

Jk: what!?

Makela: how did you do the Adrenaline Manoeuvre?

Jk: the adrena-what?

Makela: the technique you used today…

Jk: oh... you mean the one I defeated you with?

Makela: yes…

Jk: why do you care?

Makela: you know what?... Just forget it!

Jk: I don't get you… If you want to say something, spit it out!


JK: oh!? that's it!? Fine take the "Chosen One" job, I guess it will serve you well. Do you think there's a prophecy about me? That I'm some kind of hero? I don't have to be here and you know that. The only reason I'm here is… I'm a thug who steals from the rich, I hustle my way in and out of every situation and the only reason I'm here is that the Munssu saw me as less than a threat. I'm going to sleep; I have a long day that waits for me tomorrow. 

Makela: Jacob won't be here tomorrow he ̶

Jk: and nor will I. [I interrupted her]

Makela: what?

Jk: I'm going home… Now, no more questions. Don't you have some "training" to do?

I had no idea Makela felt that way and to think that the same person you laugh and smile with withholds something against you, I guess it's best to be alone than to be surrounded by people who aren't your friends.

I slept angry, sleeping angry provoke odd dreams. I dreamt about a place, I don't know exactly where. There were young adults dressed in black (some sort of uniform), there was this particular young adult whom the police officers were arresting and everybody went dead silent, it was as if their leader was being taken from them and all they could do was watch in horrific silence. 

Before he entered the vehicle he, made a fist with his right hand, placed it to his heart, and raised his cuffed hands causing the lot to start chanting in different tongues, as he entered the police vehicle the crowd began to sing; Senzeni Na?  

Although in different languages, the most fascinating part was that even though they sang in different languages there was this harmonious atmosphere and I could feel it. I even felt the person behind me hold my left shoulder, calling "Jk? Jk? Jk!? Are you alright?". I turned to see who it was but then I woke up. Makela had woken me and I was not in the mood for a third drama episode.

Makela: how-fa…

Jk: yeah?

Makela: I wanted… Well I was- I mean, huh… want to… [she stuttered] 

Jk: look I have a long way to go, the way to Adelaia is quite far so if you were brief that would help a lot. [getting up from bed]

Makela: I… I… Well ammm…

Jk:  well that was brief. [getting most of my stuff]

Makela: jk?

Jk: yes? [opening the door to leave]

Makela: don't go!

Jk: that's all you wanted to say? Well, it took you a while to utter two words, anyway, good luck. [leaving the chamber, closing the door behind].

I left, I took everything that was mine in any case which was almost as good as nothing. I left all my new weapons and toys. I was already missing Nimzy, my tomahawk. I went to the training ground for the last time, I had learned so much over the past months. I walked past the Garden to take in her beauty; the shades of green were amazing. 

I remembered a question I had and I knew exactly where to find the answer. The Library of Manetho was pack with disciples, a few stared as I walked by while most were in a trance-like state. Whisper got louder as eyes turned on me but I was hardly concerned. I step on a Slab of Requirements and got in tune with the sheer madness of brilliance.

"I am Juda Kufu of the Bantu rite. The only reaming Bantu Kufu to the royal crown. Why am I unable to nature shift?", I asked. Unnaturally it took longer than usual.

"well...", said Manetho's voice. "you have been altered spiritually. Odumship is linked to the state of your spirit. You have consumed the knowledge of the paled faces; fed on the manmade indoctrination of rightness to God and therefore are not a Mukongo. Your roots may be in place though you are not linked to them. You cannot be as your colonizers have conditioned you to be nor return to who you were. You are in transit, culturally mixed and the Odumship does not mix. it does not share its temple", it replied.

"then why am I able to compel others? Is that not also linked to my genealogy?", I asked. Manetho stroked his beard. I was not sure how I knew that though it felt surreal. "the ability you refer to is hereditary whilst Odumship is a conditional privilege unto Kongo of royalty which, has been forsaken", what a ray of sunshine!

"So I have inherited these attributes, which, I don't even know how to use and the one that I would like is beyond my reach… that's unfair", I exclaimed. "Boy! I am a Library and not your psychologist, do you know the difference?", "sorry. What… what would it take for me to return to Self?", I asked, although, dismayed. "Do you know what an Odum is?". Manetho asked me, "well, not really. Can you tell me?", I asked with a spark of excitement, "Tut, it is classified", "you know, you have an attitude problem", I sighed. "Yes, Unlike you, I know everything"; the Library smirked. Again, don't ask me how I know.

I didn't reply, it could read my mind well enough to know I was cussing. "Little human being, you want to be what you cannot and that alone is the problem in itself. You want. Wanting is a western nature whilst being is within the nature-fluid Odum. It is the principle of Kemet. The Obsession to be Self is a concept that you and the western world will never fathom. Son of Kufu, you have to acquire Self. as to how long, that shall take, will depend on you. Perhaps then, you shall unlock your true potential, your true nature.", it concluded.

I could not be more disheartened by this, so, I left without a retort. Without even thinking about it, I returned to the training ground. I stood there for a while, suddenly, Makela came running out of the chamber calling my name. 

It was a very cold Sunday morning but that did not stop her from coming out still dressed in her sleeping shorts with Nimzy in her right hand.

Makela: you forgot your weapons…

Jk: I will not require them.

Makela: You forgot me. 

She embraced me. For a girl of her physical stature she does have a firm grip, I felt as if it were a bear embracing me, too tight, I squeaked. She refused to let go, "not until you forgive me", she managed. 

Jk: what was that for?

Makela: I wanted to shut you up before you could say anything.! Jk I'm sorry I was jealous and stupid please forgive me.

Jk: only if you don't go aggressive on me the next time we duel.

Makela: I shall not.

Jk: good.

I and Ta-hawa were at peace. Well, now you know what happens to an armed combat-trained girl when it's that time of the month, though there was more to her story that she wasn't willing to share yet, too many mixed emotions bottled up in one person.

Jacob returned about three weeks later with leads as to where his family might have been, a nomad from Timbuktu claimed to have met a young woman with a child who resembled Jacob. That wasn't much, well, nothing at all though, Jacob followed the nomad's direction to where he last saw them. Jacob was surprised that we had mastered the Adrenaline Manoeuvre without his tutoring, due to this he made us train thrice as hard.