
The Dance & The Festival, Round One

As Whitley steps into the dance hall, there's a smile on his face. How can there not be? The dance is just another representation of how far he's come in taking control of Beacon. Everyone here, or at least the vast majority of important individuals… belong to him now. With that in mind, Whitley looks to his right where his date for the evening is currently hanging off his arm, just as he'd shown her.

Under normal circumstances, Penny Polendina might have been allowed to come to a dance like this, but she would not have been allowed to come as anyone's date, and she likely would have had an escort of Atlesian soldiers guarding her the entire time. She was, after all, property of the Atlesian Military, for all that her creator and surrogate father loved her with all his heart.

That all said, Whitley wasn't a normal young man, and these weren't normal circumstances. Getting his way on this matter had ultimately been quite easy, given that he was currently making overtures to Beacon, and it was making the big wigs back in Atlas nervous. They couldn't do anything aggressive to censure him or harm him in any way, lest they lose the SDC's business altogether… but that didn't mean they couldn't come up with other ways to entice him to keep the lion's share of his company's business centered in Atlas.

Penny was their latest attempt at that, amusingly enough. When he'd made it clear he wished to take her as his date to Beacon's dance, they'd fallen all over themselves to accommodate him, more than happy to sacrifice Penny to his whims in order to keep him happy with them. As she'd told him when they'd met up for the night, she'd been ordered by an important-looking Atlesian Official to do whatever Whitley wanted, and to not disappoint or anger him in any possible way.

It sounded to him like some people over in Atlas were going behind General Ironwood's back, because neither the good General nor Penny's creator and 'father' would have ever let such an order stand. Not that it mattered, in the end. Penny was already his, just as everyone else belonged to him. They just didn't know it yet, and in that way, Penny was ahead of the curve, because she did know it.

It was unfortunate that his scientists hadn't QUITE finished up on the modifications he intended to have made to Penny's chassis though. Capping off tonight with giving Penny a cunt so he could fuck her silly the next day would have been fun, given she was doubly bound to obey him and follow his orders for the time being. Alas, that would have to wait for another time.

For now, Whitley had invited Penny along for a number of reasons. There was the novelty, of course, and there was also a desire to teach Penny how to properly dance, as well as how to use her feminine characteristics to play the part of alluring woman. It was going to be fun, though of course, that wasn't ALL Whitley was here to do.

Dressed to the nines in his white and gold-lined suit, something similar to what his father might have worn, alongside his Eisenfaust gauntlets as decorative gloves, Whitley escorts Penny out onto the dance floor. Needless to say, the two of them attract all kinds of attention… but given it's the attention of a bunch of young people he's already brought under his control, Whitley doesn't mind it one bit.

Penny proves to be quite the quick learner though, the Artificial Intelligence soaking up his instructions in mere moments. She swiftly becomes a better dancer than most of the people in the dance hall could ever hope to be, so Whitley moves on to teaching her how to be alluring next. This too, Penny picks up with somewhat surprising ease. But he supposes it makes sense, in a way.

As innocent as Penny might seem, this was more out of ignorance than true naivety. That is to say, she was sheltered… but she was also insanely smart, a product of being what she was, an artificial intelligence, a fembot. As a result of this, teaching her how to be sexy and erotic, teaching her how to flirt and bat her eyelashes and all that good stuff… it's simply all too easy. Penny is the kind of robot girl who soaks up information like a sponge and quickly assimilates all the knowledge that Whitley wants her to have.

Once he's sure of her ability to impress him, he begins having more fun with things. Using his glyphs and summoning abilities to their fullest extent, Whitley proceeds to switch people around the dance floor, first replacing Penny with Pyrrha in order to enjoy a moment with the Invincible Girl as Penny in turn uses her new flirting technique on a suddenly flustered and flushed Jaune, who clearly doesn't know how to react to how aggressively the gynoid is coming onto him.

After that, Whitley switches out Pyrrha with someone else, and then another, and then another. He goes through every girl in the room as time goes on, teasing them, toying with them, sometimes molesting them quite brazenly, if they're that kind of woman. Given he has absolute control over what many of these huntresses in training have become, most of them ARE that kind of woman now.

