
Chapter Two: the dream

Conrad tossed and turned all night. He was not crazy, was he? He was sure he saw and smelled her...the white wolf...his mate. He, Conrad, was mated to the one and only white wolf? Yes! He was sure! Wasn't he?

Leopold, his wolf, was getting upset with Conrad. "You doubt me?" Leo asked inside Conrad's mind where they shared space. "No! No, man I do not doubt you."

Conrad didn't doubt his wolf even though Simon (his Beta) and his Father did. He believed what Leo said was the truth. That white wolf was his mate...and THE white wolf the legends spoke about coming to unite and bring peace to all Supernaturals.

The question Conrad had was more about himself. He didn't believe he was worthy of being the mate to the white wolf, whoever she was. He was just an ordinary Alpha werewolf. Why would he be chosen to be her mate. As he pondered these questions, he drifted off to sleep.

Conrad felt warm and cozy. He looked up and found he was in a field. Lush green field with bluebells throughout it.

He heard a woman call his name behind him. He turned and saw the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on in his life. She was ethereal. Beside her sat a gorgeous, giant white wolf. His wolf, Leopold was a giant all black wolf. This she-wolf rivaled his.

Conrad approached and soon knew he was before none other than the Moon Goddess herself. He humbly bowed. She spoke his name again. "Conrad. Conrad,my son, my beautiful boy." The Moon Goddess was Mother of all werewolves. Conrad was dumbfounded. Why was he having an audience with the Moon Goddess? Was he dead? He didn't feel dead...no, he felt more alive than ever before! What was this then?

"I am sure you have many questions but we don't have much time. You are the other chosen one along with my daughter,Cynthia. You will find one another soon and mate and become the Queen and King who will unite all Supernaturals and bring peace to the world. I created you for this purpose. There will be difficult times. Many difficult and dangerous times but as you two come to trust one another and learn to use your now hidden powers, you will overcome. Love my beloved daughter well, Conrad." She stopped, smiled and pointed to the white wolf beside her. "This is Athena, my daughter Cynthia's wolf. I know you saw her and know you know who she is. Find her on earth,, and quickly. Cynthia is afraid and has been abused terribly.She needs you to heal her so she can take her place as the Queen along side you.Be patient with her.That is all for now. Find her! Find her before the hunters do or worse,before the Silver Moon pack does again."

Conrad startled awake, gasping for breath. The Silver Moon Pack? They were on the other side of the continent and south of here. How on earth did the white wolf get here? So many questions but Conrad had no answers. He just knew he had to find that white wolf and coax the human woman back out and soon.

He packed a small bag and slipped out of the pack house leaving only a note for his Father and Beta.


The weather had turned frightful. Even Athena was cold. "We have to find shelter, Cynthia and soon." Athena said in their shared mind space. Cynthia had been quiet for far too long now. Athena had not heard a word from her for two days now. It was like Cynthia had just given all control to Athena. "This is not good," Athena thought.

Two days ago they had sensed a presence ...a wolf presence. He was a strong Alpha they could tell. He smelled of pine and earth. He smelled wonderful.Both Athena and Cynthia agreed. His wolf reached out to Athena but Cynthia told her not to respond but to run. Athena tried to tell Cynthia he seemed friendly. But Cynthia was scared. She feared all of their kind but especially Alphas. She wouldn't listen to Athena, no matter what Athena said. "Just keep running," Cynthia had said then she disappeared into the background. Athena had not heard from Cynthia since.

Finally! Athena saw a cave. They could take shelter there for the night. So Athena went inside and curled up.She tried to reach Cynthia again unto luck. Soon Athena, tired and lonely (not good for a wolf), slept. it was a deep sleep.

Athena felt the warmth first,then the calm peace around her. She woke and looked around. There beside her was a beautiful woman.She had silver hair and blue blue eyes, like the sky on a summer day. She was beautiful...no,glorious. She spoke to Athena,"Athena, my daughter's wolf,come here." Athena got up and walked.to the woman and sat by her side.

Just as she did a man...no a werewolf in his human form moved. The woman called for him and he came forward and bowed. His name was Conrad apparently. He was her human's mate which meant his wolf was her mate! She reached out to him via mindlink. His name was Leopold or Leo. He had seen her running two days ago.So, it was them they sensed.

Leo was overjoyed to meet Athena. "Mate! Mate!" Conrad smiled as he knew Leo was over the moon at seeing and connecting with their mate, the wolf form anyway. Athena explained Cynthia's fears. Leo whimpered. Conrad was listening to the Moon Goddess as Leo stayed connecting to Athena not interrupting Conrad and learning more about Cynthia.

All too soon they left the Moon Goddes and were abruptly returned to their pack bedroom. Leo whined. He already missed Athena. Conrad was determined to find his mate and Leo agreed. "Let's find Mate! and now!" Leo urged Conrad.

Conrad wrote a note:

Dear Father and Simon,

I know you do not believe me but she is real and tonight the Moon Goddess herself came to me and told me to find her. I am leaving now.

Father, please take over the day to day pack business.My notes are on my desk.

Simon, get Timothy and start training twice a day all ...females, males and pups. We must be ready for attacks when other packs and supernaturals find out about her. Also send Steve and 4 warriors to Clara's coven and bring her and two of her best witches or warlocks back. We will need protection spells around the territory borders a d pack house.

That is all for now. I will see you as soon as I find her. By the way, her name is Cynthia and her WHITE WOLF is Athena.


He rolled up the note and put it through his office door handle (it was a hook doorknob). He looked around and booked it out the front door. He stripped at the tree line and launched himself into his wolf form. Leo took off and Conrad let him. They found themselves quickly back at the place they lost her scent. Leo laid down and whimpered. Conrad shifted, pulled out his shorts from the bag around his neck and sat down. He closed his eyes and lifted his nose to smell. He quieted himself and asked the Moon Goddess for her help in locating his mate, their mate.

He smelled a trace of the vanilla and lavendar,lavender, a trace but enough to follow. He stood and walked forward,then turned left and walked sniffing the air. It felt like forever. He was tired and the sun was coming up. How much longer would he have to look for her? The mountains loomed before him. He knew he could wait and he would find her...eventually.