
The Ancient Prophecy

In a world where a prophecy has endured for a millennium, a vampire girl finds herself crossing paths with a wizard, ultimately leading to a love that defies their inherent differences. Unknown to her, he is the long-awaited savior mentioned in the prophecy, destined to protect humanity from an impending cataclysmic war that threatens to destroy the Earth. She carries the weight of preserving her kind's existence and safeguarding them from the encroaching threat of werewolves. Little does she realize that the man she has fallen deeply in love with holds the key to fulfilling the ancient prophecy, a secret that vampires before her have tirelessly sought. However, complications arise as the wizard's closest companion happens to be the last surviving descendant of a dangerous werewolf bloodline. The intricate dynamics between the vampire girl, the wizard, and his werewolf friend intertwine, forcing unlikely alliances and igniting an urgent need for cooperation among vampires, werewolves, and witches. In a race against time, these supernatural factions must set aside their ancient rivalries and work together harmoniously to prevent power-hungry werewolves and vampires from obliterating the Earth in their insatiable quest for dominance. Together, the vampire girl, the wizard, the werewolf, and the witches unite their forces, defying the odds to ensure the survival of their world, thereby exemplifying the strength of unity in the face of greed and imminent destruction.

Austin_Fidelis · Fantasie
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91 Chs

Coven Avalon 3

It wasn't easy for Lydia to sell all the items she had gathered at the market and then buy the necessities they would need to survive the rest of the month.

Her talking monkey accompanied her throughout her shopping expedition, visiting various stores. Each time she made a purchase, the monkey discreetly pilfered some items, unbeknownst to Lydia.

On her way back home, Lydia sensed that she was being followed by a man wearing a red hat. Whenever she looked over her shoulder, he would quickly hide himself. Deciding to outsmart the stranger, Lydia purposely walked past her house and took a different route. Once she was certain that she had lost him, she broke into a sprint, her legs carrying her as fast as possible.

Upon arriving home, she discovered the two young boys, Bruno and Giles, engrossed in their favorite game. Bruno's left hand was visibly reddened and worn, while Giles also sported a red hand and seemed on the verge of tears. However, the game's rules held them captive, preventing them from quitting easily. When Lydia entered the room, their faces froze in surprise.

"Welcome, ma," they both uttered in unison.

Lydia cast a critical eye over them. "I suppose you two have managed to finish all your chores, given that you're playing all day?" She effortlessly dropped the bags of groceries onto the floor.

Bruno and Giles hastened to help her unpack the bags without needing to be asked. Their faces lit up when they saw the ample amount of meat and other favorites she had bought. The presence of the monkey had gone unnoticed by them until Lydia drew their attention to her.

"Hey, guys, I'd like you to meet our new roommate and partner, Celestine. She'll be accompanying you on your next mission," Lydia said with a smile, her gaze on the monkey.

Bruno and Giles exchanged dumbfounded glances. "But godmother, she's just a monkey. She's supposed to be a pet, not..."

Lydia didn't allow Bruno to continue. "Hold your tongue and let me do the talking. For all we know, Celestine might prove more capable than both of you combined. And if you don't perform well, I won't hesitate to show you the door." With her admonishment delivered, she promptly exited the room.

Bruno's spirits sank, feeling remorseful for their previous behavior. They quietly finished unpacking the remaining bag, not exchanging a word.

"It's nice to meet you, Bruno and..." Celestine's voice quivered as she smiled, revealing her entire set of teeth.

Both Giles and Bruno stared in astonishment, their mouths agape like they could hold an egg each. They had never encountered a talking monkey before. Celestine extended her hand to them, and Giles was the first to reach for a handshake.

"I'm Giles, and this is my brother Bruno. It's a pleasure to meet you, Celestine," Giles smiled warmly as he embraced her. In an unexpected move, Celestine then leaped onto Bruno. Startled, he recoiled and inadvertently pushed her away. "Oh my gosh, don't come near me!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of fear and surprise.

After spending some time together, Celestine's playful nature began to resonate with Bruno and Giles, filling their home with laughter. Her antics had them laughing so hard that their cheeks ached. At one point, Celestine reached into her waistcoat jacket and pulled out some gems she had swiped from the market. She handed them to Bruno, who began to count them. However, Celestine only responded with a mysterious smile when Bruno asked where she had obtained them.

"Should we show these to Godmother?" Giles asked nonchalantly.

Bruno decided to divide the gems in half, keeping one portion for himself and passing the other to his brother. He thanked Celestine for the unexpected gift.

