
CHAPTER 31 He Is Back

  Amelia's heart skipped a beat when she heard this. She didn't know what or how to feel right now, knowing that it had been more than two months since she last saw Reagan. Also, she knew that things between them would never be the same again after all that had happened. Nevertheless, she sprang out of bed and dashed towards the balcony at the lounge to see her mate, whom she had missed a great deal.

  WOW. Amelia was amazed to see the lined-up cars outside the castle as people began emerging from it. But her sight only sought to see one person, and she scanned through the numbers of vehicles until her gaze landed on his figure. The one that rose fire inside her as he balled gracefully out of his Maybach in black jeans paired with a long grey sleeve shirt with about three buttons opened to reveal a part of his chiseled chest, and her breath hitched.