
THE AMULET-Episode 4

*Time skip-In car*

*Y/n POV*

(While driving) Uhhh! (sighs because of tiredness)

How in the world did I reach in my room? I clearly remember what had happened before I passed out. Let me bring it one by one...First I was refining my make-up, then a freak closed my mouth, then the second one kept bossing around and at the end they made me drift into sleep but I heard that I was being kidnapped for money then I woke up in my room! Wow Y/n who would believe such nonsense just ignore it and shrug it off.

*You reach the cafe, took the keys from your pocket, unlocked the door and went to the restroom*

Mmmm let me check this place. Oh how come...

Y/n:My makeup.... (surprised whisper tone)

Its still here that means....I was kidnapped!? Like in really kidnapped?

*You were in your deep thoughts and doubts when you heard the door open indicating a customer coming in*

*You ran back to the counter*


*Realisation hits you that the customer is the one you saw yesterday and you felt him very familiar*

Y/n:You....have we met before other than yesterday?

Customer: (smirks) So you remember me?

*His eyes starts to turn blue*

(You suddenly felt heavy headache and fell down-Yeah you fainted.....AGAIN!)

*Time skip- When you wake up*

You open your eyes to see the blue eyed guy staring at you sweetly

(You sit up and realise that you were sleeping in a bed in an unknown room)

Y/n: Yah.... t-ttell me who are you?

Oh sh*t why am I stuttering will he think I am weak and take advantage of it?

Blue eyed guy : Hey calm down I am not going to take advantage of you

*His eyes turn back to his normal colour*

How did he read my mind?

Y/n: Who are you and why did your eyes change colour (trying to act brave)

Blue eyed guy: My name is Kim Taehyung..... You look cute even when you're trying to act brave.

Y/n: (You slightly blush)

I have heard this a lot from others I don't want to say but he's cute too

Taehyung: Thanks

Y/n: For what ?

Taehyung: For complimenting me (winks)

*His sudden action made you flustered and you looked away and spoke*

Y/n: How did you read my mind. Who are you? Don't try to fool me I saw your eyes changing colour too.

*Taehyung comes closer to you and leans onto your shoulder*

Taehyung: I'm a Vampire (Whispers into your ears and he backs off to see your face)

Y/n: Ok so you're a-you're a whattt!?

oh no no nononono will he eat me. Oh Y/n stop thinking he will hear you

Taehyung: I am a VAMPIRE. Do you need proof?

*He walks towards you but you crawl backwards in the bed until you reach the end*

*And yes he crawled towards you with a serious and evil smirk on his face*

*End of Y/n POV*

Y/n: Ahh-(screams) sowrryyy I will neverrrr (sob) talk back to anyone and (sob) never eeeven come (sob) in your way.(sob)

Taehyung: Ah suddenly I lost my appetite i'm not hungry anymore.

Y/n:Huh?... (confused)

Taehyung: *He hands you a key*

Y/n: The cafe's (sniff) key?

Taehyung: Stop sobbing before i eat you up whole.I closed your shop, now go home straight it's dark already.

*You didn't know but you were staring right into his eyes because of his beauty*

Taehyung: (snaps his fingers in front of your eyes)

*You come back to reality*

Taehyung: I am going back because this is another vampire who is dangerous than me's bedroom. If you don't want to die cruelly run for your life.

(Y/n mind: I should run right?... bye bye my pride but I choose my life more than you.)

*Taehyung POV*

Y/n mind:I should run right?... bye bye my pride but I choose my life more than you.

*After she runs off I laugh hard on the bed*

How can she...ha ha I didn't think she would sob so hard.Did I scare her too much?

*End of Taehyung POV*

*Y/n POV*

Good that I ran away or I would have been dead meat.(pants hard) Yeah I ran as hard as I could.Now I am near a sidewalk of a park.

Ahhhh.... I forgot about my car! I'll pick it tomorrow...I guess?

He can't be a vampire right? He must be kidding me. YEAH! He must be taking the opportunity that i owe him because he helped me. THAT'S IT! It's just a prank. I don't need to be worried about it right?

*I sat in the bench near a park worriedly thinking about the vampire prank* There were no people around because it's dark already.

I looked down playing with my finger on my lap because I was so much tired

That's when I noticed.... My Amulet.....