
Chapter 115

George from the other side was again locked in his office trying to think a good way to get close to Tia and Kyle as from the previous day after that incident he hadn't seen Tia at all because she had skipped dinner and breakfast and Kyle wasn't even looking at him. Kyle had of course convinced Tia to eat and he had taken her dinner and he had ready for her breakfast to take it with her at school but George was worried and he didn't have any idea of all these. Fern was also ignoring him completely and she didn't sleep in their room with him the night before making him feel even worse. Only Ember and El were talking to him casually because they were unaware of what was going on and that was making him feel a bit relieved because he didn't want to frustrate Ember more.

"You are an idiot! Asshole! I want my pups and you keep on pushing them away!" his wolf roared once he unblocked him.