
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Anime und Comics
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127 Chs

New Life

On a sunny day a boy who looks to be seven years old is sitting under a tree reading a magazine which shows the new chapters of manga that was being released that week.

He had short black hair and strong blue eyes, he looked to be taller than children his age and had a cute appearance. If he grew up he would definitely be able to catch the attention of various people. While holding the magazine in his hand you are able to hear him grumbling with a slight frown on his face.

"This scene is actually killing me, who the hell wall slams a girl after being seen getting thrown into the garbage and saying "Where do you think you're going" GOD I'm actually dying of cringe and the girl seems to actually like this!?"

"Does this actually work in real life? Surely not I feel like a 1-2 combo to the face will be the result of doing this. Does my sister actually like to read this type of stuff because if so I need to make sure she re-evaluates her tastes."

He puts the magazine on his lap and looks up to the blue sky. Feeling the gentle wind on his face he slowly closes his eyes

"Seven years have passed this fast huh" *Chuckle* "I still remember how confused I was when I found myself being put in a soft blanket and hearing unfamiliar japanese being spoken around me"

At the time his first thought was (Wow I really got reincarnated like that in the stories) He still remembered his name being Haruto Watanabe and it seemed like it was the same in this world. But once he tried to go further into his memories he started to feel a blunt pain and was only able to see that he was a nurse in his past life and that he liked to watch anime and play games more specifically gacha. But some of the anime he remembered watching was like a blur and he couldn't fully remember all the anime he watched.

"I also hear that dreaded bonk when I try to remember how I died. Did I get hit in the head or something by some crazed person for some reason. I guess I just got unlucky and caught the sight of some lunatic."

Achoo! A certain salty Goddess sneezes from somewhere in the void

But I always feel like I'm forgetting something.. Something like a spark that wishes to be re-ignited..

"Haruto where did you go!! Dad is calling you to help him with replacing some parts in the car! He was wondering why it's taking so long just to get the box in the storage room"

Oh Shit I forgot that he wanted me to get the box of spark plugs in the storage room after eating lunch

"Uhh Akane just tell him I just finished taking a big number 2! I'll be there in 5 mins"

I stood up and took my magazine with me and bolted towards the storage room. As I started to reach my house a young girl my age with long silky black hair and dark black eyes started to appear. She had somewhat eerily pale skin and wore black rimmed glasses. She can be described as introverted if you were to see her.

"You better hurry up since Dad has been waiting for some time now. Oh, did you read the manga that I recommended? How was it?"

"If you seriously like this kind of stuff I think we should sit down and talk about your preferences since I was painfully scared to see what happened next with each page. Do you actually like guys covered in garbage to hit on you Akane?"

"Well if they're handsome I don't think I'll mind.. oh and remember to call me Onee-chan okay since I'm older"

"Ugh yeah by like 1 minute, anyways remember that we're going to take up the homework together that Mom assigned to us later tonight. You did remember to finish it right On-ee-Ch-an?"

Haruto started to smile in the most innocent way possible while looking at his sister. Akane with an aloof expression stared at him and later then turned her head the other way slightly blushing. Feeling the slight taste of victory he approached her and patted her head gently.

"Just finish what you can and I can help teach you with whatever you can't finish alright"

Akane just nodded and felt the hand on her head.

"I'll give you some of my special chocolates in exchange. It's the one from Denmark that Dad got for us."

"You serious. No take backs okay, those chocolates were one of the greatest I have ever tasted. Don't be playing with my feelings like this"

Akane just nodded and said that she will bring it later when they would meet up. Smiling happily, Haruto ran towards the storage room so that he could finally get the box for his Dad.


(Akane P.O.V)

Watching my brother run towards the house I started to once again think that Haruto was way more mature compared to people his age. Haruto and I were fraternal twins with me being born 1 minute earlier than him, making me his older sister. No matter how much he denies it he can't change this fact. Anyways when we were little and growing up together we were seen to be complete opposites. Haruto would be the extroverted kid being kind to everyone around him while I was the introverted one looking at the crowd from the sidelines. He was fast in learning whatever the teacher and our parents taught us, seemingly like he had already learned it before. I was able to also learn fairly quickly but not as fast as him.

I would always hear people say how we were very different from each other and that I should try to speak more just like my brother. I started to be scared with how people's opinion of me labeling me as the silent and lonely kind. But Haruto helped me by saying that "people who were generally quiet were the ones with the most wisdom." I don't know how and where a 5 year old kid learned that phrase but I still remember how he cool he looked defending me that day.

I started to follow his phrase and began to continue looking from the sidelines but also slowly collecting info to decide how I will act given the scenario. I started to make a few friends due to this and speak more often than usual but I still liked to spend my time by myself with the exception of my brother.

He figured out that I preferred to be alone so he introduced me to something which he said that can change my whole life which I am forever grateful to him for


The holy grail of entertainment and the best thing that Japan has ever made in my opinion. We started to bond even more closely due to this since both our parents were always busy with work with Dad being the CEO of our family business and Mom being a lawyer. We were always home alone with the exception of a few caretakers but that was all. And If they were home dad would be in his office or taking care of his car and mom would be reading some english books.

Whenever we would talk about favorite parts in the anime we watched I would always feel like although he seemed to like anime it was just a hobby that he did and wasn't very passionate about it. Like he was bored. I was more sensitive to other people's feelings and I was able to sense this from him. I always wanted to ask him about this but I never had the courage to do so. So I decided to help him like he did to me in the past. I started to recommend various different manga that I enjoyed to maybe one day find something that he can enjoy from the bottom of his heart.

"Seems like he doesn't like shoujo.. I'll recommend an action one this time then."

I walked back into the house and started to hear my Dad scolding my brother telling him why he took so long. I smiled slightly and went back to my room to finish the homework that was assigned.


Hey, I hope you like this chapter! I wanted to kinda flesh out Haruto's character and also his background in the world. I also tried to give a POV change to show how he acts in the view of other people. Fun fact Akane Watanabe is a background character from the Shiratorizawa Girls' Volleyball Team and is a first year wing spiker.She is also the childhood friend of Tsutomu Goshiki from elementary school so we can see the first person Haruto will meet that is from the world of Haikyuu. Anyways once again I hope you liked this chapter although it was sort of just a background dump. I hope to see you soon. Peace!