
The Alpha's Downfall

Among the approximately two million middle school students who took the exam, only the top 100 scorers of the entrance examination are offered a scholarship in the most prestigious school in the country, Chen Academy. One of the students who were offered a scholarship was Uriel Delavin, a seemingly narcissistic omega who grew up in the countryside and was showered with endless compliments from those around him. Breathtakingly beautiful and blessed with intellect, everybody in his hometown looks up to him and envies him. The reigning king of the school of the elites, Theodore Greene, is an arrogant alpha who grew up pampered and spoiled by his parents. Devilishly handsome, charismatic, smart, and filthy rich, there was no doubt that he was branded as the man who was at the top of their school. What will happen when these two people meet? With their incompatible personalities, how will their love story unfold? __________ "Where did it all go wrong?" That was the question I had inside my head for so long. Perhaps, I knew the answer all along but just chose to ignore it. You're my biggest mistake. You're my destruction. You're the only person who has ever led me to my downfall. You make me so vulnerable. Seeing how you ignore me as if we're perfect strangers finally made me realize my mistakes and opened my eyes to see the answer to my question. 'Where did it all go wrong?' I can now answer this question after pondering about it for the longest time. It all went wrong from the very first time I met you. It all went wrong from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. It all went wrong from the very first time I spoke to you. It all went wrong because... ... you're you. Because you're Uriel Delavin, my favorite mistake, my most beautiful destruction, and my sweetest downfall. ----- *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. I do not own the art. The book cover's credits go to the rightful owner. (I'm sorry, I don't know who the artist is.) I will be updating whenever I can during my free time. :)

surprisinglypretty · LGBT+
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234 Chs

Chapter 2


Wearing the shirt and pants he received two years ago and the only other pair of shoes he has except for his black shoes, Uriel Delavin stood in front of the most beautiful school he's ever seen in his entire life.

He's already been there before for his entrance exam, but now that he's finally a student in his dream school, he finds it even more beautiful.

He passed some schools on his way to Chen Academy, but all of them pales in comparison to the school that stood in front of him.

Just looking at the tall gates and the cars lining up inside was enough for him to feel pressured. He looked at his shoes which looked pretty old and couldn't help but want to hide them somewhere.

'Think positively, Yuri. Surely, there are only very few students who look as good as you. They're just rich kids, not beautiful kids,' he thought, trying to lift himself up and think that he's above them all.

Growing up in the countryside, he was always praised by the people around him. He was always the best. He had the best looks in town and he was also the smartest. All the other families compared their kids to him because he was the standard.

His granny, whom he lived with since he was five, especially praised him almost every day.

Uriel Delavin is a boy who excels in everything. He's not one to feel inferior to others.

He already prepared himself that the students in Chen Academy are all better than him in terms of wealth, so it's not affecting him very much.

Yuri took a deep breath as his grip on the bag he was holding in his right hand tightened. 'Let's do this,' he thought to himself as he stepped inside the gates.

As he walked inside the school, he couldn't help but feel so much awe. It was beyond his expectations.

There was a pretty long road on the way inside, and the school buildings looked rather small from where he was standing. It was like he was heading inside a castle where royalties reside.

He walked even faster and held his bag with both hands, feeling his baggage getting heavier. Aside from the bag he was carrying in his hands, there was also a huge backpack on his back where most of his clothes were.

After more than 10 minutes of walking, he was finally able to reach the building that says 'Student Dormitory'. Students were getting off of their cars one by one and headed inside, and so, Yuri did the same. The students heading inside had other people following them, carrying their baggage that made it seem like they were gonna live there for the rest of their lives.

"We'll be sending young miss' things later." One of the men said while those before him followed the girl in front.

'She's got more?' Yuri thought, finding it hard to believe that those bags and boxes weren't enough.

"Tori, are you really gonna stay in the dorms?" a high-pitched voice came from behind. Yuri looked in the direction where it came from and saw the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in his entire life.

She was a petite girl who was about 5 feet tall and had wavy brown hair, icy-blue eyes that were slightly slanted upwards, a small and narrow nose, and heart-shaped reddish lips. Her face was also small and she has fair skin, making her look like a living Barbie.

Aside from her looks, the clothes and accessories she was wearing looked expensive and she smelled of expensive perfume.

"Just for a month or so. I just want to try," The black-haired girl, who was being followed by those carrying her things, turned to her.

'A month... She's staying for a month, yet she has that much baggage,' Yuri thought, finding it unbelievable that people like her actually exist.

To Yuri's shock, she didn't look any less beautiful than the brown-haired girl. She was taller than the other girl and had silky, straight black hair, sharp black eyes, arched eyebrows, and plump reddish lips.

'They look like dolls... Are they even real? Did they get their faces done?' Yuri thought as he swallowed hard, now feeling embarrassed when he thought that he was above the others in terms of looks.

"Chesca, just let her be." A deep voice came from behind.

Yuri averted his gaze from them, afraid that he might feel even more inferior than he already feels. Now that he has stepped on the grounds of Chen Academy, nothing was like his old school and the province.

If it was like back then, people would have fussed around him and tried to befriend him right away, but it wasn't like that anymore.

He lowered his head, now feeling a bit shy because of his get-up.

Uriel approached a woman who was wearing an I.D. indicating that she was one of the school staff and asked, " Excuse me, may I ask where I can get my room key?"

The woman looked at him from head to toe before answering his question. It was then that Yuri felt the most embarrassed in his entire life.

He didn't even feel offended because he was way too embarrassed to feel that way.

Regardless of how he felt, he forced himself to smile to at least appeal to her with his face and beautiful smile that was always praised back in his hometown.

"Please walk straight and you'll see a desk there. You can ask the person there to give you the key to your room," the woman replied as she gestured her hand in the direction of the desk.

"Thank you," Yuri responded and smiled a little. He then proceeded to walk and followed the woman's direction. And just as she said, there really was a desk there.

"H... Hello, good morning. I would like to ask for the key to my room," Yuri said as he looked at the woman standing behind the desk.

"Oh! Are you one of the scholars?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Yes," the boy nodded. "Congratulations!" she smiled. "Could you please show me the acceptance letter?" she continued.

"Just a second," Yuri said as he dropped his bag on the floor. He immediately bent his knees and searched for the letter.

There were a lot of things inside his bag, so it took him a while to find it. He took the letter out and handed it to the woman as he said, "Here."

"Uriel Delavin... Hmm, let's see..." she mumbled as she sat on a chair and faced her computer, searching for Yuri's name.

Her face brightened when she finally found the boy's room number and took a black velvet box from the few boxes piled on the table next to her.

"Here you go," she said as she handed the box with a smile. "Enjoy your school life, Mr. Uriel Delavin!" she continued.

"Thank you," Yuri smiled.

The way she treated him was rather different from how the woman from earlier treated him and that made him feel a bit better.

He opened the velvet box and saw a card inside that had the room number on it.

'Room 301'.

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