
Epilogue: Mysterious Angel

A/N: This Epilogue contains fluff, Agnst light smut.

Night of Match: between Fighter from South Korea and America Celestia diguises herself hiding her Angel wings, then Looking down at the man who fighting him then activating her vision rune noticing demonic spirits surrounding him

*Yong Hoo's demonic voice in his head* "Kill Him Him Him."

Yong hoo became possessed for Short while he won the match, he is flying back to korea tonight

Celestia deactivates her Vision rune flew down followed the MMA fighter, she had prepurchased ticket to Korea, she sat beside the fighter

Celestia waited for her chance to draw Angelic Rune and Healing rune on his neck while he is sleeping, she reads a book

Yong hoo falls asleep, as a beautiful woman with Tattoos sat beside him he fell asleep thinking about what happened to his father

Celestia brought a extra stele, began drawing the Angelic rune on his neck then Healing rune on his lower abdomen no one noticed she slided the extra stele into his pocket

*Plane Landed in Korea*

Yong hoo went to sleep as soon he arrived from USA, he started sweating and choking in sleep which triggered the Angelic rune to protect him from demons possessing him then his hand started bleeding which did not activate iratzé rune

Celestia felt the Angelic presence, flew down to check on the fighter she undisguises herself hiding her wings she knocked on his apartment door

*Knocking on the door*

Yong hoo heard someone knocking on the door after he went to clean up the wound on his hand, opens the door its girl who sat beside him on the plane. "Come inside." He said inviting her inside

Celestia smiles at him, entering his home. "Thank you and you are Park Yong hoo right, famous MMA fighter i'm a fan i don't need an autograph i'd like to speak with you." She said to him

Yong hoo looks at her smiling, wondered those tattoos on her body. "What are those tattoos on your body." He asked her

Celestia sighed and explained to him, gave small smile. "These are Runes not tattoos what i do is Protecting humans from Dark entities can i see that wound on your hand if you don't mind." She said asking him

Yong hoo nodded at her, handed his left hand to her. "What is it." He asked her

"This sign of the lord being nailed to the crucifix then this came in one of your recent dream, the cross must have melted into your then this must be a sign of the lord." Celestia said to Yong hoo

Yong hoo rolled his eyes, eyeing her up and down. "What are you." He asked her he wondered to his question what is she

Celestia lets go of his hand backing up little moving his furniture, revealing her wings. "I'm one of Gods Creations and we are known as Nephilims (Shadowhunter) i'm created by the angel Raziel." She said to him feeling out in the open with her wings

Yong hoo approaches her, caresses her cheeks then touches her wings. "Incredible you are beautiful and your wings are beautiful." He said to her. "Your Name is Celestia Fairchild correct." He said mentioning her name

Celestia looks at him, smiling blushing from his touch. "Yes it is i'm from Brooklyn." She said to him retracting her wings.

Yong hoo smiles back at Her, hugging her he would protect with his life kisses her on the forehead protecting her

-Meanwhile in Babylon-

Ji shin was praying to Serpent Lord, he requests for Eternal life he possesses innocent and weak mortals for them to risk their own immortality

Serpent Lord gives His disciple a mission hunt down the mother of Celestia Fairchild, Hunt down the Angel.

Ji shin eyes change color, nodding at his lord he worships he went to london to hunt down the mother of Celestia he went to their penthouse in Brooklyn he kidnaps her mother

Ji shin has Her mother and he took her back to Korea, chains her to the wall beam in the basement of his club

Jocelyn sends a fire a message to her daughter saying this.

"My dear Daughter Celestia i'm being held here against my will, tonight you make an exchange for me with Man named Dark Bishop meet him in the Babylon after closing come with Someone just in encase." Love Mom

Ji shin takes away her stele locks it away in his desk drawer, locks her in Chains looking at her face. "I can't wait to meet your daughter, is this her she looks so pretty and delicate to sexually torture." He said to Jocelyn

Jocelyn started Struggling and Grunting seeing the man who kidnapped her, imagining him with her daughter. "You Monster Let me out of here."

Ji shin smirks and chuckles, looking at a photo of Celestia biting his lip wanting her so badly enjoying her mother being tortured leaves her in the basement.

-Meanwhile in Yong hoo's home-

Celestia receives the Fire Message from her mother, worrying about her and began to become furious. "That Bastard has my mom." She said to herself showing the message to Yong Hoo

Yong Hoo looks at her seeing how furious she is noticing her hair and eyes change color, he hugs her caresses her hair. "Shh shh shh the suns coming down on the time." He said that to calm her down

Celestia calms down smiling at him,thats what her mom would say to her to calm her down hugging him back enjoying his presences of his calmness washes away her troubles

Yong hoo looks at her, wondered with her. "Would you like to sleep here so we can rescue your mom okay." He said to her asking her

Celestia nodded at him, she brought a backpack of her things she uses his bathroom freshens up then changed into satin shirt and shorts letting down her ponytailed hair then writes a fire message to her sister clary

"Hey Sis S.O.S Mom's in trouble i need your help saving her with MMA fighter whose gonna become an exorcist, please come with Jace don't tell alec but go with Jace ok love your younger sister Celestia." She sends her fire message s.o.s to her sister in Brooklyn

Yong hoo saw her on his bed, smiled and he cuddles with her as they fell asleep together as long he has his guardian angel to be there for him

Celestia cuddled with Yong Hoo hearing his heartbeat as he sleeps, sleeping on his chest feeling happy to be with Him.

-To be Continued See you in Next Chapter-

P.S: to All Wattpad readers updates will come after a few fridays after school events love you all peace out.