

Dallan gasped; his jaw almost touched the ground. He felt a surge of his wolf, an excited dance of jubilation in his guts. The moon seemed to shine brighter, or maybe it was just his eyes. The feeling of adrenaline pumping through his veins was soon replaced with a feeling of peace and serenity. It was a familiar feeling. He had always felt that way whenever his mother hugged him. As a child, feeling undefeatable in her arms was an everyday occurrence.

That was the same feeling that attacked Dallan when he set eyes on Hazel. Her choice of dress—he doubted if it was her choice—left very little to the imagination. Very little.

The green net covering the white body-hugging dress not only outlined Hazel's shape but her eyes as well. The green of her eyes perfectly matched the dress to the extent that the colour of her eyes was evident from afar—not considering the sharp eyesight of his specie. She wore a stiletto, also green in colour.

Hazel stopped walking. The stares she was receiving made her self-conscious. The guard behind her was very patient. He didn't rush her. Even his patience did not make her feel comfortable. Everyone was still staring at her like monkeys... even Dallan. When their eyes clashed, Hazel blushed and turned her face elsewhere when she saw the shocked look on his face. But the heat that had started from her cheeks spread straight to her thighs with the little she saw of him from their momentary eye clash. Dallan was the type of man that made one immediately think of taking him to bed. That was the trail Hazel's thoughts were already following. She felt that the goddess was so unfair in the distribution of the alpha's features. So unfair!

It should have been a crime to be so good-looking. From the distance, his piercing blue gaze bore straight into her, she felt the heat of his eyes on every inch of her skin—in a way that made her tremble. She increased her pace, determined to escape the eyes trying to tear the beautiful dress off her.

Then the next shocking thing happened.

The sentry slowly trailing behind Hazel led her to sit beside Dallan. And the alpha didn't complain.

That alone started a round of murmur. Dallan choose this moment to finish accessing Hazel. Truly, she was nothing but beautiful, and sexy if he should consider what was happening in his groin. The high slit in her revealing gown exposed her lap in such a way that Dallan found greatly appealing. The neckline went so low that a very generous part of her cleavage was exposed. Their eyes clashed again. Hazel caught him looking.

They stared at each other for some seconds. In that brief moment, Dallan saw a future with her. He saw her weaving her way into his heart, pulling him to his bed, fucking him, bearing his children. The image made him swallow, his throat bobbing in sync with the raw thoughts coursing through his mind. He saw Hazel's eyes go there.

There was something like satisfaction in her gaze when she took her scrutiny to his chest.

"Hazel," Dallan called out softly. She was just inches from a chair close to his. He had no idea that a chair was even placed next to his in the first place until she was ushered to sit on it. Kai's job. Hazel took her gaze back to his face.


"You look beautiful," he said honestly. His face gave out no expression. The look in his eyes told Hazel that he wasn't teasing or just complimenting her because he felt like it. He couldn't hold it in. Hell, he had no option but to tell her how beautiful he thought she looked. It was like a weight to take off his chest.

"Thank you," Hazel smiled. She took a quick glance at his lips. She felt like feeling the soft red flesh she could see. Her lips on his would tell her all she needed to know. But how easy would it be to get to that stage knowing fully well that he wanted to reject her? Her eyes dropped to his chin. Some days stubble resided there. It made him look rough and virile. So much energy in one man.

Energy she wanted all to herself. Energy she wanted within her, pounding into her, assaulting her senses, all at the same time. She imagined his lips on her, his tongue greedily reaching for her throat; his lips moving downward, his hot breath sliding all over her stomach, abdomen, going towards her center—and residing there. The look in Dallan's eyes informed her that his thoughts were in no way different from hers.

Hazel gripped the edge of the chair. Her breath quickened. With such lips and chin-hair torturing her bud, she could sail into the world of the unknown, or possibly reside in the temple of the gods. She knew he possessed strength. She knew just how his body would feel against hers, how she would manage to accommodate his cock driving...

"My alpha," a male smiled and bowed before Dallan. The alpha snapped to attention, same as the woman beside him. "We want to congratulate you on your victory once again. As usual, you have conquered." He turned his attention to Hazel. "We want you to feel at ease in this pack. And don't try escaping. It will be impossible."

