
information 2 /poll closed

so I'm I've been studying anime weapons and I'm thinking of make the kusunagi from Naruto will be the first weapon drop for the first boss it will be a 5% drop rate

first boss defeat has a 100 % drop rate

2 % drop rate for skills 0.01% chance to weak random bloodline ( not just Naruto bloodlines these are only the first boss's drop rates and

poll for first boss

A: orchimaru

B: Kabuto

C: Manda the snake

I want the first boss to be snake themed so these are the options because orchimaru has a right head snake transformation Kabuto ends up as a mix of snake and man and Manda cause he's a snake all characters will only have up to 4 skills when first summoned

it will be like this if it's orchimaru or kabuto for thier first evolution they will gain the dead bone pulse or a random bloodline . if you chose Manda lets say you'll be able to choose alot of paths like , you can chose if he grows another head or gain tough scales or spit clouds of acidic mist or clouds of venom