
Chapter 26-2 Fight

As soon as she walked to the corridor of the kindergarten, her heart was beating so fast as she wondered what exactly happened.

Emma heard a sharp female voice shouting.

"Look at my son's face! Why do you take in these uncultured children in kindergarten? Don't you see how badly my son has been beaten? Expel them immediately."

The teacher tried to say something, but the woman interrupted her rudely. "I don't want to hear your explanation. This child hit people, which means that his parents are ill-bred. Does he even have parents? Why haven't his parents come yet? Where are they?"

Emma's anger flared up. Before she could push open the door, she heard a woman chuckling in the room. Then, that woman said slowly, "You just interrupted other people’ conversation. Who's the rude one?"

The room fell silent for a moment so Emma immediately pushed the door open.