
Chapter 1: The Meeting

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window. I stretched my arms and legs, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on my skin. I had a sense that something was going to happen. I stayed in bed for a moment, trying to figure out where this feeling was coming from. Had I won the lottery? I had never applied but something about today felt different.

I sat up in bed and took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the freshly brewed coffee that filled my room. I slipped out of my blue sheets and went to the bathroom.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn’t help but admire my reflection. My pale skin glowed in the soft light of the bathroom, almost porcelain-like in its delicacy. My black hair hung in loose waves around my face, framing my striking features. But it was my eyes piercing blue eyes that captivated people the most. For a moment, I simply stood and stared at my reflection. It was a rare moment of self-acceptance, and I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the beauty my birth parents passed down to me.

After taking a refreshing shower, I got dressed in a light, flowy summer dress and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. My adoptive parents, John and Sarah, were already sitting at the table reading the morning newspaper.

“Good morning, Kiara,” Dad greeted me with a smile. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did. Although, I woke up with this weird feeling that something is going to happen today. ” I replied, returning his smile with my own toothy grin.

“Oh? Well, what kind of feeling?” Dad asked.

“I don't know, just this sense of anticipation. It's hard to explain.” I said, making my way around the table to sit in the seat next to him.

“Hmm, well, I'm sure everything will be fine. Just try not to worry too much.” Mom said, after taking a generous sip from her coffee mug.

“I know, I'm probably just being silly.” I said, shaking my head. “What’s for breakfast?”

Mom chuckled from the other side of the table as I leaned in and kissed her on top of her head. “Our usual, scrambled eggs and toast. You know how we like to keep it simple.”

I laughed. If there was one thing about our family that everyone knew, it was that we simply didn’t do simple. I love my parents, they’re always making me laugh. As I sat down at the table, Dad passed me a plate of eggs and toast, and Mom poured me a cup of coffee.

“So, what are your plans for the day?” Dad asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

“I have to work at the bookstore,” I replied, taking a bite of my eggs. “But I was thinking of going for a walk in the park before that.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Mom said. “It’s such a beautiful day outside.”

As they finished breakfast, they chatted about their plans for the day and caught up on the latest news. I loved these quiet moments with them the most. After breakfast, I put on my sneakers and grabbed my purse. “I’ll see you guys later,” I said, giving them both a hug. “Have a good day.”

I walked out the door and took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. I loved my life, and I was grateful for everything that my family had done for me. I still couldn’t shake off the feeling that my life was going to change today.

While walking through the park, enjoying the sunshine and the sound of birds singing, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment. I felt like I was exactly where I was meant to be, surrounded by love and happiness. The closer I got to the bookstore the more relaxed I became.

Unlocking the doors, opening all the windows, and dusting the tables had become second nature to me. It was a strict routine I followed since I was 14 when I first started working in the bookstore with Mom and Dad. It’s still crazy to me that five years have passed by so quickly. I’ve been saving my money for college and this year was really important considering I decided to take a gap year so that I could save as much as possible before starting my college life.

I loved working in the bookstore. It was a small, cozy shop with stacks of books lining the shelves and the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. But even though I loved my job, I couldn’t help feeling like something was missing… like I was meant for something more. But I didn’t know what that something was. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and I love my parents. I’ve always summed it up as a part of me growing up and wanting to be my own person.

Later that afternoon, as I was restocking the shelves, a man walked into the store. He was tall, with broad shoulders and dark hair that looked like he ran his fingers through it quite a bit throughout the day. I felt a jolt of attraction shoot through my body as I peered up at him, but I quickly pushed the feeling aside. I had work to do, it wasn’t like me to be peeking at the customers like a creep.

“Good afternoon,” I said, smiling at him. “Can I help you find anything?”

The man smiled back and I noticed the way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight that filtered through the windows. He had the prettiest eyes I had ever seen, they were hazel now. But I swear they were golden brown when I first looked at him.

“Yes, actually,” he said. “I’m looking for a book on leadership. Something that will help me become a better CEO.”

I sensed a bit of sarcasm from that last part. His eyes held no intention of any condescension, so I brushed it off as him having an odd sense of humor. I nodded, leading him to the business section of the store. As I searched the shelves for the book he wanted, I couldn’t help feeling drawn to him. There was something about him that felt familiar like I had met him somewhere before.

“I’m Kiara, by the way,” I said, handing him the book. “And you are?”

The man took the book from me, his fingers brushing against mine. I felt a spark of electricity shoot through my body and pulled away quickly. I took a step away from him, feeling confused. That was strange, must’ve been static in the air or something.

“Business for dummies?” He read the title, out loud and then let out a shocked chuckle. I met his amused eyes with my own grin.

“I’m Luke,” he said, his eyes holding my gaze steadily. “My apologies, Kiara. But I am afraid I have an important meeting I must attend to. It was lovely to meet you.”

“You too,” I said, surprising myself with how steady my voice was.

As he walked out of the store, I couldn’t stop thinking about our interaction. Who was he? Why did he make me feel so… strange?