Hazel smiled, curving the corner of her lips. "If I wanted to escape, I would have made attempts already," she said. "Don't worry, I will not try escaping. I know how important I am to this pack." Her words roused murmurs from all corners of the square. Hazel leaned back into her chair. The man was speechless.

Same as Dallan.

"My alpha," the male bowed before Dallan again. Dallan knew what he wanted. For someone to speak in that manner about the pack in the presence of the alpha, meant that person was craving to be punished.

Dallan looked at Hazel. She did not even spare him a glance. He raked his gaze all over her chest. The slit in her gown allowed him a very good view of her thighs. He thought of going on his knees in between her legs, burying his face...

"My alpha?"

"Hmm?" Dallan looked around. Everyone was waiting for him to rebuke her or say something to counter her disrespect. Dallan shocked them. He got up and scanned the crowd. "It has come to my notice that I no longer have control over this pack," he began, resting his eyes on Kai who decided to stay at the back of the crowd. The people started casting confusing glances at each other and murmuring among themselves. "It came to my notice that a space has been reserved in the kitchen for the mer. Did I give out such orders?"

There were murmurs of "no" and some other words Dallan had no interest in. "So who made such an order?"

Even before asking the question, he knew no one would admit to have given out the order. No one would like to bear the consequences. Dallan smiled.

"It's a good thing no one gave the order," he said. "That means it was probably just a rumor. Let us leave it that way." He scanned the crowd again. The council of elders which comprised Abe and two psychos Dallan hated, sat at one corner, watching him intently. "I don't want to interrupt this beautiful gathering. Let us continue our celebration!"

The pack roared back to life. Drinks were passed around until the numerous bottles were almost empty. This was something about wolves that Dallan loved. High alcohol tolerance.

Apart from having great super-human strength, they also possessed resistance. He sneaked a view of Hazel. She was seated on the edge of the chair, looking very uncomfortable. Before he had time to access her physical features, a question popped out of his mouth.

"Do you want to leave?"

Hazel turned to him, surprised that she was the one being addressed. "Are you talking to me?" she asked, pointing to her chest. It was a gesture to ask if she was the one being addressed, but Dallan saw something else. His eyes went to the mounds on her chest. Whoever picked her dress, which Dallan knew must have been one of the pack ladies, made a good assessment of her boobs. The dress fitted perfectly.

Even the color matched her skin and eyes. Kai had always been the one to help Dallan in picking his choice of wear in the past, and he had always delivered.

"Do you want to leave?" Dallan asked again, this time quieter than before. He stylishly looked around. He was relieved to see that no one had their attention on them.

"Leave to where?" Hazel asked.

"You look uncomfortable. I am asking if you want to go somewhere else."

"Is there anywhere else to go in this pack of yours?" Hazel drawled her words in a way that suggested humor. Dallan laughed.

"Of course, there are places in the pack we can go to. I can take you to our garden just behind my chamber. You will love it."

Hazel considered the options. Not only will she get to leave the annoying company of the noisy pack members, but also get the opportunity to spend time with Dallan. The latter provided a more important reason. The thought of being with Dallan in a place as romantic as a garden made her heart flutter wildly. "Do we leave now?" she asked, hiding her happiness.

"Do you want us to?"

Hazel stopped for a bit. Did he just ask for her opinion? "I don't think I can stand any more minute in this insufferably boring celebration."

"Me too," Dallan chuckled. "I think we both need to escape. Just follow my lead." Smiling, he got up, looked around, and stylishly walked to the back of his chair. Hazel giggled. She steadied her breath and slowly got off her chair.

"Don't you think the people will notice?" she asked, looking around.

Dallan turned to look at her. "We can come up with an excuse."

"Excuse?" Hazel frowned. She eyed him. "What excuse are you talking about?"

Dallan smirked. The look did not last long. He suddenly grunted, went on his knees, and palmed his chest with a look of agony on his face. He gripped the arm of his chair so tight that a part of the furniture creaked.

Hazel gasped...