
The Anamnesis

400 years ago humanity was at what some considered the peak of civilization. We no longer lived ceremoniously. We stopped believing in the old ways. We worshipped science and technology… that is until an occurrence which has been called the Great Anamnesis, which awoke within many, lost wisdom and supernatural abilities which could only be explained as magic..

Joe_Monte · Fantasie
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The Ceremony

The people began to rejoice and when it was discovered that the old ways were not limited to those who remembered, but could also be taught. Many began to seek the teachings of the shamans. Parents urged their children to do their best in hopes of having a gifted child. However, every human had their limit. Most were incapable of learning these gifts, and the ones that were capable fell into different groups based on the level of power they could attain. There was peace for some time, however, men still find power seductive and some abused their power and did not believe it should be taught to those who weren't awoken with it. They saw students of the shamanic path as lesser beings who were not amongst the "truly chosen ones". They believed that the spirits had already chosen the worthy, and wanted to keep these powers for themselves. After all.. with a smaller number of shamans.. the higher the demand for their services, and these types loved feeling worshipped and showered with gifts and money, whereas the shamans who acted for the good of man, instead of self, offered their services for whatever the client had to offer. Even if it was just a hug with gratitude.

The ones who basked in their own power were determined to put an end to teaching new shamans. They began sending harmful spirits to sabotage the testing ceremonies, and would enter the dreams of promising candidates to fill them with nightmares and bad omens in an effort to scare them from participation. Some went as far as murder. This is when the gifted shamans who had evil intent became known by another name…Sorcerers…

The shamans rallied together to combat these sorcerers by creating protection around their villages and the people. They began to deflect any evil magic back to the sender, and even engaged in physical battle when necessary. With strong support from the spirits the shamans were able to rid the world of most sorcerers. Others had no choice but to retreat and go into hiding.

Peace returned, and if a sorcerer was found they would be captured and put into cells which were imbued with magic to keep them from using their power.

There is one very powerful sorcerer who has been able to escape capture no matter how hard the shamans pursued him, he always seemed to be a step ahead. This sorcerer was known as Viden, although none really knew much about this man's true identity and there is no knowledge of his lineage or any family history. Viden moved in the shadows and never personally took action. Instead he would possess people and animals to do his bidding making it all the more difficult to capture him, but one day his attacks stopped. Many wondered if he had died. Perhaps the evil entities he worked with finally abandoned him.. or came to claim him..

The truth was Viden had devised a plan. One that would require much patience.

It was a well thought out scheme. Viden had discovered another way to determine not only who had the gift, but their power as well. When a testing ceremony would be held, Viden's followers would attend in secrecy to seek out the most powerful new students. His followers would intercept these individuals before the ceremony, and in an act tell them that they were in fact gifted. So gifted that they wanted to offer them the best teaching possible, but couldn't possibly make this offer in front of the others as it may bring down their spirit. The excitement was blinding! Regardless of their power, most were easily convinced to join Viden's tribe due to this approach they believed they were truly blessed. Being naive to the ways of spirit and unable to protect themselves from his influence and promise of power and fame. It was too good to be true! Ultimately it was Viden's plan to build a force strong enough to overthrow the shamans and rule the shamanic world.

Every year the shamans gathered on the day the Anamnesis occurred to spend in celebration and ceremony. Offerings were made to the spirits of the earth, the waters, the air, fire, sun, moon, ancestors, and more. It was such a joyous occasion and spirit celebrated with them. As this year's celebration was winding down the shaman elders told stories around the fire. Each elder from different lineages shared a story passed down. It was an exchange of knowledge and a way to honor the ancestors by sharing their history. As one elder was speaking another elder's spirit ally, a great white owl, manifested in physical form with its gaze focused in the dark forest. The shaman elder could feel his companion's concern and was receiving a feeling of danger. The elder stood up and looked in the same direction squinting his eyes. A sudden WOOSH accompanied by a silent whistle was heard, and the owl screeched loudly as if crying out! Everyone quickly looked in the direction of the owl and saw the elder gripping what looked like an arrow pierced into his chest! The crowd gasped as the elder collapsed and the arrow dissipated into smoke leaving black burns around the chest wound. At the same time the owl also slowly disappeared..

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening a rain of these arrows began falling upon them. They did their best to protect themselves and some elders quickly manifested protective shields while others shifted into animal form. The people started to flee away from the direction of arrows in a panic not knowing what was happening, but they quickly stopped again in horror. Coming out of the forest on the opposite side in now in front of them we're large terrifying animals. Grizzly bears, hyenas, serpents, and more. It was then that the sorcerers slowly came into the light of the fire. There was a pause as they all gazed at eachother. One of the elders began summoning the fire from the pit to launch a defensive attack when a loud crack of thunder was heard. The elder fell and behind him a tall hooded figure appeared.. Viden. At this the other sorcerers launched into full on attack, the shamans were quickly deflecting attacks to protect the people fleeing for safety. Elements crashing against elements, shapeshifters tearing at eachother in their animal forms, conjures sending poison and disease… the battle was gruesome, but ultimately the shamans were overpowered. Some were able to escape but badly injured. In a single night, a single attack, the world had changed.

For the next 200 years the sorcerers ruled by fear. Shamans were hunted and forced into hiding. What was left were small tribes in the most remote places on earth. Shamans now had to exercise extreme caution when communing with spirit, and even more when communicating with fellow man as there were great rewards for turning them into the sorcerers. Many shamans had been turned in by the very person they helped heal. During these times the earth and the spirits wept for the shamans suffering.