
The Alpha's Fox

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasie
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3 Chs


After their conversation Alex and Kat sat in silence again. It wasn't broken until Kat nervously tightened her grip on his hand. "That's it. The log cabin." She murmured as she pointed out the three bedroom house. "Just so you know, I have a lot of younger siblings. They may try to interrogate you." She tried to give him an amused smile but only succeeded in looking like she had really bad gas. Alex couldn't help but burst out laughing at her.

"Do I need to put you over my knee and pat your back or something?" He snickered.

"What?" She was a little confused by what he said. "I'm not a baby!" She huffed when it finally sank in.

"You just looked like you had really bad gas." He said as he finally stopped laughing. "Thanks. I needed that." He lifted her fingers to his mouth and gave them a quick kiss before he shut off the engine. "By the way I'm the one that should be nervous. Not you."

"My dad is extreme when it comes to his children. Me in particular." She shrugged as she explained as if it wasn't a huge deal. Alex wondered about what exactly he was going to walk into as they approached the front door. Kat turned her key in the lock and pushed the door open. "my mother likes it when we use soft voices inside because at least one child is sleeping at any given time." With that they stepped into the front room of the cabin.

Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness inside, Alex could see a beautiful woman sitting curled up in a very large arm chair. Her long white hair was pleated and hung over one shoulder, draping over her very obvious baby bump. Across the room a very large man sat at a desk in front of a computer, his own long white hair pulled back into a high ponytail. He was intently reading something.

Alexander drew closer to him as Kat briefly conversed with her mother in fluent French. He was looking over the man's shoulder at the latest financial report of an investment portfolio. He knew enough about the spreadsheet to know two things. One this man was attempting to update the information, and two, he was loaded beyond belief.

"Eet ese no use. You know ow e ese." Said Kat's mother in a heavy French accent. "Watch thees. Amour I am going to try skydiving."

"Uh huh, that's nice dear." He commented absentmindedly. Kat giggled and called softly to her father in Italian.

"Papà. Guardami." the man just kept inputting information. That was when Alex recognized his family's company on the spreadsheet. The information that he had for the stocks was incorrect.

"That's not right. It went up another 52 points by close yesterday." He said as he pointed out the inaccuracy.

"Thank you Percy." He said as corrected the information.

"Whose Percy?" He asked and got no response.

"Amour regarded ta fille."

"I will start dinner in a little bit Amoure. We will be having your favorite. Pasta carbonara."

"Papa I dyed my hair neon pink." Kat said in a serious tone.

"You'd better not thi-" Her father said as he leapt to his feet and spun around. He looked like he was ready to spit fire. He stopped suddenly when he saw his daughter with long black hair cascading down her body in perfect gently waves. Not for the first time Alex wondered how he had gotten so lucky as to get her for a mate. It wasn't until he heard Kat's father say something in Italian that he remembered he was there at all. "Figlia perché? Perché?"

"Amour regarde l'homme que ta fille a ramené à la maison. remarquer ses cheveux?" It was at that point that Kat's father noticed him. He straightened his shirt and cleared his throat before extending his hand. As he did so, he examined the man's face. He looked no older than thirty. Around his neck hung a beautiful medallion of bronze. He also wore two steel rings on one hand, one of which had the army emblem and the numbers 1 9 3 8.

"Why are we shaking hands boy? Are we engaging in business of some kind?" He glared at him.

"Papa this is Alexander." Kat interjected.

"That supposed to mean something to me? You are not the first 'friend' my Kathrine has brought home. If you so much as think about hurting my little girl my wife will use your testicles as her new birthing ball." He snarled threateningly.

"Good to know." Alex said after he swallowed hard. It was the first time he had ever been threatened.

"Papa!" Kat snapped and half shouted something in Italian that vaguely sounded like play nice. He heard crying from somewhere in the house that was quickly silenced. Kat's father was not taking her back talk lying down but seemed more amused by her than angry. "Papa look at this! Look what you've done now!" Alex followed Kat's indicative finger to where her skirt was swaying back and forth.

"I bought London. I bought France. I have Kathrine's under pants." Sang a ten year old boy as he swung the pretty baby pink panties with a small white bow around his finger and danced around the room mockingly. Alex saw Kat turn bright red as she lunged for the small scrap of fabric.

"Give those back you little twerp!" She shrieked as he bolted from the room and she gave chase outside. Alex followed behind at a slower pace and saw that the driver side rear door of his truck was wide open and the contents of his back pack were spilled out on the gravel drive.

"Odysseus! Gib sie ihr sofort zurück!" A strong deep voice boomed from a sedan. Alex looked and saw three large men getting out of it. The driver was the spitting image of Kat's father. If Kat's father wore an armoni suit. The other two also wore armoni suits but had dirty blonde hair and were now conversing in what sounded like German. Once again he couldn't understand them so he just ignored them as he set about gathering up his things. It wasn't until he heard Kat's soft foot steps on the gravel behind him that he spoke.

"Remind me to lock my truck when we visit." He muttered.

"Yeah no kidding. The little weasel." Kat almost spat.

"Das ist nicht sehr schön, meine Lieblingsnichte." Alex heard Kat spin around and giggle at the man's words.

"Onkel, ich bin deine einzige Nichte." Kat giggled as she hugged him. "Onkel schau schau schau schau schau schau!" Kat flicked her fluffy tail.

"Prinzessin! Du hast einen Schwanz ! Er behandelt dich besser richtig oder anders. Ich reiße ihm die Eier durch die Nase."