
The Ancestral Power

Arthur is an orphan living in the countryside. He lives in an orphanage with many other kids just like him. He isn't very popular among the other kids and usually gets bullied. Until one day, the bullies take it too far. Arthur goes through a change that will change his future. For better or worse? Only time will tell... Prepare yourself for the most unsightly release schedule you've ever witnessed.

Sir_Shamu · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Calm After The Storm

Arthur trudged through the dense forest with Savúl on his back. His breaths came out in ragged gasps, and the weight upon his shoulders was making it increasingly difficult to keep moving. As they pressed on, Arthur's foot landed on a stick, causing him to lose his footing. He stumbled and fell to the ground, with Savúl landing heavily on top of him.

From his position on the ground, Arthur could see that the house was within reach. However, his vision began to blur, and he felt his consciousness slipping away. The darkness crept in around him, and he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Savúl's Perspective


Savúl slowly opens her eyes, feeling disoriented and confused. As her vision clears, she realizes she's lying on the ground, with Arthur underneath her. She reaches out to tap him on the cheek, hoping for a response, but there's no reaction from him. She checks his pulse, fearing the worst, she breathes a sigh of relief as she notices that he has just passed out. Looking up, she notices the relentless rain pounding against her face, making it difficult to see through the haze, regardless she can clearly see the run-down house they had been to before.

She gets off of Arthur, grabs his hand, and tries to drag him closer as she shouts. "Rune mage! We need your help!" The only answer she receives is the never-ending rain. Frustrated, she shouts again, her voice breaking "RUNE MAGE, HELP!" She pleads.

She struggles, dragging Arthur along as she comes to the front door, now cleared of glass shards. 


"RUNE MAGE, I.. WE NEED YOUR HELP!" She shouts with a hoarse voice, trying her absolute best to win over the loud, pouring rain.

"What is it!" A masculine voice says as the door swings open. "Oh bollocks," The man says, looking at the distraught woman before him, with his passed-out student in tow.

The man snaps his fingers as he shuffles Savúl inside, Arthur gets lifted off of the ground, and put on a bed safely.

Theodore curses to himself as he puts his hand on Arthurs' head. "Shite, I knew I shouldnae hae let you leave Arthur." He whispers to himself. He does as few hand symbols as the fireplace roars with fire, instantly turning the room into a more comfortable temperature. Savúl stops shivering as the room warms up, piping up quietly. "Is he going to be alright?" She practically whispers.

Theodore glances at her reassuringly. "He'll be fine," he says, his voice steady. With practiced precision, he retrieves a set of potions from a nearby shelf, their colors vibrant and their scents filling the air with a mixture of earthy and floral notes. He combines them with a series of intricate hand movements, weaving magic into the potions as he pours them down Arthur's throat. The liquid slips smoothly past Arthur's lips, its warmth spreading through his body as Theodore's spells take effect.

Turning his attention to Savúl, Theodore notices her shivering form and soaked clothes. With a grunt, he retrieves a set of dry garments for her, the fabric soft and warm against his fingers. "Here," he says gruffly, tossing the clothes to her. "Dinnae fash yersel, I won't be looking."

Savúl looks at him, confused as to what he just said. He falters at the glance she gives him, sighs and explains. "It means don't worry."

Savúl catches the clothes, her expression grateful. "Thank you," she murmurs, quickly changing into the dry garments as Theodore turns away. Once dressed, she approaches Arthur with a worried frown, her gaze flickering between him and Theodore.

"Shouldn't you switch his clothes too?" she asks, her voice filled with concern.

"Aye, but I've already dried his clothing, and he's bleedin' frae about, five different places," Theodore replies somberly. "I'll gie him a fresh set o' clothing when he waukens." His words hang heavy in the air as he turns his attention to the cauldron over the fireplace.

The cauldron bubbles and steams, its contents swirling and shifting as Theodore works his magic. With a flick of his wrist, he adds ingredients to the mix, their colors dancing in the firelight as they float into the cauldron. The aroma of the soup fills the room, a heady mix of herbs and spices that tantalizes the senses.

"It'll be dain in a minut'," Theodore says, his voice gruff but reassuring.


Arthur's Perspective


Arthur sits up hurriedly, his teeth sharpening on their own as his body spasms with sudden movement. Four black spider legs protrude from his back, stabbing into the floorboards as he struggles to regain his bearings. "What the fuck, where... Where am I?" he exclaims, his voice tinged with panic.

Theodore jumps at the sudden movement, his eyes wide with alarm. "Arthur, bluidy hell! Calm doon!" he urges, moving to steady Arthur's thrashing form.

Arthur looks at Theodore, his eyes wide with confusion. "Oh thank the gods," he murmurs, relief flooding through him as his body begins to settle, spider limbs returning within his back.

"What in the holy hells was that?" Theodore demands, his voice filled with concern and bewilderment.

"Shouldn't you already know that considering you knew me before what happened to my memory?" Arthur's gaze flickers around the room, searching for Savúl. He finds her asleep on a nearby couch, her form curled up and peaceful amidst the chaos.

"You've nev'r done anything like that before," Theodore continues, his voice softening with understanding.

"Hey, Theodore... I think I've made a decision, regarding the memory thing," Arthur whispers, his tone thoughtful. "I don't care what it does to me, I want my memories back."

Theodore sighs deeply, his gaze meeting Arthur's with a mixture of resignation and determination. "Guid, because I've figured oot a way for it tae happen wi' minimal damage."

Arthur sits up straighter, his expression resolute. "Let's do this, then," he declares, his voice firm with conviction.