
The Alpha's long lost heir

SKIP UNNAMED CHAPTERS AS A RESULT OF A MIX UP... "Why did you have to get married to me then if you knew you were going to throw me away!" She yelled. He exhaled gently and faced her, his face blank, his eyes surprisingly cool. "That's because, I had to save my crown and my throne. Now, let me live my life." "Why did it have to be me?" She palmed her face. "You know she's my fated mate and there's nothing I can do about it." With tears in her eyes, she slowly picked up herself and nodded. "I'll sign the divorce papers." • • • Nyx is torn with grief, when Alpha Oberon, her husband decides to divorce her after he claims to have found his fated mate. She leaves the pack out of the fear of returning back to her abusive and cruel parents and raises her child all by herself. Years race by, with the new Luna not being able to produce any heir for the kingdom. A seer tells the king that he has a heir who has the king's blood running in his veins. What happens when he realises the child is from the very woman who once offended? What will he to do convince her to come back in order to save his throne and kingdom?

Tessy_Writes · Fantasie
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108 Chs

She's getting married

"Nyx! Nyx! Get up you lazy brat!" Her mother, Lisa, shouted from outside her room.

She stretched and yawned, she slowly opened her eyes and groaned.

"Why do I have to wake up so early?" She groaned.

Lisa hit her head very hard, "Lazy thing! You always wake up late! Goodness knows what you do before you go to bed that makes you wake up this late." She said angrily.

Nyx sniffed and slowly got down from the bed.

"Listen to me very carefully young lady, a very important person is coming over to visit us today. Make sure to be at your best behavior, don't disgrace us and go clean yourself up real good." She said.

"Are you listening to me?" She held her ear.

Nyx nodded, "Yes mother." She said lowly.

"Now be quick!" She pushed her to the bathroom.

Nyx wiped her eyes and picked up her towel, "Who is coming over and why is she being so adamant about everything?"

She was about entering the bathroom when Lisa came in with a new dress and some ointments and roses.

"What are you still doing out here?! Go in and wash yourself!" She yelled.

Nyx nodded and went in the bathroom. She was surprised, her mother never for once bought her a new dress, all the new dresses went to Risa her younger sister.

She quickly washed herself up and came out of the bathroom.

Risa sat on the bed with a scowl on her face, Lisa was impatiently pacing forth and back the room.

"Come on, dry yourself up." Lisa told her.

"Mom, why does Nyx have to be the one who gets married to him?" She whined.

"Married? Who am I marrying?" She frowned.

Lisa eyed her angrily and faced Risa with a smile, "It's not as if I want her to marry him but that's what he wanted." She sighed.

Risa pouted and folded her arms, "This isn't fair." She whined.

"I know cupcake, but who knows this is our only chance to get rich." She carressed her hair.

"You're selling me? Why? To whom?" Nyx asked with wide eyes.

"Quit asking me questions!" Lisa barked.

"So I ask about my wellbeing and you want me to stop asking you questions? This is concerning my future!"

"Are you talking back at me?" Lisa's eyes darkened.

"I'm sorry mother but I mean no disrespect, I only want to know which marriage you're talking about." She said.

"You stupid thing! How dare you?" Lisa slapped her across her face.

Nyx held her face, tears stung her eyes, "I only asked a question." She said.

"Don't ask any questions, do as I say!" She warned.

Andrew came into the room and stopped Lisa from yelling again.

"What is going on here?" Andrew asked.

"She's asking too many questions." Lisa faced him.

Andrew looked at Nyx and shook his head, "Get her ready soon. They'll be here any moment." He announced.

Lisa nodded, she faced Nyx, "Will you just stand there or you'll dry yourself up?" She yelled at her again.

Andrew shook his head in irritation and left the room.

She dried herself quickly, "Come, sit on this chair." Lisa drew a chair for her to sit on.

Nyx sighed sadly and sat on the chair.

"Come Risa, pack her hair in a rosy bun and do it quickly."

Risa stood up reluctantly and came to where they were, "Hmph." She twisted her lips in annoyance.

"Don't pout or anything, pack her hair." Lisa growled.

"Yes mother." She rolled her eyes and began to pack her hair.

Lisa readied her dress while Risa packed her hair.

Soon, they were done dressing her.

Andrew came into the room again, "Is she ready? They're here already." He said.

"Yes she's all set." Lisa nodded.

"Hold her other arm Risa." Lisa said.

They both held her arms and led her to the living room where their guests were waiting for them.

There were a lot of people who came to their house. She could tell from their clothing that they were prominent people. She wondered who she was supposed to get married to.

Nyx kept her head bowed. They got there and she greeted them all.

Andrew cleared his throat, "Nyx, meet your husband to be, Alpha Oberon." He said.

Her mouth dropped, she was getting married to an Alpha!

She raised her head and studied the man seated in front of her. Wait, he even looked familiar.

Oberon's lips turned up when he noticed her surprise.

"She's perfect!" Elena exclaimed.

"Uh... Good day your majesty." She curtsied.

Elena nodded, "You're beautiful my dear." She smiled softly.

Risa rolled her eyes and looked away, her heart twisting with raw jealousy.

"Thank you your highness." She blushed a little.

"Come sit down Nyx." Lisa said sweetly. She led her to a chair and she sat down. This was strange, her mother was acting all sweet all of a sudden.

One of the men who came along with the king, Demetrius , cleared his throat, "You already know why we're here and we want to go straight to the point." He said.

Andrew nodded, "You may proceed sir."

"We want your daughter to get married to our king as soon as possible, therefore the marriage rites will commence tomorrow evening." He said with a note of finality.

Nyx was confused and angry at the same time but there was no way she could express her feelings.

"And we'll be getting married at the palace courtyard." Oberon added.

Andrew's eyes brightened, "Yes your majesty, we make sure it happens." He nodded happily.

"Everything is ready all we just want is for them to be joined together." Elena said.

"So therefore, she's coming with us." Demetrius chipped in.

Nyx was perplexed, "What? Now? Why? Where am I going to?" She asked.

Oberon gave her a piercing look.

Lisa was angry but she did not show it.

"So we can prepare you properly. We don't want any mistakes." Demetrius explained.

She sighed and nodded, "Excuse me." She stood up and hurried out of the living room.

She got to her room and closed the door behind her, "Why is my life like this? Marrying a total stranger?" She sniffed.

She walked to her bed and sat on it, "Couldn't he have married Risa? She obviously likes him." She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

There was a knock on her door, "Come in." She said.

The door opened and Elena came in.

"Your majesty." She bowed.

"What's wrong my dear? You don't seem to be happy." She walked towards her and sat beside her.

Nyx shook her head and sighed, "I don't know why I'm marrying someone I don't know and that someone is our Alpha." She sighed.

"Come on my dear, you'll like it being the Luna of this pack."

"I don't know anything about being a Luna." She pouted.

"I'll be there for you my dear, I'll teach you everything you know just accept the proposal." She pleaded.

Nyx looked at her,You don't have to plead for anything your majesty, you just give your orders." She said.

Elena laughed softly, "Of course I need your permission too. I don't have the right to force my will on you. Will you marry Oberon? The palace needs you, the pack needs you." She held her hands.

Nyx looked at her hands and sighed, this was her fate and there was no way she could change it. She had to accept it whether it was her will or not.

"Yes your majesty, I'll marry him." She said quietly.