It's especially fun taking first his sister and then Blake away from their dates, Neptune, and Sun Wukong, respectively. The blue-haired hunter and the sandy-haired monkey faunus are two of Whitley's latest acquisitions, the newest additions to his collection of people to play with and toy with. After their last adventure had involved investigating Torchwick and the White Fang, Whitley had been dully impressed by how useful and capable both young men had proved themselves.

To be fair, they'd only been doing it to impress a couple of girls… a couple of girls who belonged to him already. But while Whitley Schnee WAS the possessive type, he'd been raised to be above it all, both literally and figuratively. At the end of the day, he wasn't some jealous primate, to have to snarl and roar and beat his chest to make all the other males back off what belonged to him.

Whitley was like a god among men, among women. He was their Master, and they were his toys. As such, it didn't really bother him to add two useful and capable toys such as Sun and Neptune to his collection. Nor did it bother him to let them come to the dance tonight with Blake and Weiss on either of their arms, respectively.

In the end, it mattered little what they all got up to, so long as they remembered the most important thing of all. They ALL belonged to HIM. Thanks to his glyphs, thanks to his control, they would never forget that. Smirking as Blake shivers at his touch and leans into his chest, he hums along with the slow song that they're currently dancing to, holding his pet kitty cat close and slowly kneading her ass with both hands as he enjoys the tempo of the music.

She's not the first he's played with tonight, not after he just got done bringing his own sister to a whimpering mewling orgasm right there in the middle of the dance floor… nor will she be the last. Tonight… tonight is going to be fun.


A little while later, Whitley finds himself doing something besides dancing and playing with his toys. Though his night is far from ruined, in fact, he's still having quite a lot of fun. As he leaves Ruby to be questioned by Atlesian soldiers about the break-in at the CCT Tower, Whitley takes the opportunity to slip away and into the tower's main room himself, curious about something.

He goes to the main control panel and begins an inspection of his own, quite sure that someone more official will be along some time soon to do the same. But no matter, he doesn't really trust his home country's military at this point. Or rather, that is to say, he doesn't trust their competence or their transparency on this subject. He can always trust them to be greedy and self-serving, that much he knows for a fact.

Whitley has long suspected that Ozpin and Ironwood know more than they're letting on. Team RWBY had caught on to something involving Torchwick and the White Fang, something big… but Whitley wondered just how big it truly was, and how deep the roots truly went. Luckily for the young man, he wasn't the Ambitious Schnee for nothing. While his sisters were content to suborn themselves to others, with Winter joining the Atlesian Military and Weiss coming here to Beacon to serve on a huntress team under a girl who was younger then her even, Whitley was different.

He'd never been content with being a follower… and to be a leader, he had to be able to lead in the first place. If there was one thing his father had taught him, even inadvertently, it was that a lack of at least some knowledge in all areas could be potentially fatal. Jacques Schnee was cutthroat and cold-hearted and that'd gotten him far in the world of business, but it'd not truly made up for his deficiencies in a number of areas. Since disposing of his father and taking over in his place, Whitley had managed to improve the SDC's prospects a hundred fold, easily.

All of this is to say, Whitley is quite good with computers. It's something of a passion of his, after he'd learned that his semblance had allowed him to reprogram humans like it did. All of his ability with changing and controlling human beings… it came from learning how to change and control software like that which ran the CCT Network.

As such, as he snoops around the CCT software, he finds a recently uploaded, yet still dormant program lurking in the background. However, he's unable to access or identify the nature of this program, something that both astounds him and bothers him immensely. After all, his own software incorporates and SDC skeleton key code of sorts which would normally allow him access to just about anything created in Atlas, where most programming on Remnant was done in the first place.

The fact that this program wasn't made in Atlas and is turning out to be superior to the best that both he and his employees can come up with… is disturbing, to say the least. This program was made by someone who had better tech then the ones who wrote the Atlesian Network code to begin with. Realizing the seriousness of his discovery, Whitley can only press his lips together in a thin line. He knows he's limited on time… so in the end, all he's truly able to do in this instance is install his own tracking program. Said tracking program will notify him of whatever this mystery program does when it finally activates.

He was going to put a stop to whatever the hell was going on. Someone was working behind the scenes, using Torchwick and the White Fang as patsies to get whatever it was, they wanted. Whitley knew he would need to intervene to make sure there was no loss to his collection, no unwarranted and undesirable deaths.

