
Chapter 155

~some hours later, night, Ember's pack house~

Third person's pov

"Kyle! Please, stop running. I can't continue like this!" Tia yelled again for the tenth time and stopped running.

She tried to catch her breath but it was difficult for her and her legs were shaking making her fall on her knees on the moody ground. She closed her eyes and lifted her head up fighting to breathe again and after some seconds she finally did it but Kyle's footsteps were gone.

"Kyle! Your wolf is too fast, please come back!" she screamed and opened her eyes terrified looking around her trying to listen to any sound from him.

In vain... Kyle was nowhere to be seen again and then...

"Tia..." the familiar, low voice that was like a snake's sounded and Tia jumped up panicked looking around her shaking.

She knew it, she was expecting it but she couldn't stop being terrified.