
Chapter 66

She took a deep breath and continued with the second letter for her family.

'Dear family,

I know you will be devastated, mad and disappointed about my decision. I know it will be difficult for you and for me but I have to leave because I need it and I can't do otherwise. You are my life and I love you very much.

After everything that has happened I am not in condition to stay here or go back to Canada. I am not ready to face anyone and deal with anything.

All I want is to go away with my daughter and find back myself and my lost hope.

Kyle, brother, you are the Alpha until I come back and I am sure you will do an excellent job in my place. I am already proud of you and I know you are ready, I believe in you and I need you to do the same.

Mom and dad, I am asking you to stand on your feet like before and continue being strong for us. Stand next to everyone and help Kyle if he needs you.