After all, he was a god, and these people he'd taken close to him and made his toys were his responsibility. Whitley had been taught from an exceedingly early age about responsibility, and he took it very seriously. For now, as he leaves the CCT Tower behind and heads back to the dance, he decides he's done enough that he can relax for the rest of the night.

In fact, he's quite ready to have some fun after all of this seriousness…


Under the guise of volunteering to clean up after the dance, Whitley caps off the night with his pets and a massive orgy. Smirking, Whitley looks down at his feet, where Ruby and Pyrrha are both on their hands and knees in front of him and currently licking and lapping and smooching up either side of his member. As they move their heads back and forth, their eyes crossed in an attempt to focus solely on the task at hand, Whitley laces his fingers through their hair and gently holds onto their heads, even as he takes in the massive orgy taking place around him.

Currently, it's just him, the members of Team RWBY and JNPR, Sun Wukong, Neptune, and finally last but not least, Glynda Goodwitch, ostensibly there as the Professor who volunteered to stay behind and supervise the cleanup. Not that the slutty blonde whore he's turned the disciplinarian into is doing much supervising at this point.

If anything, Whitley is the supervisor here, which makes sense given that he's the one with the most authority over all the rest. As the orgy truly begins to get away, he grins wickedly, greatly enjoying the show being put on at the moment. As his chosen pair of girls get him nice and ready to fuck them both, Whitley can see that Sun is enjoying the beginnings of a threesome with Blake and Yang, while Jaune is currently blushing and stammering his way through an intimate interaction with Weiss. Nora and Ren are together, of course, leaving Glynda to put Neptune through his paces, all while the blue-haired boy watches Jaune and Weiss go at it with some measure of jealousy.

That's okay though, while Whitley hasn't exactly broken Neptune of his possessive nature quite yet in the same way he did with Jaune and Ren after taking Pyrrha and Nora only to graciously give them back to the two boys on loan, he HAS made sure that Neptune is loyal to Whitley first and foremost. His attraction for Whitley's older sister aside, Neptune will do what Whitley commands, and right now that involves having a gorgeous blonde like Glynda Goodwitch bounce up and down on his cock. Certainly not a bad command by any means, in Whitley's humble opinion.

Chuckling, Whitley decides he's well and truly hard enough to move on to enjoying his two girls personally. With his hold on their hair, it's easy enough to maneuver them both into the position he wants them in. Using Pyrrha's ponytail, he yanks the red head around until she's facing away from him, still on her hands and knees. Instinctively, his pet Invincible Girl arches her back and juts out her ass, just the way he likes it. Slipping his cock into her from there is easy enough, even with both his hands occupied… mostly because he has Ruby to do it for him.

Guiding the silver-eyed girl to where he and Pyrrha's crotches are about to meet, he doesn't even have to give the order. Licking her lips lustfully, Ruby hurries to reach out and grab hold of his sizable length and Pyrrha's hip, steadying the red head even as she guides his cock into Pyrrha's sopping wet cunt. Both of them are naked now save for the high heels they came in; Whitley having had them discard their gorgeous dresses in a strip tease before letting them crawl over and begin servicing him with their mouths.

Slipping into Pyrrha's velvety wet depths, Whitley groans and begins to thrust forward, fucking the Invincible Girl from behind, even as he uses his grip on her ponytail to yank her head back with every thrust, plowing her quite roughly and drawing mewling moaning cries from Pyrrha as her body shakes in ecstasy, from her firm ass to her jiggly breasts beneath her, she truly looks like a woman right now, rather than the champion she was constantly portrayed as by the media.

Whitley grins wickedly at the evidence of his conquest regarding the beautiful red head, loving the way she feels, tightly gripping at his cock, loving the way her firm ass nevertheless ripples ever so slightly with every one of his thrusts. Ah, but he's not going to just ignore Ruby now. The young leader of Team RWBY that he's made into a cute little horny slut pet eager for her daddy's affections is guided down between their legs by his hand on her short hair.

