

In order to clean up his image, bad boy Ethan socialite decides to have an arranged fake marriage with one of the city's wealthiest billionaire's daughter, Olivia. But their fake marriage becomes a problem when Olivia starts to have real feelings for him. Frustrated with having all the women in his life sexually want him, Ethan decides he doesn't want to have a female working for him, the least. However, things change when Genevieve come into the picture highly recommended, applying as his personal assistant. To celebrate his 25th birthday, Ethan fly his senior staff to a different country. What happens when his personal assistant, Genevieve, discovers on the trip that her boss she has a crush on is secretly married to her twin sister? The city knows Ethan is married, but not to Genevieve's twin sister. How? Who is the legal wife and what chance does Genevieve stand when Ethan is entangled with multiple women? Genevieve is playing mind games with bad boy Ethan - she's got his heart and soul. Somehow, Ethan is always thinking about her- She is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. She doesn't notice Ethan and this hurts his ego. Genevieve believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she discovers Ethan is secretly married to her twin, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged after a Walking One-Night Stand with Ethan. What happens when both discover that, Ethan is the Vampire prince that killed Genevieve's family, destroyed all the wolves and made her live without a pack to rule, worlds apart from her twin sister?

Mesioye_Adenike · Urban
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42 Chs


I resolved within myself that I am going to find the perpetrator of this fraudulent action and bring them to book. "Who is trying to ruin me?" I say to myself, wondering why that person wanted to steal from my company. I always made sure to do my due diligence in paying my workers salary on time and I am a very kind boss, than any other CEO in my work field. So, why will anyone want to steal from me or ruin my life. I thought to myself, gulping down the bottle water I collected from the fridge, after releasing the cap from the bottle. As the chilled water rushed down my body, I felt some type of relief. I picked the phone dialer that was resting on my office desk and dialed the secretary's line. "Hello..yeah! Please tell Bart and Akira that I want to see them in my office now, and they shouldn't waste any time unless they want to loose their jobs." I say to my secretary, slamming the phone back on the desk. I need answers to this allegations that has been labelled against me. Also I can't loose the two big investors that helped me grow my business. The money Jane's and Akira put into company as shareholders,  contributed to most of my business success. Without their investment, I don't think my business will be as big as it is now. So I can't loose them. I heard a knock in my office and then Bart and Akira walked in." You sent for us…boss." Akira say to me, waiting for me to respond. " Someone wants to ruin everything I have worked for?" I say to Bart and Akira. Making them guess what I meant by what I just said." Ethan! Please can you explain further… I…I mean we don't understand." Akira reply to me, pointing at herself and Bart, who was looking confused. " okay then since you don't know what I'm t about, I will make you understand." I say to them, breathing in and out. " The shareholders that came in here as you both know, are the biggest shareholders of this company. Their investments alone contributed to the major growth of my company." I say to Bart and Akira. " Yes sir! We are aware of that ." Bart reply me, giving me a curious look. " Well... James and Sadie came to complain to me about the theft that has been going on in my company." I say to Bart and Akira, clearing my throat to continue speaking, when Bart suddenly interrupted me. " Theft? … I wasn't aware of that sir." Bart say to me, exclaiming in shock, as he threw  shocking glance at Akira who was also shocked. " But Ethan! How is that possible…I thought the accountant audited the account last month and there was no error." Akira ask me, with her hands folded on top each other, resting on her chest. " C'mon don't give me the shocking look?" I say to Bart and Akira, snapping at them, like a time bomb that just suddenly went off. " You both went through the audit before sending it to the board of directors of the company, so you should have noticed it." I say to them in rage. " I'm so sorry boss, but I'm not so good with anything financial accounting, I just handed the audited copy to Akira, when the accountant brought it to me." Bart say to me, panicking, as sweat beads formed on his forehead. Bart dosen't like to be under pressure and whenever he is put under pressure, he will start to sweat and shake like a jelly fish. Akira on the other hand looked confused and dumbfounded as she didn't know what to say, but gaze into the celling. 

" Akira! I didn't call you into my office to stare into my office celling… Now, do you know why there is a discrepancy in the audited account… or who could have stolen the company's funds?" I ask Akira, who knew I would ask her about the audited financial account of the company, because she and Olivia has more access to the  company funds than Bart. " Boss…I am so sorry, I didn't know what to say that is why I stayed quiet. But now that you have asked me this question, I honestly don't know how the money got missing or who stole  the money. Last time I checked, the account was correct and no discrepancies was found while I was going through the audited account that the accountant of the company worked on." Akira say to me. I didn't know what to say to them. My blood was boiling hot and I thought of the consequence of loosing James and Sadie. They gave me an ultimatum to get back the missing funds or they will remove their money from my business, and I can't afford that.

"You guys think this is a joke? Ok then, if both of you don't find out who stole money from the company's account…then get ready to loose your jobs." I say to Bart and Akira, giving them an ultimatum. " I'm sorry I didn't want to do this to you guys, but I guess I just have to…since you guys don't know who stole the sum of $10,000 from the company's account, yet you both have access to the finance of the company." I say to Bart and Akira, angrily, picking up my phone to call Olivia into my office. Everyone seems to be pissing me off today. "Ten thousand what? … Ethan! I swear on everything I hold sacred, I don't know anything about the missing funds. Please don't fire me."  Bart say to me. Kneeling on his knees to beg me, looking helpless. It hurt me deep seeing Bart on his knees. I have never made any of my staff go on their knees before. " I never told you to kneel before me, Bart." I say to Bart who was on his knees.