
Chapter 192

They kept on observing them getting closer and when Ember and Bryan reached some meters away from their family and most trusted warriors stopped and Albert walked to them with Alex to take Zachary that was gasping for air.

No one talked or moved as Bryan gave him to them and he turned with Ember walking to the woods to shift and get dressed.

Fern and Albert had left them some clothes and it didn't took them long to make their appearance in their human forms.

Ember was wearing a long white robe and Bryan a pair of light blue jeans. He was shirtless and the wound on his arm was more visible and quite big. It was still bleeding but he didn't seem to feel any sign of pain and he stopped for a second opposite of everyone with Ember next to him.

They all stared at them some touched, some lost and the time stopped for a while.

Who could talk or move in front of that scene?