
Finding a Way to Calm a Baby Alpha

The Almandine's tallest tower was making noise that early morning—and it had been like that for over a week. The baby's loud screams were deafening, and the sound travelled up and down the tower steps.

Liam was working his body on autopilot at the moment. His normally shining eyes were now dull, and his handsome face was languid. Mainly, because of the dark eye bags under his eyes.

The man still carried his son up and down the stairs of the tower to calm him down. He rocked the little baby gently and patted his back.


“Hmm, how should I name you, young man? If you keep yelling and getting angry like this, should I name you Upset?” Liam asked quietly.

“UAAAAAH—a?” the baby suddenly stopped screaming and looked up at his father who looked at him blankly and tiredly. His round face and big eyes really looked scared of his father and started tearing up. "GAAH!"

When the baby in his arms suddenly cried so pitifully, Liam gave a faint smile.