Putting her in place, Whitley groans loudly as the pressure of Pyrrha's cunt lips wrapped around his shaft is suddenly matched by Ruby's mouth suckling and slurping at his churning ball sack. To say it doesn't feel good would be the understatement of a century, and the three of them are all soon letting out quite lewd noises, with Pyrrha's cries of ecstasy being the loudest while Whitley's groans are just behind her. Ruby's slurping and debauched sucking are drowned out a bit, but nevertheless there, completing the symphony of their threesome in Whitley's ears.

Of course, even as they're getting down and dirty, the same sort of thing is happening all across the dance floor. Sun was mimicking Whitley at first, which left Yang and Blake on their knees before him, both sucking him off. Upon seeing his new boss getting to the good part, the monkey faunus with his rippling muscles and decently sized cock, is now splitting Blake open on his member, standing up and using his tail for balance as he bounces Blake up and down on his length in a standing fuck.

The two faunus are kissing, even as Sun holds Blake by the ass with one hand, using his erection to keep her aloft, all while his other hand, in another attempt at mimicking Whitley, has a grip on Yang's hair and is forcing the masochist to where his cock and Blake's cunt lips are meeting, forcing her to lick and lap up their combined fluids as she kneels there beneath them both in a position of subservience. Heh, if it'd been before Whitley had gotten to her, Yang Xiao-Long would never have let something like that happen… but now… now it was just who she was.

Meanwhile, Sun Wukong had been reprogrammed to serve Whitley faithfully for the rest of his days, with the Schnee Patriarch going ahead and simply swapping Sun's hatred for the SDC with loyalty and adoration for Whitley himself. Nearly every faunus Whitley had ever met was really just a few steps away from joining the White Fang. That was at least partially due to his father's bad business practices of course, and Whitley was already planning on changing that.

But you didn't rebuild the world in a day, and it would likely be decades, if not centuries before there could be true reconciliation between faunus and human. For now, Whitley had to rely on his semblance and his glyphs in order to see him through. For now, he would rebuild the faunus-human relationship one faunus at a time, by suborning their species into helping their species and his in one simple task… saving the world.

For now, what that meant was, Sun Wukong was all too eager to please, hoping to impress Whitley, while at the same time being hopelessly infatuated with Blake Belladonna. These were all things that Whitley could and would abuse most judiciously… but it was alright, because he was doing it for their own good. He was going to save them all, so it was only right that they serve him as their lord and master, their savior, their god in turn… right?

With a groan, Whitley unloads a fresh batch of baby batter into Pyrrha Nikos' waiting womb. He fills her with his cum before pulling out and letting go of her hair, watching as the powerfully built red head flops forward, face down, ass up, panting heavily as she recovers from the ordeal. Unable to help himself, Whitley goes right ahead and uses Pyrrha's toned ass as a pedestal, lifting Ruby up and sitting her upon the older girl's thicker behind as he spreads the silver-eyed young woman's legs apart and thrusts into her next.

Ruby squeals and moans as she clings to him, wrapping her arms and legs around his body and alleviating some of the weight from poor Pyrrha as he fucks her nice and hard. Plowing Ruby Rose atop Pyrrha Nikos is a treat in and of itself, especially as he gets to watch Pyrrha's freshly fucked cunt disgorge his seed, all at the same time.

Meanwhile, in another part of the orgy, both Nora and Ren, as well as Goodwitch and Neptune, are having some fun. Ren is… rather passive in a lot of ways. This includes sex. Not that that means he loves Nora any less, because Whitley can tell that he loves Nora just as much as Jaune loves Pyrrha, or Sun thinks he loves Blake, or Neptune thinks he loves Weiss. Whitley uses 'thinks' for those last two, because really, they're far too new to his collection for true love to have blossomed just yet.

It's entirely possible that both Sun and Neptune will grow bored of their current flings. Just as it's entirely possible they'll fall deeply in love with Blake and Weiss, just as Jaune and Ren have with their respective female teammates, tying Sun and Neptune all the closer to Whitley by proxy. In the end, it matters little. Even of Sun and Blake don't last, even if Neptune and Weiss don't stay a thing, all of them, both the boys and the girls, remain pieces in Whitley's arsenal, toys in his toy box, acquisitions for his collection.

He'll let them decide who they want to love, in the end, so long as everyone involved continues to remember that the one they truly adore, the one they are all truly devoted to… is him.

