
The Alpha - Werewolves' King

According to prophecy, there will be a human born from three supernatural races, but that's impossible. No human has a supernatural ability, nor there will be a creature born from a werewolf and a vampire parent. Let us wait and see how the story goes, and how will there a human but is born from three supernatural creatures. This is the beginning: The Alpha - Werewolves' king

RiverFrightte · Fantasie
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Disclaimer: This story is a product of my imagination, any names, places, and events are all fictitious.

Humans are the only known species that lived in the lands of Astria, but little did anyone know, there were other kinds too, and they are the byproducts of humans.

A woman once bore a bloodsucking child, although she and her husband are both innocent human, and she never have had any sexual intercourse with anyone except her beloved one. That child was one of many unnatural occurrences of nature, and that child was the one in the prophecy which was said to be the one who will wipe out the earths.

Humans never wanted to feel like a defeated soldier, or someone who will just cower in fear because of the unknown. Out of their fear to the child of the prophecy, they burnt the house of the bearer, with her inside and her child. The child of the prophecy looked straight to his father's eyes while he initiates the fire that will burn him and his mother.

That was the start of the child's vengeance, although at a very young age, he was just born a few hours and his father already wanted to get rid of him, he planted it in his memories, that someday, he will see to it that every man will lose their first born to him, he will make sure that he will not be the only bloodsucking demon lurking on earth.

One pregnant woman cried to the moon as her labor is coming closer, she cried and cried until the priestess of the moon hear her cries.

"Please don't let my child become that monster, please befell your favor to him. Make him your servant." - She cried.

The priestess of the moon was pleased to what she heard, she knew that someday she will need a servant to protect her from the bloodsucking child of the prophecy.

"I will grant your request, but you will offer your life to him as soon as you finished delivering him, this is the only way to complete my ritual." - she responded.

The woman was so disappointed but have no choice. She sliced her wrist and offered her blood to her newborn child as soon as she delivered her newborn son. She thought she made the right choice, but was proven wrong when she saw the child's eyes glowing orange-y like a fire. Yet, a new monster is born.

"He is the alpha." -says the priestess. "He will lead all of his kind."

Humans all over the land of Astria were devastated, they want to leave their land and find somewhere to settle around the world, but the bloodsucking child of the prophecy did not let them.

Few days after the child of the moon was born, a new terror gave chills to the humans. They found a body, piece by piece.

"This is not the work of the bloodsucking child of the prophecy, it is something else."

The moon was rising then, and they heard a howling noise louder than that of a regular wolf howl. They saw all the friendly wolf cower in fear. They saw a shadow in front of the moon, a silhouette of a wolf, but bigger.

"That can't be. That is a demon!" Says the child of the prophecy.

The humans were filled with fear when they saw that even the one they thought a demon was afraid of that wolf-like silhouette. They all started running when the child of the prophecy disappeared.

"We need something that will protect ourselves." All human says in agreement.

When the sun rose, they all started chanting and calling to all the gods they can think of.

"God of the mountains, god of the seas, god of the heavens, god of trees, hear our prayers. Bring us something that will protect us from both the demon and the monster that even that demon is afraid of. We brought a sacrificial offering, a pure blood, a virgin, please hear us."

The virgin woman they are about to offer screamed like she was in so much pain. Her eyes turned all white, all her veins are on fire. Her hair becomes grey, and her white skin becomes whiter. Her beautiful face becomes more beautiful. All of them who saw this worshipped her and they called her the goddess that descended to protect them.

She was the priestess of the moon, she got kicked out of their kingdom for making such a hideous monster, and she was task to kill her creation. She can't remember anything from her past since she possessed the virgin woman. She was sentenced to death by her fellow gods. She will die like a normal human being, from her deathbed she will remember who she is, but can't do anything about. She will be reborn a human, and this cycle will go on and on and on.

She calls herself a witch, but the people of Astria like to call her a goddess. She calls the bloodsucking child a vampire, and she called her own creation a werewolf.

"I have good news, fellow human!" She said. "I have found a solution to our problem. With all my strength, I will create a prophecy that will help us all with this crisis. Creating a prophecy will suck the life out of me, but it is worth it!"

She started chanting and the wind blew stronger and stronger as she recites her chanting. The prophecy is already being made. As her life is becoming shorter and