
The Alpha King and His Human Consort.

There was once a great human thief in the kingdom of Arandell who feared nothing. Her enemies said she would cut through a lion’s den like a cat with nine lives, with her sword sharp as her attacks. Many remember her as the maiden who killed every one of her husbands, but that memory was soon erased when she graced them with her presence. The kingdom of Arandell knew no peace for years thanks to this thief and her lackeys. Her name was Tessa, or The Night Owl as most prefer to call her. Until one day, when she decides to do the impossible by breaking into the castle of the most feared king that ever ruled the werewolves. Tessa had no fear so she waved off the warnings sent from her lackey. Unfortunately, she was caught by the werewolf king who married her as his concubine to punish her since she didn’t fear death. Tessa, whose husbands never lived to see another day, was flabbergasted when she saw the hybrid king sleeping beside her soundly. “Why…why are you still alive?” With widened eyes and shattered hope, she asked, her breaths uneven. “I am the devil.” Elias, born to rule the werewolves was rumored to be a blood-sucking werewolf. People say the death of his beloved wife turned him into a sadistic, cruel, and tyrannical king. Would Tessa fight to regain her freedom? Or would she heal the broken king with no heart and rewrite her destiny? “How did you do it?” Astonished, Elias grabbed her hand and asked. “Are you dumb? This is just you falling in love with me.” Rolling her eyes at the absurdity of his expression, she answered. “No, I love only my wife.” She fell first, then he fell harder.

Trishybaby · Urban
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15 Chs

His consort

Opening her eyes, a pale-looking woman groaned as she sat up.

A sharp pain in her neck brought back memories of the previous night. She was still alive? The werewolf had seemed furious enough to kill her. How had she survived? The more she operated in heists, the more she felt like she was born to steal from others. 

It could be that the Moon Goddess felt bad for cursing her and wanted to repay her with everlasting luck. Though it wasn't enough to move her, it was enough to keep her alive. 

Looking around, she found herself in a foul-smelling cell with no guards in sight. Perhaps they had let their guard down because she was a woman?

They were mistaken in underestimating her. But why had they bandaged her neck if they intended to kill her? Something didn't add up, and she despised being pitied by her captors.

Sitting up, she brushed off her gown and prepared to escape. She would return for the crown later, for now, it was best to get out since she knew its location.

Leaving the cell, she managed to escape the dungeon but only made it to the first floor of the castle. Just a few more steps, and she would be free.

"She has escaped!" She heard one of the guards shout as she passed by, causing her to smirk.

"Fools," she muttered, turning away, only to bump into something hard. Rubbing her forehead, she was about to curse when she looked up and met the coldest gaze she had ever seen.

Taking a step back, she asked, "Who are you?" Her eyes carefully darted over the strange man before her. If he didn't look so stern, she might have called him beautiful. His wet hair was slicked to one side, and his face was perfectly sculpted like a god's.

"Take her," he commanded, his voice deep and alluring, making her wish to hear more.

Distracted, she didn't notice the guards grabbing her until it was too late. As they led her back to the dungeon, reality sank in. 

"Not here," she protested, struggling against their grip, looking back at the path they had come.

But the men were too strong, and they easily returned her to the cell. Following the strange man's orders, they chained her to the wall and placed a chair in front of her, where he sat.

He stared at her silently, making Tessa nervous. Why was he looking at her with such emotionless eyes? Oddly, the longer he stared, the more she felt something was missing, something she should remember. What could it be? 

She could never remember all her victims but even if she could, she doesn't remember stumbling upon someone like him. That gaze was nowhere familiar as every gaze of her victims was full of fear. 

Clearing her throat, she said, "If you want to kill me, get it over with." She tried to act tough, hoping to irritate him. If there was a way to gain the upper hand, it was by provoking her opponent and seizing the opportunity.

"Who sent you here?" He asked, ignoring her words.

"Who do you think? The Moon Goddess? Or your enemies?" She replied sarcastically, not taking him seriously.

'I like her, she is tough.' Elias's wolf, Eli said, wagging his tail out of excitement.

'Shut it before I make you do,' Elias warned.

'Be honest, you also want to taste those fiery lips of hers,' Eli teased, stepping on Elias's nerves that made the latter block him from intruding his thoughts further.

"What do you know about the crown?" He continued, unfazed by her sarcasm.

"Enough to earn me this wolf bite," she retorted, hissing when she remembered the pain she felt from the bite. 

Seeing her reluctance to talk, he signaled one of the guards, who understood immediately. They splashed a bowl of water on her face, repeating the action five times.

"Stop it, you dimwit!!" She yelled, spitting out water. 

"What the hell do you want from me? Are you the king? Why are you questioning me without the king's order?" She yelled which brought frowns to the guard's faces, they feared for her. She was digging her own grave, oblivious to the danger. Even a fool would easily figure out who the man in front of her was. 

Alpha King might have been absent in the lives of his people for long but he still held that royal aura. Also, this was the castle, her bird brain should be able to fathom the situation. 

"You are..." a guard began, but the strange man cut him off with a raised hand and stood up.

"If you have any family, let the servants know. You will be my consort as of tomorrow," he declared.

"What did you just say?" She asked in disbelief, scoffing. 

"Take her to my mother's quarters," he ordered before leaving.

"Stop there, you ugly dark man!!" She shouted, struggling against the chains.

If only she weren't tied up, she would show that arrogant bastard how dangerous she could be. His consort? He must be joking. Why would she become his consort? She had a bright future ahead, and marrying a strange man was not part of it. How could he marry someone he just met? And consort? Was he the king?

"You better release me now before I unleash my power on you," she threatened the guards, glaring at them.

"Tie her legs," the guards ignored her threats and focused on their task.

"Don't you dare touch me!!" She warned, but they paid no attention and eventually dragged her out of the cell.

Tessa fumed as they led her to the destination. She couldn't believe the humiliation she was enduring, this had never happened before.

"Why don't you let me go, and I will give you 1,000 coins each, huh?" She offered, smiling widely at them, something she hated doing.

The guards exchanged glances, making Tessa think she had convinced them, only for them to drop her on the floor.

"Ahhh!!" She cried, groaning in pain. How much worse could this heist go?

"Someone will come for you, stay put," they relayed and left before she could complain.

"Seriously? You uphold your honor over a price enough to make you wealthy men?" She muttered to herself as the guards left.

"Are you the red ruby admirer?"