All of that is to say, Ren is on his back just as Neptune is, with both of the women they're fucking riding them to kingdom cum. This isn't all that surprising, even if they ARE both actively participating still, regardless of their current bottom status. Both men have hands on the waists of their partners, both men are thrusting upwards from below, even as Nora and Glynda ride them quite vigorously.

With Nora, it's a carefree happiness that she exudes as she bounces up and down on Ren's cock. The gorgeous Valkyrie really is a simple sort of soul, at the end of the day. All she wants from life is the chance to smash Grimm and be with Ren. Obviously, upon Whitley inserting himself into the dynamic, Nora now wanted to obey Whitley and make him happy more than anything, but as far as wants and desires went, going from two desires to three was still pretty impressively low when compared to some of the others.

He would almost certainly let Ren and Nora have a few kids, down the line. If he'd said they weren't allowed, the two would of course obey… but Whitley wasn't a monster by any means, and it didn't hurt him all that much, so long as they both knew who they belonged to, all in all.

Meanwhile, with Glynda, the lewdness and debauchery that the whorish Professor is exuding as she rides young Neptune towards his inevitable release is… truly spectacular. Where Nora is just happy and carefree and jubilant, Glynda is acting truly perverse, her eyes wild with desire, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, and hands grasping at Neptune's chest as she bounces up and down on his cock, not even kneeling on either side of his body, but instead crouching in her high heels.

Truly, she looks the most lewd of all, and honestly, Neptune doesn't know what to do with her, clearly taken aback by her enthusiasm, especially since she'd been so calm and composed during the dance earlier, acting the part of the disciplinarian and authoritarian Professor she'd been before Whitley had gotten his hands on her.

In the end, the boys cum inside of the girls, with Whitley in particular making sure to creampie Pyrrha and Ruby a few times apiece. Sun and Neptune acquit themselves quite well in the orgy, just as they acquitted themselves well in the investigation and adventure involving Torchwick and the White Fang. Jaune and Ren continue to do well as well, though from the way Jaune and Weiss interact, it's obvious the blond boy STILL needs some confidence injected into him.

Throughout the entire orgy, the cameras that would normally be centered on the dance hall from all angles are… suspiciously offline. However, just because Whitley has shut down the school's security cameras in this room, doesn't mean they aren't being recorded by HIS cameras. The entire orgy is caught on video thanks to Whitley's preparations.

He records the encounter between himself and his pets not just for himself to enjoy later, but also to share with his absent eldest sister as well as his mother. Both of whom will soon be arriving when the Vytal Festival finally starts. He also plans to throw a recording Team CFVY's way, as the foursome had been caught up on a mission and unfortunately proved unable to attend this dance. Ah well, maybe next time~

In the end, Whitley settles down to bed with Ruby on his left and Pyrrha on his right, smiling softly as he falls to sleep most contently, with two armfuls of soft feminine fleshy pillows to keep him company.


The Vytal Festival has arrived, and with it the tournament. The first round had already come to an end though… which meant that it was a time for celebration. Whitley hadn't just come to Vale emptyhanded of course. A man such as him, with all the power and resources and wealth that came with being the head of the SDC, had to travel in style.

Which was why he'd brought his own personal yacht, the Zauberspiegel, along when he'd arrived at Beacon. It was part battlecraft and part pleasure cruise, making it ideal for both business meetings that had to stay completely confidential, as well as small private parties filled only with people that Whitley trusted implicitly. Which of course was referring to those he'd put under his control.

Regardless, in the Party Section, which was easily convertible with all manner of seating configurations and event decorations, Whitley was enjoying breaking in his latest conquests. Or rather, having his previous conquests break in the vast majority of his latest conquests. Perhaps he was overreaching, but if you'd told him that, he would have been liable to laugh and scoff in your face. Overreaching? Him? The world was HIS oyster, and all the people in it were his to collect and acquire.

So what if he'd used his money and clout to arrange a meeting with all of the winners and losers of the first round so that he could take control of those who he did not already have under his spell, in order to arrange this little party of debauchery and depravity? In the end… it was all his to play with to begin with, was it not?

