
The Anamnesis

400 years ago humanity was at what some considered the peak of civilization. We no longer lived ceremoniously. We stopped believing in the old ways. We worshipped science and technology… that is until an occurrence which has been called the Great Anamnesis, which awoke within many, lost wisdom and supernatural abilities which could only be explained as magic..

Joe_Monte · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Mass Effect

The Anamnesis occurred at the exact same moment around the entire world. People seemed to faint at without any warning and were affected to varying degrees upon waking, but for the vast majority there was no experience at all. Of those affected, some could simply commune with animals, while others could control the elements and call upon spirits to assist them in achieving almost limitless feats.

As a result of the wisdom that came with this experience, most used these new gifts to help others. Some were able to cure any ailment. People eventually started living life according to this new wisdom, and the old Siberian name "Shaman" was used to identify these individuals. Small communities began to form and people began to prosper off the land once more. The success of technology began to fail as people became less reliant on these things and more in tune with the earth and eachother.

One day a child who was considered ordinary without any gifts was observing an elder communicating with spirits of water along a river. The elder was performing certain rituals and movements and was in a beautiful dance with the water spirits. At one point the elder glanced over and noticed the child dancing along the river, and dancing with this child was a spirit of water in a small child's form. This became the moment it was discovered that these gifts could be taught to those who didn't have them naturally.

A series of tests were created which would determine the individual's gifts as well as how powerful they could become. A ranking system was created, as a result. An individual would be placed in the appropriate power category ranging from 1 to 5, with 5 being the most powerful. Aside from power level there were many specialties as well such as healer, conjure, shape shifter, a hollow bone and more. There is a power level beyond 5… however it has been deemed by the spirits that these shamans will oversee all others and a new one will ascend only when one dies.

The earth was regaining its health, and the people were also living in such great harmony that speaking of the past became irrelevant. Much history was lost because of this, but the world was thriving.

For a time…