

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasie
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132 Chs

Asura vs Li Xin ( part-II)

Li Xin started to gather her spiritual energy, and Asura understood that she was preparing to use her powerful spiritual attack, "Blooming Petals." This attack was no joke, as it had helped her defeat the guy who won the second rank in the previous year's Temper Realm Tournament.

No one had thought she would win that match because she had been ranked third in the previous year's tournament. However, this time she was able to beat that cultivator, demonstrating just how much she had grown. Her potential was even greater than that of the cultivator who had earned the second rank in the previous year and she proved that by defeating him in this year's tournament of spiritual realm cultivators.

Asura also began gathering his spiritual energy, preparing to unleash his spiritual attack known as "Total Annihilation." This was the first time he would be using his spiritual attack in the tournament.

Xie Ling was filled with excitement; it was her first opportunity to witness her big brother's spiritual attack. Back at home, she had asked him to demonstrate it before the tournament, but Asura had refused, explaining that it was dangerous and could destroy their beautiful backyard. So, she had patiently waited until now, during the tournament.

Seeing her brother finally about to use his spiritual attack thrilled her beyond measure. Their mother, though also excited, couldn't help feeling nervous. She didn't want to see Asura getting hurt too badly, but she knew that injuries were common in such competitions and could only hope for the best.

Asura and Li Xin stood facing each other, both with their spiritual energy swirling around them like a shimmering aura. The anticipation in the arena was palpable, as the spectators knew they were about to witness an intense battle between two formidable spiritual realm cultivators.

Li Xin's eyes were focused and determined. Her mastery of the "Blooming Petals" attack was renowned, and she had surprised many by defeating the previous year's second-ranked cultivator. Asura respected her strength and knew he had to be at his best to face her.

With a deep breath, Asura unleashed his spiritual attack, "Total Annihilation." The air crackled with energy as his power surged, creating a beam of spiritual energy that was golden in color. The ground beneath them trembled, and the spectators could feel the immense pressure emanating from the clash of spiritual energies.

Li Xin responded with a graceful yet powerful display of her "Blooming Petals." Brilliant petals made of spiritual energy burst forth from her, whirling towards Asura like a cyclone of deadly beauty. It was evident that she had refined her technique to perfection, and her attack looked like a mesmerizing dance.

Asura and Li Xin's attacks collided with a thunderous boom, creating shockwaves that rippled through the arena. The sheer force of their clash sent dust and debris flying, obscuring the view for a moment. When the dust settled, both cultivators were still standing, it was clear that their attacks were evenly matched, but Asura's attack was more destructive.

Wherever Asura's "Total Annihilation" passed, it left destruction in its wake, annihilating everything in its path. Even the sturdy parts of the stage through which his attack traversed turned into nothingness. The sheer power of his technique was awe-inspiring, leaving the spectators gasping in amazement.

Li Xin, despite the chaos, noticed something peculiar about Asura's spiritual attack. When "Total Annihilation" collided with her "Blooming Petals," its color shifted from golden to black. The darkening effect amplified its annihilating capabilities, turning everything it touched into oblivion. She was astounded that others hadn't noticed this transformation, but her keen observation skills allowed her to perceive the subtle change.

Upon realizing the true extent of Asura's "Total Annihilation," Li Xin couldn't help but shudder. If she had taken the full force of that attack directly, she was certain she would have been wiped out entirely, leaving no trace behind. The thought sent a chill down her spine.

With her respect for Asura's power deepening, Li Xin admired his strength while also understanding the potential danger he posed. She knew that defeating him would require even more skill and strategy, but she was not disheartened. Instead, she felt inspired to grow stronger and face such challenges head-on.

The crowd erupted into cheers, impressed by the display of power from both contestants. Asura's mother couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and anxiety, watching her son fight with all his might.

Asura's sister, Xie Ling, watched wide-eyed as her big brother fought with such intensity and skill. She felt a surge of admiration and inspiration, knowing that one day she wanted to become a formidable cultivator like him.

The fight raged on, and it became evident that both Asura and Li Xin were evenly matched in strength. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, unable to predict the outcome.

Finally, after an intense exchange, Asura managed to find a small opening in Li Xin's defense. With lightning speed, he executed a precise maneuver, and his Battle skill, "Heaven breaking fist " struck true.

Li Xin's eyes widened in surprise as she felt the impact of Asura's attack. Though she tried to hold her ground, the force was overwhelming, and she was knocked back several meters, eventually landing on her feet but visibly weakened.

Asura didn't waste a moment; he knew this was his chance to finish the battle. With a fierce determination, he channeled his remaining energy into another powerful strike. The crowd held their breath as his attack hit Li Xin, and the impact sent her flying out of the arena.

The referee declared Asura the winner of the match, and the arena erupted into cheers and applause. Both Asura and Li Xin showed great sportsmanship, shaking hands despite the intensity of their battle.

Asura's mother was so happy that she wanted to rush down to the arena to embrace her victorious son, tears of pride streaming down her face.

However, there was a pair of killer eyes staring at him from the darkness, and it was none other than the previous year's Temper Realm champion, Surya.

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