
Chapter 14

"Don't worry. They are all fine. There is something that happened one day after you gave birth and I didn't want to tell you. You were exhausted and I wanted you to rest. Besides that none of them got hurt so..."

"Navid what happened?" I ask trying to be calm in order not to worry Eleanor again.

"It has to do with..." he says but Elona opens the door and interrupts him.

"They are here." She simply says and Navid nods and signs for her to come in.

"Elona stay here with Eleanor. Ember will come with me. If you need anything inform us immediately."

"Yes Alpha. Give her to me Ember. I will take care of her for as long as you are downstairs." She says and I give her Eleanor.

"If she cries call me immediately."

"Of course Ember. Don't worry." She tells me smiling.

"Come sweetheart." He says and takes my hand in his leading me downstairs on one of his offices.