
Chapter 19

Alex and Dillon run to pull him off of me but I am very fast and kick him on his stomach with my knee and find the perfect opportunity to punch him on the face with so much power that he loses his balance. I grab his hand with which he is holding me and turn it abruptly causing him to scream in pain. I kick him one more time and push him back to fall on the floor violently. I am about to walk up to him but Henna stops me and he gets up quickly ready to attack me but Isaak with Dillon stand in the middle of us blocking him.

"You are dead. All of you! Did you hear me? I didn't manage to kill your sister and this bitch last time but one day I will. Mark my word: You will die after you see them all dead by my one hands." He screams and I push Henna away from me getting ready to attack him.