To start with, there was Team ABRN, from Mistral. They'd gone up against Team RWBY in the first round of the Vytal Festival Tournament, and much to Whitley's pleasure, Team RWBY had been the ones coming out ahead. As a reward for their hard work, Blake and Yang were helping Whitley in training the two female members of Team ABRN, Arslan Atlan and Reese Chloris. Arslan was a white-haired, dark-skinned beauty who, while defiant, had all but submitted once he'd gotten his glyph on her. Reese seemed to be more of a party girl, with her spiky teal locks, but she too was learning to obey now that he'd put her under his control.

At the moment…

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

At the moment, Blake and Yang had taken it upon themselves to teach the two defeated huntresses how to properly deep-throat their new master's cock. One after the other, the members of Team RWBY were using their grip on Arslan and Reese's hair to drive them down his length, choking them each on his shaft for a few moments before pulling back to give their counterpart a chance to do the same with the girl she was holding onto. Back and forth, back, and forth, his cock disappears down first Arslan and then Reese's throats, one after the other as he stands there enjoying the debauchery and gazing about the room, watching as everyone else gets off in their own way as well.

For instance, Ruby Rose is currently bouncing up and down on Bolin Hori's lap, one of the two male members of Team ABRN. Whitley had been impressed by the boy's showing during his match against Team RWBY, so he'd gone ahead and let Ruby ride the young man to kingdom cum. On the flipside of things, Nadir Shiko, the final member of Team ABRN, had not done quite so well… so right now, Glynda and Weiss were both training him up, seeing if he'd do better in the bedroom, rather than on the battlefield.

Not that this was a bedroom or anything like that… but it might as well be, for how intimate things were getting all around him.

Of course, in comparison to Team BRNZ, Team ABRN had gotten off easily. Team BRNZ had mostly disappointed Whitley today… but he was as always a completionist, so he'd snatched them up for his collection all the same. Supposedly, if they were good enough to be in the Vytal Tournament, they had to have some redeeming qualities, right?

Meh, so far, he wasn't seeing it. Oh sure, there were a couple of good eggs on the team. May Zedong, for instance, Team BRNZ's only female member, was currently being spit roasted between Jaune and Ren, the two men fucking her tight figure from both ends. She was sucking and slurping away at Ren's pale long cock as he tossed his head back in pleasure, while at the same time Jaune was thrusting into her with enough speed that he was inadvertently driving her further down his male teammate's length.

Jaune had definitely found a lot more confidence in the time between the dance and now, but then, Whitley had made sure of that, consistently putting the blond boy in both sexual situations and combat situations, where his only real choice was to sink or swim. So far, Jaune had survived, and with that had come a sort of competence that Whitley could appreciate. He'd known Pyrrha was right and that there was something special about the boy, but it'd taken some drawing out, to be sure.

Meanwhile, Nora and Pyrrha were proving that Roy Stallion was quite the stud, May's teammate fucking Pyrrha hard enough that the Invincible Girl was currently looking quite satisfied, though now that Nora's energetic booty was bouncing up and down on his cock, it seemed like he was on the backfoot. Still, as good as May and Roy were, and as much as Whitley enjoyed their additions to his collection… their other two teammates, Brawnz and Nolan, were less than worthy in Whitley's eyes.

Which was why he had the two boys simply watching and forced to pleasure themselves, viewing them as honestly more expendable then Team CRDL at this point. But he still finds that he gets a kick out of having a few men who will only ever be able to look on from the outside, never participating…

Finally, there's Team SSSN, who are enjoying the spoils of their victory over Team NDGO… namely, the bodies of that very same all-female team. After seeing how capable Sun and Neptune had proven to be, Whitley had been interested in meeting their other members. In the end, he'd brought Scarlet David and Sage Ayana into his growing collection as well… and now they, much like their teammates, were getting a chance to have some fun with the girls they'd defeated in the first round of the Tournament.

Said girls were mildly reluctant, but in the end all too willing to submit after he'd put them under his control and ordered them to obey whatever the boys of SSSN wanted of them. In the end, Whitley was well aware that his glyphs made it so that Team NDGO would rather be submitting to him instead… but all in good time. Besides, in a way, submitting to SSSN was submitting to him. Those men were just extensions of Whitley's will at this point, after all.

Regardless, in the end, Sage was taking his revenge against Dew for taking him out early in their team fight. He's currently fucking her doggystyle from behind, gripping tightly at her blonde locks as he plows her through screaming orgasm after screaming orgasm, her eyes nearly rolled back in her skull from the pleasure that the rough railing is bringing them both.

