
The Ancestral Power

Arthur is an orphan living in the countryside. He lives in an orphanage with many other kids just like him. He isn't very popular among the other kids and usually gets bullied. Until one day, the bullies take it too far. Arthur goes through a change that will change his future. For better or worse? Only time will tell... Prepare yourself for the most unsightly release schedule you've ever witnessed.

Sir_Shamu · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Goodbye for now

Arthur slips his backpack packed with dried fruits and salted meats and looks at Allison one last time.

"I'll miss you, you know?" she says with misty eyes.

"I'll miss you too dear, stay safe, and if anything happens, let Marida protect you. I'm leaving you in her care." He smiled and kissed her forehead before turning and walking down the steps.

On the outside, he sees Marida sitting on a chair whilst wearing a tank top and drinking coffee.

"Remember Arthur, don't fall for any cheap tricks when outside. Bandits are everywhere, and whatever you do." She stands up and stares into his eyes."Do not make a deal with a demon under any circumstances, understood?"

Arthur nodded as he moved past her. Holding up the map he got as a gift, he decides on a route into the forest so he would be in a secluded spot if he were to be ambushed. He begins moving toward the forest and prepares for the worst.


Arthur sits by a tree in the middle of the forest when his stomach rumbles. He begins to pull out some salted meat when he spots a rabbit. deciding this is a perfect time to test his new body. He lays his backpack next to the tree and checks his abilities for anything he can use.


Name{Arthur Martinson

Age{17 years and 11 months

Species{50% Arachnid, 50%Immortal,

Titles{Son of a God

Abilities{Hibernation, Arachnid Web, Beast Form (locked), Mild Healing.

Passives{Arachnid Climbing, Night Vision, Sickness Immunity, Insect Strength.



Strength: 21(2x)

Agility: 25

Precision: 18

Perception: 28

Charisma: 8

Defense: 10


Clicking on Arachnid Web, he checks the description before trying something stupid.


- Spin a web that can be used to do several things.

Staring blankly at the undescriptive text, he decides to just try it out. He raises his hand with his palm open towards the rabbit and thinks of shooting a web around it. As if second nature, a neat net of web shoots and bundles around the rabbit as it tries to jump away.

Noting his little success, he runs towards his prey with glee. Arthur picks up the rabbit and is about to take out the knife he brought when he stops. Something comes over him as his jaw widens, and before he can come to his senses. He's already bitten off its head. A bit dazed, he chews, bones crunching in his mouth as it's happening. He looks down at the twitching rabbit corpse as he opens his jaw once more and again. until the entire rabbit is gone.

Arthur finally wakes up from his daze and looks at his hands, which are covered in blood. "I uhh, I just did that... huh." He says almost drunkenly. As he decides to never think about that again, a prompt pops up.


Arachnid Quest completed 1kg of meat has been consumed.

20 exp has been received

20/100 exp


Arthur's eyes widen. Then he smiles. "progress," he whispers. In the corner of his hearing, he notices some bushes shaking. He turns and readies his hand to use his webs, a wolf beast jumps out of the bush, and Arthur fires his web but completely misses.

The beast lands on top of him the wolf is already twice his size, and it's trying to put Arthur's head in its jaws.

'What do I do!?' Arthur starts to panic. "I wanna live, I DONT WANT TO DIE"


Beast Form (partial) activated


Arthur's arms grow thicker and hairier, and two more eyes pop out next to his original ones. He spits at the wolf and hears his saliva sizzling the flesh as it whimpers and backs off.

Arthur stands up and looks down at his hands. his fingers are longer and more slender, his arms have grown even more huge, and he can feel entirely new limbs sprouting out of his back. feeling on his back, he can tell that they're only partially grown.

Shifting his attention back to the wolf he snarls.

"Fucking dog"


Forestbound Wolf

- a wolf that's usually 2-3 meters in length while being 1 meter tall. its skin is as tough as oak and males have a horn made out of keratin.

STR: 39

AGI: 45

PRC: 30

DEF: 20


'My lord it has a lot of defense' Arthur thinks as he leaps toward the wolf, grabbing around its neck and tightening his grip. The wolf growls and jumps around until Arthur is thrown into a tree and he accidentally lets go. Shaking it off he tries to jump at it again but misses and hits a tree. He stumbles while standing up, then he picks up a rock and throws it at the wolf.

the wolf falls to the ground as Arthur runs after it and jumps on its back once more. Trying all he can, he decides to attempt to snap its neck to no avail. suddenly a message appears in his face


Insect Strength temporarily increased

(2x) -> (3x)


The second the message disappears Arthur snaps its neck and it falls to the ground, twitching.

Smiling he lets it go and begins picking up sticks and placing them up against each other, next he grabs a fire kit and strikes the flint with the knife, creating sparks that eventually turn into a fire. He sighs as the morning begins to come to fruition signaling a new day.

He then begins ripping off the flesh from the wolf, avoiding the skin and putting it on pointed sticks before eating it.

After a good meal the message finally pops up.


Arachnid Quest completed 1kg of meat has been consumed.

20 exp has been received

40/100 exp
