Tara’s POV
I could do nothing but watch as as the gold woman circled Axel, and then stopped. She cradled his head in her hand as she leaned against his shoulder. She was much taller than him, and so her neck bent at an awkward angle, but her sinister smile had no hint of being out of place.
“How unfortunate for you, to always end up in this situation, Tara, dear,” she stated.
I tired to move, but my body failed me.
“You see?” she teased. “Always bound to nothing, always trapped, always at the mercy of those people so much more powerful than you. What say you, she-Alpha? How will you save this one?”
“What do you want?” I seethed.
I was tired of this—the visions, the pull from one reality to the next, the mysticism of it all. All I asked for was peace, and it seemed like everytime I was close to getting it, I was thrown back again into the world of chaos.