
The First Light Point Activated?? The Ability Known as Boost..........to be explained in later chapters

"Okay, okay, shut your mouths for one second and let me speak." Jack said as he once again stood on the table facing the enormous crowd. He just had a few things to say but only a few minutes to say it.

Once everyone had stopped talking and was giving him their undivided attention, he began talking. "I believe that we all know that we've all basically been fucked over, that much is obvious. From this point onwards however, we gotta make sure we stay alive and keep fighting to the end. Its up to each individual to bring their A-game."

Jack looked over the faces of the crowd, faces filled with determination, worry, fear, and even rage. A plethora of emotions scattered through the ranks of all the people present. "Everyone has to look after themselves for a period of 1 week, to get themselves acclimated to their house and their new jobs. However after a period of a week I want everyone to meet up back here for a staus check. Whether you come or not is up to you."

After saying this, he was about to step down from the table when a voice sounded out. A sort of feminine voice but held hints of masculinity in it. It was a difficult thing to describe but it was a sort of genderless voice that could have belonged to anyone.

"Can we come to the park before then? What if we want to interact with other people?" The voice belonged to a young female with bright pink hair and feminine armor.

"Sorry girly, I forgot to mention that!!" Jack stood back up, hobbling back into a standing position. "Thanks for reminding me!!"

"Thanks but I'm not a girl," The pink haired figure replied with a smile. "I'm not a guy either.....I dont really want to tell people my gender, only if I feel like it. However feel free to call me 'she' or 'her' for matter of convience, or you can call me Astolfo."

"Umm thanks for the information I guess," Jack said, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "As for the question involving coming back here, feel free to come back. There'll no doubt be plenty of people here during the day so make sure to come over during the night. If thats all the questions then I'll be stepping down now."

"Then I'll take everything from here," A voice beside him said. "You did a pretty decent job in leading but I believe that I can handle things from here."

Gasps were heard from all around and all eyes flickered onto the guard from earlier, the one who had called himself Gladisor Adriach. He had once again appeared from nowhere, as of put of thin air, and this time he wasnt alone.

Far off near the end of the crowd, dozens of guards pushed their way through the hundreds of people, heading towards the center. They weren't very polite about how they went about it either, as they shoved people aside regardless of gender or age.

"Now if you'll please step off the table, it would be greatly appreciated." Gladisor said, raising his hand. Putting his index finger and thumb together, he flicked the air in front of Jack. "Your no longer needed."

What happened next stunned the whole crowd as Jack, who had been more than a foot away from Gladisor, went flying off the table and slammed into a few people who had tried to catch him. However, Jack had already been unconscious before he had even reached the crowd, trails of blood making its way from his lips, his forehead, and his arms.

The crowd which had long fallen silent, now began to panic, and some even wanted to run away, but only to realize that they were trapped. Dozens upon dozens of guards were spread out and blockading the eixts, stopping anyone from attempting to escape.


A loud bang rang out, causing everyone to not only turn to look, but to also once again fall completely silent. The noise had come from Gladisor, who was still standing on the table, when he flicked his finger and blew up a nearby wooden table, blowing fragments everywhere.

"I got your attention? Good," Gladisor said with a smile. Though it now looked rather evil to the rest of the group. "I got good news and bad news!! The good news is that your all going to be assigned homes, the bad news is that you'll all be enrolled into the military. Except for him!!"

Gladisor pointed at the unconscious body of Jack, who was currently being attended to by Bella and Eva. "That young man, lucky him, has been chosen for a much higher ranking then the rest of you. He shall be sent to one of the best homes in the best part of the city!! It'll be great...its a reward for all of his efforts in leading all of you."

Now, this wouldn't have sounded so bad, except for the fact that the guards both inside the crowd and surrounding the crowd were all laughing uncontrollably. It was clear that everything Gladisor was one big joke to them, making it obvious that Jack was in some sort of trouble.

"What the hell do you want with him?" Bella asked, yelling over at Gladisor. "He hasn't done anything to you, nor has he broken any law, or at leadt that any of us are aware of."

The figure of Gladisor disappeared with a rush of wind and reappeared behind Bella, appearing without so much as a sound. The rest of the crowd was still silent, just watching as Gladisor grabbed Bella by the hair and yanked her up, pulling her into a standing position.

"Don't push you luck you filthy bitch," Gladisor said, his earlier grin replaced by one of anger. "If it wasnt for the law in place that prevented me from killing refugees, you all would have been LONG dead. Hell, your lucky I don't have my way with you and that slut of a blonde holding that useless sack of meat."

He pulled back his fist and was prepared to punch her, when his arm was suddenly grabbed by someone, a strong grip that belonged to someone at least of a level 10, something that genuinely surprised the level 56 Gladisor. Keeping his fist tightened in Bella's hair, he turned to see who had grabbed him and was stunned.

"Let her go!!!" Jack said as blood flowed from his wounds, his eyes filled with rage. His grip tightened on Gladisor, making the man wince, and filling the man with rage and confusion. "NOW!!!"

Jack swayed on his feet, blood dripping its way down his body. It was obvious that he was just barely standing, most lukely having used the last bit of his strength just to stand up.

Gladisor let go of Bella's hair, allowing her to drop to the grassy ground. He smirked and yanked his arm away from Jack, then returned the favor by slamming his fist into Jack's stomach, sending him flying backwards before crashing into the stone wall.

"I want all of these refugees sorted into fine houses, the best you can find," Gladisor said as he walked over to the once again unconscious Jack. "However, I want the blonde slut, and the black haired bitch sent to the slums along with this piece of trash. Troublemakers should be squashed before they can grow and become a nuisance."

Gladisor pressed a foot against Jacks face, pressing down roughly on his cheek. "I want you to see me pleasuring those two bitches of yours, I want you to see me abuse them. However, I dont have the authority to do that as of yet. In due time though, all in due time."

"Begin the sorting," Gladisor shouted removing his foot and walking back into the crowd, the people parting way for him. "Lets get this shit over with."

//Okay, before you jump on me in the comments let me explain a few things.

1 Light Point = 1 Level

Jack's first ability is "Boost", which allows him to temporarily gain strength that far surpasses the normal stats. This of course means that he had activated his first light point!! As to how and when he did that, it'll be explained some time in the next few chapters so just try and be cool.

Make sure to comment below and show me some love
