
Chapter 193

"This is for Maya and Nate!" Bryan continued and Ember held back a sob with her face's features getting tensed.

"And this time 'uncle..." Bryan said next and grabbed him from his arms while Alex held him from his legs and they lifted him up like he was a feather.

They took some more steps with their bare feet getting wet from the water and stopped at the riverside. Alex nodded to Bryan shortly that he was ready and Bryan took a deep, long breath with his blood boiling in his veins.

"I say that it ends!" he finally stated and with this they threw him in the river some meters away and he disappeared in the water touching the bottom unable to fight more.

And everything was almost over, in a while he would die.

Alex took some steps back and stopped next to his father with his eyes lost in the river's clean waters and they all froze with Bryan in front of everyone and Ember one meter behind him.