"What should I do with mine?" Giles inquired.

"Use it to get something for yourself, but be sure Godmother doesn't find out," Bruno advised. Giles nodded in agreement and promptly concealed the gem in his pocket. Lydia rarely allowed them to acquire anything for themselves, let alone go to the market, which made their occasional theft missions their only means of obtaining personal items.

Since their godmother, Lydia, was currently absent, an unusual opportunity presented itself to Bruno. As he considered the options available, an idea began to form in his mind. Turning to his brother Giles, he proposed, "You know, since godmother isn't around, why don't we take advantage of the moment and head to the market? We could get a few things we need before she returns."

Giles raised an eyebrow, a hint of uncertainty in his expression. "But what about Celestine?" he inquired. "Are we just going to leave her behind?"

Bruno pondered for a moment, his mind racing to find a solution. The presence of their newfound friend, Celestine, had added a layer of complexity to their plans. After a brief pause, he grinned and suggested, "Why don't we take Celestine with us? She seems adventurous, and it might be fun to have her along."

Giles considered the idea and then nodded in agreement. With their plan set, the two brothers prepared themselves, ensuring they had everything they needed for their outing. Celestine, always full of boundless energy, enthusiastically joined them, her chattering adding a lively soundtrack to their preparations.

As they stepped out into the bustling streets, the trio was greeted by the vibrant atmosphere of the market. Stalls lined the path, offering an array of goods and wares. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, intermingling with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

The brothers and Celestine navigated through the market. They stopped at various stalls, carefully selecting the items they needed. Bruno, with a thoughtful expression, chose fabrics for new clothes, while Giles, his gaze fixed on the colorful display, carefully picked out flowers to honor their mother's memory.

With their purchases in hand, they made their way back home. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the city. Laughter and chatter filled the air as people went about their daily lives.

On their way back from the market, the trio of Bruno, Giles, and Celestine made an unexpected detour. Their hearts were filled with a mixture of excitement and solemnity as they walked towards a place that held deep significance to them – their mother's grave. The atmosphere was tinged with a sense of reverence as they approached the resting place of the woman who had been the pillar of their lives.

With gentle hands, Bruno and Giles placed the carefully chosen flowers on the grave. The vibrant blooms contrasted against the backdrop of the quiet cemetery, a symbol of the love and memories they held dear. Celestine, though unable to comprehend the full weight of the moment, watched with a curious and respectful demeanor.

Little did they know, as they paid their respects and shared a quiet moment of reflection, they were not alone. A figure, shrouded in the shadows, observed their every move from a distance. The man with the red cap, who had been following them since the market, maintained his discreet vigilance.

Once the flowers were laid, the trio continued on their way, their steps light yet burdened with emotions. As they arrived home before Lydia, their godmother, a sense of accomplishment filled their hearts. Their outing had been a success, and the gifts they had obtained were hidden away, waiting to be revealed at a more opportune time.

The brothers exchanged a glance as Lydia entered the room, her focus shifted immediately to preparing dinner. The presence of Celestine, still in her high-spirited state, was a stark contrast to the normally disciplined atmosphere Lydia demanded. Celestine explored the room with curious excitement, touching nearly everything in her path. Lydia's response, however, was unexpected—she simply smiled, much to the surprise of Bruno and Giles, who were accustomed to her stern demeanor.

"Stay away from the fire; you could get burned," Lydia cautioned.

Upon hearing this, Celestine promptly took a seat close to the brothers. Although Bruno wanted to say something to her, his words seemed to escape him. His stomach growled loudly, causing him to wince in discomfort.

"Don't worry, dinner is almost ready," Lydia reassured them, her smile unwavering.

The aroma wafting from the cooking pot was intoxicating, evoking a tropical blend of cherry and banana. Bruno's anticipation grew as he imagined how exquisite the flavors would be.

As a few moments of silence settled in the room, Bruno suddenly noticed an unusual gust of wind rushing through the windows. Sensing an impending storm, he rushed to close the windows, but before he could reach them, a lightning bolt struck with blinding force. Bruno collapsed to the floor, desperately reaching out to his brother. "Giles, run!" he cried out, but his words were cut short as darkness enveloped him.

The lightning strike also affected Lydia and Giles. Stunned and disoriented, they could barely register their surroundings. Amid the chaos, Celestine's shrieks and jumps filled the air. In an instant, her voice vanished into the turmoil, leaving behind an eerie silence.

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