
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Training Days

Darren was right, Tai should have tried to get as much rest as possible. Due to growing up on a farm Tai was naturally used to waking up early but this was even earlier that what he was used to. The Sun hadn't even risen when all trainees were called to the training ground, many still even had their eye's closed as they made their way to line up, Even Lucky was still carrying his pillow in hand.

"Aye get up dummy, the Chief Officer is coming." Aria said.



"Aye that hurt!"

That was one way to wake up a sleeping dog.

The Trainees were all dressed in their basic training uniforms and stood together in several lines. Tai, Darren, Aria and Lucky stood together next to each other. There were about 100 soldiers all form the Black gate dorm, it seemed the White gate was undergoing training from a different officer. It was about 10 minutes before the Chief training officer came out followed by several others who seemed to be Sergeants and they were all dragging along large boxes.

"I am your Chief Training officer, refer to me as Officer Redi,"

He motioned to the soldiers to open the boxes. They took out what looked like vests along with two other bracelet like objects and began passing them around.

"For now on everyday you will wear these. Whether you are eating, sleeping or bathing you will not take them off, except for the vest of course. Now everyone put your stuff on and start running."

Officer Redi pointed to the track around the training area.

"Uhm for how long Chief?" asked Lucky.

"Until I say stop."

The weights were extremely heavy even for Tai, The vest weighed him down so much that he felt like he was trying to jump with all his strength every time he lifted up his leg. although Darren seemed to have no difficulty running.

'How does a guy like that exist.' Tai thought. He was barely managing to move his feet, he was walking rather that running.

It felt as if they were running for Hours around the track before anyone spoke a word.

"Ugh I can't go on...Chief what's the point of this?" Lucky asked as he fell to the floor.

The Chief wasn't just waiting at the sides but he was running along side the group in weights just the same, except he wasn't breaking a sweat.

"The moment you get exhausted on the battlefield is the dangerous, Right now none of you have the stamina to last 5 minutes in war, demons are relentless and won't give you a break to catch your breath. The only way to stop that from happening is to condition you so you're even more exhausted than you would be out there, that way when it happens you won't get tired as easily, now get up and keep running."

Officer Redi grabbed lucky by his vest and lifted him up with one hand and pushed him to keep running forward.

Tai was actually managing to pick up his feet and run after a few hours, though not at full speed. His body was trying to get him to stop but after hearing what the Chief had said to lucky he began to push through it, He didn't even feel conscious while he was running, His body was moving automatically.

"Tai!" Darren called out to him.

"Huh!?" Tai snapped out of his trance and turned to Darren.

"What is it."

"You're breathing is off, and it's making you more tired."

"My breathing?" Tai Questioned.

"Yes, If you don't breath correctly you won't get any oxygen and you might pass out."

"I see.."

"Here listen to my breathing and try to copy it."

Tai listened to the way Darren was breathing, taking in air first through his nostrils intaking the air into his lungs then releasing it through his mouth.

"You get it?"

"I think so."

Tai began breathing as Darren had instructed, his body became warm for some reason as the air entered his body but the heat wasn't uncomfortable, it made him feel energized. As he continued breathing the more the heat increased and relaxed his body. He seemed to fall into another trance but this time was different, it seemed the more he ran the more his body was rejuvenating.

"Alright everyone, That's enough, go eat lunch and meet back here when you're done." Officer Redi yelled.

Tai hadn't realized he had been running in that trance for a few hours.

He grabbed a tray of food from the cafeteria and met up with Darren, Aria, and Lucky.

"Ah Darren that breathing technique you showed me was really useful."

"Of course, learning to breathe properly is one of the first things I was taught in my family."

"Breathing Technique? I wanna learn it too." Lucky said.

"It was a pretty good technique, My body felt very warm as I was running, It was a very comfortable heat and my body seemed to be getting less tired as I was running."

"Heat?" Darren questioned.

"Proper breathing does keep your body temperature at a good degree but I don't think it's something that's supposed to warm you to the point of feeling heat," He said with his hand on his chin.

"But if it's working for you I guess that's fine."

Once they were done eating it was back to running, The group continued running till it was time for Dinner.

"Tai, I don't think I can make it at this rate."

"Don't worry Lucky, you can do it, I'll cheer you on."

"Stop being overdramatic, Beastmen are supposed to have good strength and stamina but here you are looking pathetic." Aria said with a demeaning tone.

"Ugh, This woman again. She makes me angry but I'm too tired to rebuttal."

Tai felt bad for Lucky who was sprawled out on the floor and went up to him attempting to pick him up.

"How about I just help you to the room so you can rest up, you can come back to eat when you're ready."

"Don't worry yourself over this guy, I'll take him." Aria stopped Tai and Picked up Lucky before he could grab him.


"Let's go dummy." She said as she walked off carrying Lucky.

"Is something going on with Aria and Lucky?" Darren asked.

"Uhh I don't know, I thought they hated each other."

"I thought the same."



Aria carried Lucky to the room she was sharing with the sergeant.

"Aye wake up, your lucky I carried you, Tai would've found out."

"Ah thanks, and another Thank you for letting me use your private bath sergeant."

"No problem," Sergeant Eura was laying on her bed reading a book.

"I don't know why you need to go through all this trouble though, there's lots of girls here so why do you need to disguise yourself." Aria said.

"Well you have circumstances don't you, well I also have mine."

"Irritating....Whatever, Just hurry up and get back to your room."