

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasie
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132 Chs

Uncle Green

Princess Moon came closer to where Asura and Su Lin were, and said, "Let's go, this place is not safe to heal. Let's take him to a safe place."

Su Lin nodded and threw down an artifact. The artifact grew in size and took the form of a flying stretcher. She then picked up Asura and laid him on the stretcher. Afterward, Princess Moon, Su Lin, and the flying stretcher bearing Asura headed northeast, where many Xiao Kingdom soldiers, including strong ones, were present.

Here was where the Fourth Minister was guarding. The Fourth Minister was not only a good fighter but also very well-versed in medicine and alchemy. All warriors who were injured and could be saved were present here.

When Princess Moon, Su Lin, and the sleeping Asura approached the camp, the guards stopped them. The guards' cultivation levels were at the mid-Sky Realm, showing how well-guarded this place was. But recognizing it was the princess, the guards bowed.

Princess Moon nodded and passed through with Asura and Su Lin, heading to the biggest tent.

Inside they found many patients already, as casualties in the ongoing war had been severe, exacerbated by the early participation of strong cultivators like Monster Abyss and Juliet.

At the center, a green-haired late middle-aged man was healing patients. Sensing Princess Moon's aura, he asked, "Princess, are there any commands from His Majesty?"

Without looking back, fully concentrated on his work. It showed how much he cared for his patients.

Princess Moon said, "No Uncle Green, I just came here because this place is safe for my friends to recover."

Uncle Green finished treating his patient and then turned toward Princess Moon and bowed, "Sorry, Princess for not showing courtesy before."

Princess Moon quickly helped Uncle Green rise and said, "Uncle Green, no need for such courtesy. You were healing the patient, and I know that is always your first priority, so don't bother with it."

Then she asked, "Uncle Green, can you look at Asura? Although Su Lin said his injuries are bad, they are not fatal to his life and he is just exhausted. But the injuries on his body look terrifying, and I don't want Asura left with some hidden injuries which may cause him problems later."

Uncle Green said, "Of course, Princess. Is that the guy named Asura lying on the flying stretcher?"

Princess Moon and Su Lin nodded simultaneously and said, "Yes." Although Su Lin knew Asura's injuries looked terrifying but were not fatal to his life, in her heart she was still not relaxed. Her master was also not here with her to tell her about Asura's situation accurately.

So she was happy when Princess Moon asked Uncle Green to take a look at Asura. Uncle Green examined Asura.

Uncle Green said, "Although his injuries are not minor, these injuries are not fatal to his life." Then he looked at Su Lin and said, "Girl, you have some talent for observing a patient. Do you mind if I ask you to become my disciple?"

Su Lin was first surprised to hear this, then shook her head and said, "Sorry Master Green, I already have a master. I can't be your disciple."

Uncle Green was not angry at all when he heard Su Lin's reply. Instead, he said, "I just asked casually, don't mind me. With your skills, I'm certain your master is also a cultivator with experience in medicinal skills, and his skills must be not inferior to mine. There is a chance that his skills may be superior to mine."

Then he looked at Su Lin and asked, "Am I right?"

Su Lin replied with a smile, "Maybe, because I also don't know the limits of my master's skills."

This time, it was Princess Moon who was surprised. She said to Su Lin, "Next time, you have to take me with you to meet your master. I haven't met your master yet."

Su Lin replied, "If my master wants to meet you, I will make sure you meet my master."

Princess Moon said with some complaint in her tone, "Your master is really mysterious. Even my father has had to wait to meet him because most of the time, he is not present in his residence. And look now, war is going on but your master is nowhere to be seen."

Su Lin replied, "My master said that he has something important to do, so he went out of the Xiao Kingdom."

Princess Moon said with a mischievous smile, "I know, I am just teasing you, don't take it seriously."

Uncle Green returned his attention to Asura and said, "Although his injuries are not fatal, if not treated in time, they could become fatal. So I am going to treat him now."

Then he looked at Princess Moon and Su Lin and said, "You two can go to the resting room. I will treat him now."

Su Lin asked, "Why? Can't I be here when you're treating him?"

Uncle Green said, "Yes, you can be here but I have to apply some medicine directly to the wounds so they can heal fast. The wounds are all over his body, so I will have to make him naked before applying the medicine. If you guys want to see him naked, you can stay."

Su Lin's face started to become red when she heard the word 'naked' and she quickly walked away from that place. Princess Moon was no better - she was also blushing a little and followed Su Lin.

When Uncle Green saw this scene, he laughed a little, but the laughter was wholehearted and he muttered, "Young people."

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