Sun, meanwhile, has picked Octavia Ember for his playmate, and from the look of things, the red head is actually more willing to go along with it, even seeming to be enjoying it more because he'd been the one to single handedly take her out in the Tournament. Perhaps she had a defeat fetish… Whitley might just explore that later with a one on one duel with the girl. For now, though, Octavia was greatly enjoying being fucked in a full nelson by the monkey faunus, who certainly seemed to enjoy using his tail as a third leg in order to keep his balance as he fucked girls in a standing position.

Meanwhile, Scarlet had been given Gwen and Nebula for similar reasons, having bested both girls early on in their match, despite not fully taking them out of the fight. Honestly, Whitley felt like Scarlet had been given a raw deal. He'd certainly done a lot of work, only for Sun's attack against Dew to end up deflected into Scarlet's groin, exhausting his aura, and knocking him out of the match.

As recompense for such an ignoble defeat after such a strong early showing, Whitley had ordered Nebula Violette, Team NDGO's leader, as well as Gwen Darcy, to service Scarlet to the best of their abilities, doing whatever the young man wanted. Right now, that meant he was fucking Nebula on her back in a mating press while Gwen watched on from the side… though that was a bit misleading, because Gwen was also being fucked at the moment, just not by Scarlet.

Instead, Gwen is currently being taken from behind by an exuberant Neptune, the blue-haired young man plowing the gorgeous girl nice and hard as she watches her team leader get plowed silly by the man who beat both of them in a one on two duel. After Scarlet had gone down, it'd been just Neptune and Sun versus Nebula, Gwen, and Dew… but that hadn't prevented the boys from sealing the win.

In the end, it'd been Sun's plan but Neptune's action that had seen to the final defeat of the remaining three Team NDGO members, when Neptune had channeled some electricity from his trident to electrify the girls who were attempting to regroup within the body of water supplied for the match. He'd electrified all three opponents in one fell swoop, knocking out their auras right then and there and winning the match for Team SSSN.

As a result, Whitley has given Neptune free liberty to float around, basically, the blue-haired boy allowed to fuck whoever he wants whenever he wants… save for the girls Whitley is currently enjoying, of course. Once Neptune is done with Gwen, he moves over to where Weiss and Glynda are tag teaming Nadir and pulls Whitley's sister away, ultimately taking her in a standing position that has Weiss blushing profusely as she's bent over and plowed in front of everyone.

She's not the last girl that Neptune chooses to fuck that night, given his current reward from Whitley, but the fact that she's the second does make Whitley wonder if Neptune will truly come to love Weiss as much as Jaune and Ren love Pyrrha and Nora. Not that it matters in the end… but ah, romance can be such fun, when it's taking place between two of his acquisitions.

Much like Neptune, Whitley too ends up drifting at some point during the mass celebratory orgy. Oh sure, he fucks Arslan and Reese into a stupor, before plowing Blake and Yang silly for helping out. Then he moves on, angling to creampie each of his latest female acquisitions at least once before the night is through. And he does so, not stopping until he's cum inside of Nebula Violette herself, the gorgeous leader of Team NDGO proving to be the final huntress for him to sew his oats in, so to speak.

The night is a grand success, just as the Vytal Festival and it's associated Tournament have proven to be so much fun so far. Whitley can't help but be pleased as punch by the simple fact that all of this is providing him with such a steady stream of new toys for his collection, young hunters and huntresses of all nationalities, of all shapes and sizes, ending up under his control.

In essence, this Vytal Festival was bringing everyone to him, and Whitley was being offered a veritable buffet of pets for him to pick and choose from as the Tournament went on. All it took was a single meeting and the right touch after all, and they belonged to him. And who wouldn't want to meet with THE Whitley Schnee, CEO of the Schnee Dust Corporation, and all around most handsome bachelor in all of Remnant, hm?

Chuckling in a self-deprecating manner, Whitley falls to sleep that night with the chocolate skinned body of Arslan Atlan pressed into one side, while the pale purple-haired form of Nebula Violette presses into his other. The two female team leaders might be strong, independent women in their own right… but when up against him, their resistance crumbled and their innate desire to submit to him shone through all the same.

All according to plan…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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