
The Alpha's Abandoned Daughter

When a new girl shows up in a new town with no friends or family, she is the girl that everyone ignores. What happens when the most popular boy in town takes a liking to her? What Happens when she does not want him? Will he win her heart? Scarlet is a shy teenage girl by day and a firecracker in the ring at night. She knew she was strong but when she finds out she is a werewolf and then that she has a Alpha for a mate that refuses to let her continue fighting, will she reject him or will she hide the fighting from him? I will be updating often, but the more votes, likes and comments the more I will add. If you have an idea or would like to see something, please leave me a comment. Thanks for making my works great. Follow me on Instagram @FieryKat_Author and on Discord FieryKat #6478 Kat

FieryKat · Fantasie
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19 Chs

The Visit

Scarlet's POV


"Coming Mom" I hurry out of my room to see what my mom needs. "Hi mom, I didn't hear you come home last night. How did work go?" I give mom a hug and head to sit at the bar after grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator. As she is pulling things out to cook, I notice she has a worried look on her face, almost teary eyed. "Mom, what's wrong? You look upset." She stops what she is doing and turns to me and smiles.

"I'm not upset, Promise. However, your dad called me today. He wants to see you. He wants to explain things to you and it's past time that you know the truth."

"Mom, I know the truth already. He left us, but he takes care of us. I know he loves us. I know you still love him. What else is there to know?"

"Oh, baby, there is so much that you don't know and your dad is the one to explain it because I honestly can't. I would not know where to begin. You need to give him a chance and you need to get to know him. You are is heir, baby. I want this for you. Please get to know your father, we will explain everything together today."

"Today, when?" Glaring at my mom. I mean I love my dad but he hasn't really been involved in my life other than phone calls and gifts he sends me. I know he loves me. But this is crazy. What was my mom asking me to do? "Mom, what are you asking me to do?" I know the look she has on her face. She is worried and concerned for me. But I need her to tell me what's going on.

"Sweet heart, I know that this is going to be a crazy day, but I want you to have an open mind and an open heart. ." I nod agreeing to her request. "I love your dad, I always will. And he loves me. His love is different for me now but it's through no fault of his own. And I do not blame him for leaving. The decision was made by the both of us. And I have spent the past 17 years raising you to be a woman that can handle anything that comes her way." I smile knowing she did her best and that I loose her for it. When the door bell ring I instinctively ran to it not caring how I looked, all I could think was my daddy was here. I grabbed the door and slammed it open not meaning to pull it that hard to see my dad with a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. Wasting no time I wrapped my arms around his neck and started crying on his shoulder. After what seems like an hour I let him loose from my grip.

"Hi sweet pea, I was hoping you'd be happy to see me. Can I come in and visit for a while?"

I stifle a laugh, of course I don't mind! I though to my self. All my nervousness left as soon as the doorbell rang, I was so scared before, not sure why either. "Dad, I missed you. I wish we could see each other more than just around my birthday."

"Well I think we can talk to your mom about that while I'm here, how does that sound to you?" I smile like never before, turning to mom giving her a pleading look.

As my dad walks through the door he stops in front of my mom, gives her a kiss on the cheek and pulls her into a loving embrace. "Hi Ress, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay. Let's sit and talk to our daughter about what happened. Your right it's time for her to know the truth and I can't tell her all of it my self" I give my mom a questioning look but continue to follow them to the living room and take a seat on the couch next to my dad. I can feel the tension in the air, so think you could cut it with a butter knife. Now I'm starting to worry about this conversation we're about have. While it feels good to have both of my parents in the same room, I know that they will never be more than friends now and I am okay with that as long as they are both happy. I know that dad has a wife, they married when I was little and my mom was heart broken but now she is in a good place. I just want her to be happy. I hope that she finds her soulmate soon since I will be moving out of the house soon.