

Jaslynn is a kind and gentle soul, but she is also very powerful. She lives in a small village with her mother, who is also a witch. Jaslynn's mother is the Alpha's healer, and she is well-respected by the werewolf pack. One day, a group of Beta werewolves attack Jaslynn's village. They are led by a cruel and ruthless Alpha named Alrik. Jaslynn's mother is killed in the attack, and Jaslynn is taken prison. Alrik intends to use Jaslynn as a bargaining chip to force the Alpha to surrender. However, Jaslynn refuses to cooperate, and she uses her magic to escape. She flees into the forest, and she is pursued by Alrik and his Betas. Jaslynn is able to evade Alrik and his Betas for a time, but she is eventually cornered. She is about to be killed when she is saved by a group of Alpha werewolves. The Alphas are impressed by Jaslynn's courage and her power, and they offer to take her in and train her to be a warrior. Jaslynn agrees to train with the Alphas, and she quickly becomes one of their most skilled warriors. She also develops a close relationship with the Alpha's son, a young man named Caleb. Caleb is kind and gentle, just like Jaslynn. He is also very powerful. The two of them fall in love. One day, war breaks out between the Alphas and the Betas. Jaslynn and Caleb fight bravely on the side of the Alphas. They are able to defeat the Betas, but many people are killed. After the war, Jaslynn and Caleb are married. They have a son and a daughter. Jaslynn becomes a powerful Alpha, and she rules the kingdom with wisdom and compassion.

Jesse_Bayaro · Teenager
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60 Chs

Chapter 57

"I don't think I'm pregnant."

It took the doctor just two minutes to rush in with an ultrasound machine, put me on my back, and rub the warm gel all over my abdomen after my startling confession.

She confirmed my theory a minute later with a dejected expression, swiping the transducer to show us that, "I'm afraid the Luna is right." She is not carrying a child."

That would explain why, whenever it was brought up, I didn't experience any exhilaration or ecstasy. The conflict and killing Malcolm didn't overwhelm me; I just knew deep down that I wasn't going to have a puppy.

"How is this possible?" Alrik asked, leaning his shoulder against the wall and crossing his arms.

"Alpha, there are only two explanations I can think of for her not being pregnant. Her body may still be adapting after stopping birth control, which could have affected her ovulation and fertility, according to the most likely reason.

"And the second reason?"