
Chapter 41: Catalyst for Change

I quickly turned to face the door leading into Luke’s apartment. Josh stood beside him, both of them leaning on either side of the doorframe.

“Crap,” Alex said. “Any chance you can ignore what you just heard?”

“Tell us what?” Josh asked, not entertaining his mate’s attempt at changing the subject.

It was the first time I’d seen him look serious. Seeing their expressions and the aura they were exuding at that moment, I had never wondered less why they were in charge of leading their pack.

“I always knew it’d be your mouth that led us to our death,” I sighed, shaking my head.

“Stop being dramatic,” she said, rolling her eyes in an attempt to cover up her nerves.

They watched us without saying a word. Waiting for us to explain ourselves. I walked over to the white cushioned chair on the balcony and motioned for them to join me. We all sat and I cleared my throat.

“My parents showed up at the bookstore, two weeks ago,” I said, watching Luke for any change in his body language.