
The Antagonist's Final Ambition: Chronicles of Chaos

One day, the Lords of the Abyss issued a challenge to the entire human race. "Come humans, challenge the abyss because your wish will be granted. A single wish will be the reward of the one who manages to overcome all of the trials." To keep the promise that he made to his only friend, Lucian intended to venture inside this Abyss, a place where anything could happen, a bottomless hole that appeared on Earth after the Great Cataclysm. Soon after setting out on this journey, Lucian met Rita under unusual circumstances, and they started to travel together. She was a woman that had the potential to become the last piece that he needed to put his plan into execution. But was Rita the person Lucian thought she was? Lucian was also in possession of a cursed helmet that asks for a heavy price from the one who uses it in exchange for extraordinary power. Lucian knew that he needed more than just his intellect if he wanted to finish what he started. But what were Lucian's real objectives? Was he after the wish?/What would he find beyond this bottomless hole? What would he see at the end of his journey? :::::: Disclaimer: The art on the cover is not mine. If you are an artist, or if you want it to be removed, then please message me. ****** My other work: The villainess shall be mine The Last Man: Saga of the Nightmare Invoker ******* Discord server link: https://discord.gg/NEVByMMQBq

Kepalozoid · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Lucian's Plan [3]

Lucian had become the center of attention again.

Every person inside the elevator knew that the bulky man wasn't bluffing and he was quite powerful, however, Lucian didn't do anything much to calm him down.

The bulky man himself was surprised by what was happening to him.

But while everyone's eyes were fixated on him, Lucian took a dark purple stone from his bag.

"I will take this opportunity to show you this," Lucian said, his expression turned serious.

It was bigger than the red stones and was faintly emanating a purple light. The stone had such a presence that the moment Lucian put it on display, a faint dark mist enveloped the room.

"This stone was extracted from high-level beasts'. Exclusively for this week, I will sell it for one hundred million Ariad."

"Huh?" All of the people inside the elevator didn't understand what Lucian tried to do.

But with these words, Lucian raised the stone in the air, displaying it in full view on his palm. Of course, because they were all curious about the stone, their eyes followed Lucian's hand.

"Well, I will let you think about it for now. I am sure we will meet again," Lucian said, exiting the elevator in a quick motion while everyone was still processing the information.

Because of what happened, most of the people inside the elevator didn't realize that they had reached the highest floor guests could go up to. A special card was required, which must be inserted on a pad next to the elevator's door, to access the upper levels.

The chubby merchant and the bulky had also left the elevator after Lucian, and only the knights and the adventurers remained inside.

'I better finish investigating before it begins,' Lucian thought, thinking back about the white-haired man as he strolled outside, on a paved road.

He didn't have to play the merchant for the time being, and if he rushed things up, it might further alter the plan.

Although he knew what they were up to, the white-haired man and the merchant were still within the scope of tolerable existences. They were still useful.

So if they did something annoying and he ended up killing all of them accidentally even though they might be useful later, it would be nothing more than unnecessary losses. That was why he needed to intervene. However, his actions inside the elevator weren't completely meaningless. At least, it allowed him to confirm one various thing.

Anyway, It was better to use and get the most out of human resources.

Looking at his surroundings, Lucian knew that was now on one of the floating islands and all of the buildings were pretty tall. He couldn't say much about their design though.

Despite the number of buildings, however, the environment could be described as green and peaceful. Everything was well maintained, down to the random bushes on the side of the roads.

It surprised him how much dedication these people put into taking care of this town. Well, it was beautiful so it was worth it, Lucian thought. Humans could do something like this when they put their minds to something. That should be something natural.

"So what are you doing there?" Lucian asked, looking at the shadow of a certain building that was cast on the ground.

"Choupyu~" A head and an umbrella appeared from the ground, from within the shadow. It was the girl with an eye patch.

"So what's your name?" Lucian asked.

"Valentina~," The girl said and posing in front of Lucian.

"Okay, Valentina. I will tell you one of my secrets. But before that, you need to do something for me," Lucian said, surprising Valentina.

He wasn't in the least bothered by her presence, almost as if he knew everything.

"I can't win against you. I want to know your secret~" Valentina didn't try to hide her true intention. Despite her looks, she was an adventurer, and she was strong.

"Go to the lowest floor and search for a pink-haired woman. Show her what being an adventurer means. If you perform satisfactorily, I will give you one answer. If you want to know more after that, you have to do something for me again," Lucian explained.

"Choupyu~ Are you challenging me? Well, okay. I don't dislike you," Valentina said, and then disappeared into the shadow.

Looking at her, Lucian concluded that her relic gave her some pretty insane ability.

She was also an interesting specimen, Lucian thought. Up to this point, he found four of them, and his plan to gather all of them was already in motion.

Now, he needed to set up the stage for them to be put in an environment where they would evolve.

'I guess, I don't have the choice,' Lucian thought, looking at the sky.

Swoosh! Lucian kicked the ground and propelled himself in the air.

However, the distance between the floating island and the top of the white tower was considerable, so he needed to use one of his abilities to keep himself from being dragged down by gravity.

What Lucian did wasn't as easy as it sounded, and it took him hundreds of years, eight hundred to be exact, to achieve that level of mastery.

Lucian was human but a superior one. There was a huge difference between a normal superior human and a normal human. And Lucian could be considered a super superior woman. The power gap was huge.

The reason why he achieved such a high was that he managed to uncover the mystery behind the reason why humans couldn't evolve and the reason for their existence.

As such, he could now manipulate one of the fundamental forces that govern the universe, the Neutral Particles.

The human species had long lost the ability to sense and control this particle because of the parasite inside them.

So even without the helmet, Lucian could say confidently that he was still the strongest human.

And if a human like him existed, he wanted to meet them, and hopefully, they were a woman. That would make things so much easier. Well, that was just hopeful thinking.

'As expected, the whole area is surrounded by a barrier,' Lucian thought, floating above a town made of Crystal.

Apart from the town at the center, there was nothing but water around it, certainly because it was built in the middle of a big lake.

All of the buildings were tall but also shiny like jewels. Even the trees that grew in this area had golden leaves.

In other words, this was the City of Light, Everlight.

Lucian touched the barrier with his hand, then it began to distort as if an invisible force was drilling a hole in it.

He saw a single bridge leading to what appeared to be a royal castle that was situated in the middle of all of the shiny buildings. Not that it wasn't as shiny as the others.