
Discord 2

"Do not forget where we all were before you suddenly became king! For once respect yourself!"

  Aegis's eyes widened, and he gasped, "Thorne.."

"Yes! You are being so arrogant these days! What is wrong with you? Just because we allowed you to be the king does not mean you have that right to tell us what to do, and how to do it!"

   Aegis couldn't speak for a moment, as his jaws slacked. Even his growling wolf seemed to be weakened by Thorne's outburst.

  "Did you just.."

"It does not matter if I had Nyx to myself or not, I can do what I want, when I want it, and how I want it! I only have you respect, but it seems you do not want to be respected. So be it then!"

   Aegis was taken aback, he couldn't speak, as he tried to take his words in.

  "How dare you?" He whispered when he had finally found his voice.