

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasie
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132 Chs

Glolden Sprituial Compass

After discussing Asura's experiences inside the pseudo-life-and-death match, Princess Moon hinted to Kallu to give Su Lin and Asura some private time.

Kallu was smart enough to understand Princess Moon's intention and made an excuse but that was not actually an excuse, saying, "Brother Asura, now that you have awakened your hidden strength, I feel like I am lagging behind, so I'm going on an adventure to find some opportunities."

Asura asked, "Are you going alone?" Kallu replied, "Yes, if I take you with me, it doesn't mean I have to share the opportunity. I already lag behind, and if we both get an opportunity, I will still lag behind you. Do you really want your good brother always lagging behind you?"

Asura replied, "Absolutely not. I'm just a little bit worried about you."

Kallu then said, "Don't worry; I will be able to return within one month's time. This opportunity will be mine."

Asura asked, "How will you find an opportunity? It's all about luck, isn't it?"

Kallu replied with a "hee hee" and smiled. Then Kallu asked, "Do you remember I let you guys find the treasure in the forest where we found the flying artifacts, which helped us a lot in dealing with the Crimson Cobra Syndicate?"

Asura and Su Lin nodded and said simultaneously, "I remember," but Su Lin was still bowing her head, not facing anyone.

Then Asura asked, "Do you all think that it was a coincidence that I found that place?"

Asura said, "I don't know."

With a smile on his face, Kallu pulled out a golden compass from his spiritual space and said, "It's all thanks to this. It's a spiritual compass that indicates where the treasure is located, but it has some limitations. The treasure must be within a range of two miles; if it's more than that, it doesn't show any direction."

Asura said, "So you're going to find the opportunity with this?" Kallu replied, "Yes, correct, because this compass not only indicates treasure but also opportunities like inheritance. However, the inheritance must be within a range of half a mile. I haven't found any inheritance until now; all the things I've found with this compass were treasure. But I have a feeling that this time I will be able to find an opportunity."

Asura nodded, but he was still surprised by the function of this golden spiritual compass. The same went for Princess Moon; she was also surprised because there was no such treasure in the royal place. She wanted to ask Kallu where he had found this compass but refrained from doing so because it's not polite to ask about someone's personal treasure's origin, as they might think you're a greedy person for the treasure.

However, Kallu unexpectedly revealed the compass's origin without anyone asking him.

He said, "Actually, this compass is my family's inheritance. After the first few generations of our family, no one was able to use this compass. But when it came into my possession, it reacted. So, my family's head told me to give it a try and see if I could communicate with this compass. I tried, and as a result, I was able to communicate with it. So, the head of the family passed this compass to me, and it is now mine."

After hearing all this, Princess Moon asked, "Doesn't that mean you are the only one who can use this compass, and in other people's hands, this compass would be useless?"

Kallu nodded and said, "I am going now." After saying that much, he disappeared from the sight of Asura, Su Lin, and Princess Moon.

Princess Moon also left after saying, "I have some work at the royal palace." Before leaving, Princess Moon winked at Su Lin as she was saying, "Go for it, Su Lin this is your chance." Now, only Asura and Su Lin remained.

The situation becomes a little awkward. Asura and Su Lin stood there in silence for a moment, the weight of their emotions and the recent events hanging in the air. Su Lin finally looked up, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment from her earlier outburst.

Asura cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence. "Su Lin, I want to thank you for being there for me, and for worrying about me."

Su Lin smiled softly, her eyes filled with genuine affection. "Asura, you don't need to thank me. I'll always be here for you, no matter what, We're a team, aren't we? We'll face every challenge together."

Asura's heart warmed at her words, and he said gently. "You're right, Su Lin. We are a team."

Now, Asura moved his feet, ready to go his way. When he turned around, he heard Su Lin calling him. She turned back and asked, "Is there something else you want to say?"

Su Lin gathered her courage and finally said, "Asura, I like you, and not just as a friend. I actually..." She started to stutter but eventually managed to say it, "I love you."

Asura froze in his place. He couldn't believe that Su Lin had actually confessed to him. For him, it was unimaginable. He had thought that Su Lin liked him as a close friend, but he had a feeling that Su Lin might have been in love with him because of her behavior towards him in recent months. However, when she actually confessed, Asura didn't know how to reply. He kept thinking in his mind repeatedly, "This is a dream, this is a dream, there is no way a fairy-like Su Lin could fall in love with me."

Seeing Asura become silent, Su Lin's heart tightened. She didn't know what Asura's reply would be.

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