
The Alpha Cursed Mate

Tragedy,war,hatred, jealousy and even worst things one can ever imagine,I Todd Catherine never believed really exist except in story or in film until it started walking into my life like a flowing river. Living with my Aunt in a small town far away from the city is something I always count as lowlife until I discover it is called peaceful living. It started when I got admitted into a university called The Royal. My Aunt made me believe wolf,witch,demon and more powerful beings exist but I never count it serious till my life takes a turn at The Royal seeing someone who is exactly like me and someone trying to make me his?. Discovering myself I'm not a human,even a wolf would have been better but I'm a curse wolf together with witch gene having a twin sister who is after my life! It is a long story. I believe you want to know how it started and how it ended! "Will I end up being beheaded? As the supreme Alpha ordered. "Will he choose me over my sister ?" "Will Vanella accept the fact that I'm made for him?" "How will a cursed mate become his mate and the Luna of moonstone pack?" "You will get your answer if only you follow and listen to what I have to say.

Baby_Favor · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Royal feast


(Tales of two Luna )

Chapter 10

(Todd resident)

"Hey princess" Aunt Maya called from the door.

I looked up at her just staring like dumbo.

"Looks like something is wrong with this lady here" she took her seat right beside me.

"Yeah a lot," I replied.

"So go on and tell me everything I promise to find solutions to them all if it is something I can do though" He chuckled.

"Today I met my twin sister" I started.

"Glad I told you before you left this morning then things will have gone cranky big time" She breathed.

"I just don't get it. Why do you make me attend The Royal?" she asked.

"Making you attend The Royal has a lot more disadvantages than advantages but if you meet him earlier it will be less problematic," She said.

"You are speaking in parables," Catherine replied.

"You know I told you are not a normal being right?" She asked and she nodded in reply.

"Hummm it's complicated and the bad thing is you are clocking eighteen next weekend" She said.

"Tell me everything that is complicated . I want to know what I'm" Catherine said out in a whisper, staring down out of the window.

"We are able to talk to each other with mind today. I don't know how that is possible," Catherine said.

"You look down inside her eyes?" Aunt Maya asked.

"Somehow I even approached her," Catherine replied.

"You shouldn't have, if possible, stayed many feet away from her," Aunt Maya said.

"Why?" Catherine asked.

"She is against you and won't do you any better than bad. I advise you to stay away from her, don't look into her eyes too, never do that or she will be able to read your thoughts as much as you are in her vicinity" She explained.

"Looks like she knows herself better and has some sort of power but I know nothing about myself can't you just tell me?" Catherine faces her looking into her eyes.

"I really want to tell you but I'm afraid but there is nothing I can do to prevent it,your destiny lies in your hand so I'm going to tell you sure one day"

"One day till when huh?" Catherine asked.

"I will tell you once I'm back," she replied.

"Back? Where are you going?" Catherine asked.

"Somewhere and it's going to take two days. I hope you will be able to stay by yourself?" Aunt Maya asked.

"You promise to tell me right?" She asked and she nodded in reply before hugging her tightly.

*I have always loved you liked I will loved my daughter Catherine,I really wish your life is normal and full of blossom* Aunt Maya thought.

Hope everything will be fine even if you can't stay till the end. I will watch from above,she disengaged the hug.

"Avoid that girl! Don't go out stay at home you can cook simple food if you don't want to stress yourself but everything is in stock just go to school and come back Catherine"

"Okay I heard you,you are behaving strictly right now so where is Milady heading to?" Catherine asked.

"Secret!" Aunt Maya wink and she laughed while picking up her text book.


(Halfmoon stone pack)

"Come one you have to go looks like it's urgent" Jeremy said beside Kelvin who was not even interested in whatever he was saying.

"Just go, I will go meet him when I'm done, okay?" He said plugging his headphones.

"Seriously, why did I just happen to be your beta? You want him to behead me ?"

"You don't have to report back do you?" He replied, removing his white comfy slippers and crawling into the bed.

"I need a nap" He said and closed his eyes.

"Yah!" Jeremy yelled!.

"Don't break down my suite wall" He murmured in sleep.

Kelvin left him after many attempts.


(Nelson resident)

"You have to use it to your advantage to know her next steps," Ophelia said.

"She is tagging along with the wrong person, '' Nella said.

"Good then you have him to yourself it will be worse if you haven't been marked on the night of your birthday the full moon might come out" Ophelia explained.

"It's next weekend already, how do you expect me to do that huh?"

"Go through her thoughts if she had any solution to hers that witch must have told her something" she mixed two herbs together and started pounding.

"Her thinking is draft so I don't need to listen to her thinking to know her next step" she replied, trimming her nails.

"I love the sharpness of my nails," she giggles.

"Wait till next weekend it will become sharper, everything about you will change drastically" Ophelia said.

"Good news," Nella replied as stood up.

"Going to see the city," she said.

"Don't cause trouble out there," Ophelia said.

"I'm not a kid stop sprunting nonsense!" She snapped and picked up her coat, her heels making a loud noise as she walked.

She heard a tiny running sound and followed it immediately.

She picked up the rat who was struggling from her grip.

"Got lunch!" She smiled before throwing it in her mouth while eating.

She wiped her mouth and heard out.


(Halfmoon stone pack... night)

"Come out safe" Jeremy said to Kelvin before opening the courtyard door for him.

"He won't do me anything" he replied and stepped in.

He stood before them looking at all of them like a dumb headed.

"Just when will you start learning?" Supreme Alpha asked.

"I will ask you that same thing! Because I always have to stress myself telling you to get straight to the point" he replied sharply.

"Kelvin!" Luna called.

"Mom, don't interfere, tell your Alpha to adapt if he can't change something!" He replied.

"Yeah save me the stress,we finally got the witch location and she will be here tomorrow regarding your mate" Supreme Alpha breathed out.

"Cool,first good news of the year" He replied with a smile.

"Brother!" 7 years Byroel Kelvin's kid sister called from the entrance.

"Holy shit!" Kelvin cursed knowing fully well what he is in for tonight seeing Byroel in her night dress.