

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasie
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132 Chs

The Rare Summoning Treasure

When Juliet took out the item, it gleamed in the golden light. It was a rare summoning treasure personally gifted to her by the Queen of the Hell Kingdom.

It turned out that both Juliet and Romeo were from the Hell Kingdom, and they had arrived in advance of an impending invasion to both enjoy themselves and gather information.

The summoning treasure had been bestowed upon Juliet in recognition of her contributions to the Hell Kingdom. Such summoning treasures of an unknown level were exceptionally rare, with only three of their kind in the entire Hell Kingdom.

In contrast, most other kingdoms possessed two, some only had one, and a few had none at all.

These treasures were highly coveted and had the potential to spark wars between kingdoms in their pursuit. Not because of the unknown level of the summoned creatures, but due to the fact that even the weakest summon could rival the power of a peak Sky Realm cultivator, while the stronger summons remained shrouded in mystery.

The summoning treasure activated, and Juliet spared no effort, even offering her own blood essence to ensure the summoning of a more potent creature. She was resolute in utilizing every available resource, even if it meant sacrificing her blood essence. In this dire situation, hesitation had no place.

Juliet turned to Romeo and ordered him, "Romeo, provide some of your blood essence to activate this summoning treasure quickly." Romeo nodded and complied. Juliet wasn't surprised by his actions, as she had him under her control, unable to refuse her requests or orders.

As the summoning ritual reached its climax, a portal of otherworldly nature began to take shape. From within this portal, a palpable aura of hellish energy radiated, immobilizing even the most seasoned cultivators. The malevolence of this aura numbed the bodies of those who dared to stand too close.

Slowly, a creature emerged from the portal. At first, only its head was visible, resembling the fearsome visage of a Tyrannosaurus rex. However, as the entire body came into view, it transformed into a miniature version of Godzilla, combining the most striking features of both legendary creatures.

The hybrid T. rex Godzilla creature stood at an imposing height of approximately 5 meters, slightly taller than the tiger-like magical beast whose height was around 4 meters. Their body's lengths were equally matched, measuring about 20 meters.

As soon as the hybrid T. rex-Godzilla emerged, it wasted no time. In a burst of ferocity, it launched an attack against the tiger-like magical beast, ready to engage in a monumental battle of titanic proportions.

The hybrid T. rex-Godzilla creature surged forth from the portal, its massive form shaking the very ground beneath it. The ground quaked with each thunderous footstep as it closed in on the tiger-like magical beast, which had only moments ago been their formidable adversary.

The tiger-like magical beast, though powerful and ferocious, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of this new and even more intimidating foe. Its golden eyes widened in shock as it beheld the nightmarish hybrid that had emerged from the portal.

Juliet and Romeo, standing at a safe distance, could barely believe their eyes. The creature they had summoned was a true force of nature, a living embodiment of destruction and power. Romeo said with admiration, "worthy of a creature summoned by a rare summoning treasure."

Juliet remained silent, her anger simmering inside as she contemplated how to explain their use of this precious treasure to the queen. She was lost in thought about having to admit that they had utilized the Hell Kingdom's invaluable treasure even before the invasion had commenced.

She knew the queen well, if she had used the treasure during the invasion itself, the queen might not have cared. However, employing it in this situation was a different matter entirely.

Juliet feared punishment because she and Romeo had ventured into the Xiao Kingdom of their own accord, without notifying the queen. Her primary intention had been to enjoy themselves, If they could gather important information that would be a bonus.

The hybrid T. rex-Godzilla creature roared with a deafening intensity, a sound that echoed through the forest and sent shockwaves reverberating through the air. Its roar was a challenge, a declaration of its dominance and readiness to engage in battle.

With swift and deliberate movements, the hybrid creature lunged at the tiger-like magical beast. Its massive jaws opened wide, revealing rows of dagger-like teeth that glinted ominously in the dim light of the forest. The magical beast tried to evade, but the sheer speed of the hybrid made it impossible to escape unscathed.

The jaws of the hybrid creature clamped down on the magical beast's neck, causing it to let out a roar of pain and fury. The battle between these two colossal beings had begun, and it was nothing short of cataclysmic.

The hybrid creature's atomic breath, a devastating weapon that had the power to level mountains, was unleashed. A searing bluish-white beam of energy shot forth from its gaping maw, striking the magical beast's chest with incredible force. The impact created a massive explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the forest and toppling trees like matchsticks.

The tiger-like magical beast, though valiant, was clearly outmatched. It tried to retaliate with its own spiritual attack 'his spiritual roar', but it was paled in comparison to the raw power of the hybrid. Every swipe of its colossal claws and every bite of its serrated jaws inflicted grievous wounds on the magical beast.

Juliet and Romeo watched in awe and terror as the battle unfolded before them. They had summoned a creature of unimaginable might, and it was laying waste to their adversary with ruthless efficiency. Yet, they couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the tiger-like magical beast, which had been a formidable opponent in its own right.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the tiger-like magical beast was nearing its limit. Its once-golden fur was now matted with blood, and its roars of defiance had turned into agonized cries of pain.

With a final, earth-shaking roar, the hybrid T. rex-Godzilla creature delivered a crushing blow, sending the magical beast sprawling to the forest floor. It was clear that the battle was over, and the victor had been decided.

The hybrid creature stood triumphant, its chest heaving as it surveyed the aftermath of the battle. Smoke and debris filled the air, and the forest was in ruins. But the threat of the tiger-like magical beast had been vanquished, thanks to the terrifying power of the creature they had summoned.

But then the creature looked at Romeo and Juliet with a killing intent. Both of them said in unison, "Oh, no."

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