

Somewhere, in a sunny day, as per usual, a worker came running down the street because he was late for work. It's nothing unusual, but, a person stopped him.

"Hey sir! Excuse me, I need to talk to you."

"Huh? What do you think you're doing? I'm going to be late for work here!" Said the worker in an angry tone.

The person just smiled, and asked, "I'm sorry to bother you, but, can you come with me for a moment? I'm sure that you will know that it's quite important news."

"Yeah? How do I know if you are not lying? You could be some sort of scammer, rob me, and take my money if I go with you." The worker with an obvious irritated tone.

Again, the man just smiled. "Perhaps, this will assure you?" The person just showed him a piece of paper.

The worker just sighed and reluctantly agreed. So they went into a small restaurant. The restaurant wasn't really busy. There were almost no one in the restaurant. The worker became sketchy, thinking it's not normal for a restaurant to be this empty. But then again, people should be at working hours right now. They chose a seat and ordered something to drink.

"So, tell me exactly what you wanted to talk to me about. I don't have all day just to be dragged by you into random places."

"Straight to the point and impatient I see. Though, that's one of the quality's that I like."

The worker just sighed, trying to keep his temper. He was contemplating whether he should just get out of there or he should just go along with the flow.

"Is it that hard to just tell me what you need of off me? Unlike you, I have work to do. Now if you ACTUALLY don't have anything to say to my face, then I'm leaving."

They just chuckled. The worker's temper was rising. It seemed like he could explode any moment.

"I'm sorry, let me get to the point. You are here because I need to ask you a few questions. Might I warn you to not tell a lie." They said.

"Yeah, yeah, just tell me what you wanted to ask already! I don't have all day to be here and do idle chit chat."

"Alright then. Let's start. Have you ever seen this woman?"

He then proceeded to show the worker a picture. She was smiling, and she seemed happy. But the thing is, the picture is torn. Half of the frame gone.

"Sure, I've seen her around here, but if you just dragged me here to ask me about some missing person."

"Oh no, but sir, I do advice you to try and keep your temper in check." The mysterious person said smiling. The worker just clicked his tongue and grumbled under his breath.

"Alright, my next question. Do you know her well?"

"No, I only usually see her around the bar about eight blocks away."

Just right when he answered their question, the waiter comes to their table with their orders. They said their thanks.

"Alright. This shall be my last question. What do you think this is?"

The aura in the restaurant suddenly changed, things have gone quite and grim. The object the mysterious person showed him was a picture object that the worker was wearing. A watch.

"A watch? The watch looked exactly like mine. What's the watch have to do anything with me?"

The mysterious person showed him the picture of the woman he first showed.

"Look at her wrist, she was wearing the same watch as you are now."

He just laughed thinking it was some kind of magic trick and took a sip of his drink.

"Oh man, I hadn't laughed like that in a while."

"Now, you see, this watch, is different than any others. This was specially made. Take the watch off and check the inside."

The man did as said, he suddenly turned quite. His face turned pale in an instant.

"Notice it, didn't you? There is a symbol at the back, a rose, it had the same pattern as the necklace and bracelet that she was wearing. If you read the news, you'll notice the watch she was wearing was missing."

The mysterious man then stood up. He told all of the employee and staff to close the restaurant and leave. The man was in shock. He wanted to move, he needed to move, but he can't.

"What are you planning on doing to me?"

"Don't worry, I'm just going to teach you a lesson."

Then something black enveloped them both like a ball, except the shape was a cube. Just like that, they were gone.


The man woke up, groaning. He was in an unfamiliar place. There was plants all over the place, no, it was everywhere around him. He stood up and looked down at the pavement. He saw a knife poking out of it. Then, he also noticed his clothes also changed.

Suddenly, an envelope showed up in front of him. He is cautious, but, he tried to take the knife, but he cut himself in the process. He then opened the envelope with the knife and started to read the message inside it.

"Had a nice nap haven't you? Well, here's the deal. I know that you know that you did something quite unforgiveable. I won't tell anyone, but, might I remind you once again not to lie. You see, if you hadn't lie earlier, maybe I would've gone easier on you, but alas, a sin is a sin, and punishments must be served. Are you ready for your first task? Might I need to also tell you to mind where you step."

The worker then looked behind the paper only to find it blank. He then started to look around the small space he was in for another clue for his so called task. He then saw one. But, he froze in place. Why you may ask?

A hand painted with blood was holding it. It looked lifeless, it seemed pale. Yet, it was still able to hold a piece of envelope as if it still could move it's muscles as if it were alive.

When he took the envelope, the hand fell right then and there. It disappeared into thin air right when he tried to look down.

He then thought maybe he was dreaming when he turned around to find the hand moving towards the bushes with blood coming out of it's but wrist. Leaving blood trails behind. He swallowed a shriek that was about to escape.

Of he go to do his first task.


"A man was found dead at a restaurant. The police identify that the man's identity was the city'a renown 'Woman Hunter'. Finally, women could rest a bit." The news goes on and on about the murdered killer. The man watching the TV looked at the TV with a motionless face.

He then went to the sink and washed his hands. The sink then was full of blue dye. He looked at himself in the mirror and said,

"One down, infinite to go."