
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Silver Eagle Troop part 3

The Cafeteria was large and bustling, over 200 people in one place mingling with one another. Tai, Darren and Lucky received there food, took a seat at an empty table, and began eating silently.

As he was eating Tai took notice of Lucky who had a contemplative look on his face.

"Is something wrong Lucky?"

"hmm? ah it's nothing I was just thinking about that Aria girl form earlier."

"Oh have a crush do you?" Darren interjected.

"No that's not it at all." Lucky said with an irritated look on his face.

"It's just, I was wondering why an Elf would Join the Soluna army, as the Elves still have their own army still fighting."

"That's a good question," said Tai

"Maybe she-"


A tray of food slammed on the table next to Tai.

"It's not nice to talk to people behind their backs," It was Aria with a stern look on her face as she sat down.

"Ahh we weren't talking bad about you, I was just wondering about how strange it is an Elf wouldn't join their own army." Lucky Explained.

"Strange? Well how would you like it if I talked about how strange you were. Most Male Beastmen I've seen are tall and muscular, but you look tiny and are even shorter than me!"

"hey!" Lucky's face turned red with embarrassment.

"Let's calm down everyone, Just take a seat and enjoy your food."

"Hmf!" Aria and Lucky crossed their arms and turned their heads away from each other.

"Since we're all curious why don't we all tell about ourselves then?" Tai suggested.

It was Darren who decided to introduce himself first.

"My name is Darren Ericson, 22 years old, Unlike most of the soldiers here I wasn't a drafted soldier, I was originally part of another troop but I transferred here because my brother."

"You're brother?" Lucky Asked

"Yes, He's a lieutenant of the troop, Clyde Ericson."

"A Lieutenant? that's pretty cool." Lucky said.

"It's not as cool as it seems, The Ericson family is a noble Margrave family and traditionally a military family so many of my siblings have high positions in the military."

"Alright then me next! My name is Chris Kellen, 19 years old I wasn't from a noble family or anything but my family does own a small martial arts school."

"So you're good at fighting then?" Asked Aria.

"I don't mean to brag but I was called a genius with a sword by everyone who went to our school." Lucky said with a smug face.

"Well with that tiny body it might just be hard for your opponents to hit you."

"Wha!! You-"

"Well I guess it's my turn now."

"Aye I was-"

"I'm Aria Ellon, I'm a refugee from the Ellon kingdom, as for age...let's just say I'm probably the eldest person here and since you want to know the reason I joined the human army so bad..."

Lucky had a look of anticipation on his face.

"Well that's a secret."

"A mysterious person I see." Tai said.

"As mysterious as I have to be."

"Well I guess I'm the last one," Tai cleared his throat then began to introduce himself.

"My name is Tai Edendale, I'm 16 wait no, 17 years old and the eldest of my 3 siblings, I lived with my grandfather who's the lord of a poor village in the north, Since we didn't have much money I grew up mainly doing farm work."

"You forgot you're own age?" Lucky looked at him suspiciously

"That's not it...It's just,"

"Hmm?" The three looked at him ready to hear his answer.

"Today is my birthday."

"Ah! Happy birthday."

"Hmm drafted to the army on your birthday, that sounds tough, you'd probably want to spend it more with your family right?"

"Yeah but before we left they threw me a party, so you can say we celebrated together already."

"17 huh... It's a full revolution birthday." Said Aria

"Full revolution birthday?"

"Yes, in Ellon they every birthday that land's on the same day of the week as you were born is a full revolution birthday." Aria said nodding her head.

"That sounds cool! so you were born on a Sunday like today. I wonder when's mine." Lucky said.

"Well I could calculate it for you but it'd be a bother so figure it out yourself." Aria teased with a smug look on her face.

"I really don't like you Old lady." Lucky responded

"Old lady!?"

"Aria.." The group turned to the sudden voice that cut into the argument between the two. They turned to see Sergeant Eura.

"Your accommodations have been made, for now you'll be sharing a room with me, so bring your stuff over after you're done eating."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Do you want to move to my room too?"

Though the face she was making was serious, the group was confused as the she was speaking to Lucky offering to move him to her room.

"Uhhhm....S-sorry even though I'm small like this I'm actually a boy." Lucky spoke nervously.

"Oh... I see... Suit yourself." She then began to walk off. She turned around to give them one more message before exiting.

"Training starts tomorrow Early so make sure you get some rest, You'll need it." Then she disappeared through the doors.

"Well I guess I'll see you guy's tomorrow for basic training." Aria said before getting up and leaving.

Lucky got up immediately after still with a red face,

"I have to go bathe I'll see you guys later too." and scurried off.

"What about you Darren?"

"Me well I know what we'll be getting into so I'll be fine, but iif I were you I would try to get as much rest as I could."

"Really? I think I'm in pretty good shape though."

"Trust me, It's not about being in shape, You're going to need as much rest as your body can get especially since we're going to be training under Officer Redi. He's one of the fiercest trainers out there, I heard from my brother."

"Is it really that bad."

"My brother couldn't sleep for 2 days from the muscle pains."

Tai was stunned.

