
The apex of existence

A man revived and landed on a unknown territory part of earth ‘is earth really the smallest.’ ‘Why is this continent big as Jupiter I’m on’ ‘I’ll make my own empire!’

Addictions · realistisch
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2 Chs


['Why am I in a green forest..'] thought Hun Lee as he stood up straight and turned about and started marching let's give you some info hun Lee was a 1 and quadruple person that can only be borne once the other dies he had photo graphic memory so he remembers everything clearly even if its a blur he was a soldier and was taught how to make stuff etc why it was the 3rd world war everything they knew was destroyed they learned how to make something out of nothing and always be on guard during a mission a large Russian bomb dropped and rounded the earth 4 times lucky ones scattered across earth new continents emerged from the sea the lost city of Atlantis showed and many other lost ancient civilization in the deep waters but quickly where turned to dust the earth split but somehow repaired made it bigger radiation made new species and races they scattered across countless battles and fought the ones feared most... The Apex Race they where named for there strength to regenerate in two days and hands to crush anything humans made and species but not all crushed some had dents from there battles and ended up dying of internal injuries. Years after the wars ended some gained abilities and hun Lee's was immortality with a system.. he was destined to be all and nothing to rule over all and face countless battles and work his way to the top. With a system that didn't talk

<Apex chain: lowest you in strength and highest is the high Leekers> he shivered in fear when he heard it leekers where battle hungry maniacs that ambushed successfully but only participated in wars and chaos and finding food they caused 90% of casualties to both and all races as he had a battle flash back

"Everyone! Get down! Unknown beings detected!" Said the CPL as large bombs where seen flying towards and large blueish and greenish creatures game towards running with 3 horns on there head and intense muscles they destroyed the squad and few survived or 1 did that was hun lee.

"Sir! What brings you here today!" You are instantly being promoted to gen of the army why you defeated unknown enemies we saw through the body cam" said the CEO of the BlackSeeker squad spoke and gave him a badge


"Well it's time to move on past is the past" said hun lee remembering his family friends and everybody close dying from the bloody war

@:&:&;&(&/@;!(&:&.&:: NEW FUNCTION EMPIRE BUILD EMPIRE SYSTEM AWAKENING ;&4$;$4&;)29;$;$;99%£~£{£|£{£<£}€£~!'slekfj23@@399900[|€100%^€~£|€ <Virus detected: Name: Empire]ALLOW][DECLINE> Allow

He selected that option he blacked out..