
The Alpha’s Luna

She furrowed her brows confused as to why the tall man was staring at her, though she had done the same. Her green eyes full of curiosity. His grey eyes almost glowed in moonlight. "Umm, excuse me.." she shook herself out of the trance she was in attempting to walk past him. He gently but firmly grasped her arm pulling her onto him. She stood tense and full of fear as he bent himself down. And he.... sniffed her. "W-what are you doing?" She asked taking a large sharp breath as he sniffed her neck. "Relax.." his baritone voice commanded making her shiver. He then stood up straight with a small smirk. "Finally found you princess."

SheTheWriter · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter One

When the Clock Strikes Twelve

Echo sighed as she took her coat from the rack of the small diner. "I'll see you tomorrow veto!" She waved an energetic goodbye to her fellow coworker who returned the gesture. The elder man smiled waving a goodbye in response. She hummed gently as she walked out of the store through the sidewalk she usually took. It had been an unusually calm day. The diner wasn't that popular, but it usually had it's good set of customers. Today there wasn't a person in sight. It was as if everyone had disappeared. Obviously not, but Echo felt weird.

This night, like the day, felt weirder then the others. Judging by when she left it had to be at least twelve o clock. Strange like the day the streets we're nearly empty. Only one car would pass by in a span of 10-20 minutes. Her house was about a thirty minute drive, but since her car was in the shop that made it an hour walk. She didn't mind the length. She actually preferred walking it was much more calmer then busily driving. The issue was the eerie aura of the night. There wasn't a person in sight which made her even more uneasy. She looked down going through her purse to find her phone as she walked. She'd either play a game or read a bit to distract herself.

Just then she bumped into someone tall, sturdy, and firm. She stumbled back a bit managing to stay on her feet. She let out a soft relieved breath. Though she had bumped into him at least she had finally encountered someone. It eased her paranoid mind that she knew she was being stupid. She looked up just about to apologize when she scanned who was in front of her. His eyes a cool grey tone, Had to be at least a foot taller than her, his tan skin accessorized by a large scar visible on his face, His frame large muscular and broad compared to her, his hair was dark tint stubbled almost like a porcupine, having somewhat of a buzz cut. He had to be the most handsome man she had ever bumped into. And she bumps into a lot of people. He looked like he was straight out a model magazine. She almost dropped at the quite presence of him.

Suddenly snapping herself back to reality she looks away. She mentally scolds herself for staring. He must have been weirded out. She was flushed with embarrassment. She usually never lets herself get stuck like that. She didn't want to be one of those creepy people who obsess over someone attractive. Even though the man in front of her was nothing short from gorgeous. "I am so sorry, that was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She laughed nervously as she smoothened out her skirt, hoping he'd let her slide. The man stayed silent gazing down at her petite frame. He stared at her as if he were reading his soul. She squirmed lightly at his firm constant gaze that bore through her.

She furrowed her brows confused as to why the tall man was staring at her, though she had done the same. Her green eyes full of curiosity. His grey eyes almost glowed in moonlight. "Umm, excuse me.." she shook herself out of the trance she was in attempting to walk past him. He gently but firmly grasped her arm pulling her onto him. She stood tense and full of fear as he bent himself down. And he.... sniffed her. She attempted to push him off in pure confusion and fear."W-what are you doing?" She asked taking a large sharp breath as he sniffed her neck. "Relax.." his baritone voice commanded making her shiver. His voice fit his appearance perfectly. If not for his weird behavior she'd definitely Hm would have inquired about him a bit. He then stood up straight with a small smirk. "Finally found you princess."

She furrowed her eyes confused. "I think you got the wrong girl." She attempted to pull away but his arms wrap around her waist firm. "This can't be happening. You'd think I'd be happier with an attempt like this by a guy like this. Out of all the people on earth it had to be someone this fine?!" She thought frowning. Without warning he tossed her over his broad shoulder. She squirmed trying to get down, but his grip was too firm. "I'll scream!" She yelled to threaten him. He chuckled amused. "You can, but it'll be a waste of your energy." He sighed as he made his way towards the woods.

Her heart pounded wildly thinking of the worst. "Oh god I'm getting kidnapped by a handsome psycho!" She thought as she struggled. "Your gonna kill me and toss my body under a tree aren't you?! You can't kill me! I won't let you! I have so much to do! I just got my masters for culinary arts! I was gonna start my own restaurant! I haven't even lost my virginity!" She went on tears blurring her vision. She couldn't help but get emotional. There was so much unfinished things she wanted to do. Although no one would really care at least she'd have completed her own goals and accomplishments.

He chuckled deeply she could feel the vibration of his laughter making her shiver once more. She frowned angrily as he laughed. "You think this is funny?! You'll never get away with this! My fathers a well known FBI agent! A-and my moms an ex-cop! I'm telling you let me go! I-if you let me go I swear on my restaurants success I won't tell! I'll just pretend like.. like uh.. like I went camping and lost my memories!!" She pleaded desperately. There had to be something she could do. This one really seemed to get him, because this time he stopped to let out his deep laugh.

He gently put her down not letting go of her waist. "A-at least let me say a prayer!" She pouted wiping the tears that fell from her eyes. He stood there silent as she got on her knees to face the tree. She looked around to see where she could run. "Lord, I know I haven't been.. uh the best.. but I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for blaming that girl in 2nd grade for sleeping with Mr. bill when I clearly saw that other girl Jenny. It's just that I couldn't take anymore fat shaming. I'm sorry for spitting in that one racist pricks food, though he deserved it. I'm sorry for ghosting that one guy on Instagram, h-his uh.. his thing was too small! You know the rest God!" She said in all honesty. Of course he thought this was hilarious. She smirked as we was distracted laughing, she sprinted towards where she thought  she saw a cars headlights pass. She got closer and closer and closer..

Until she was yanked back by someone. Him. "H-how did you, b-but-" he sighed tossing her over his shoulder again. She was going to speak in protest but just then he took off sprinting. It felt like he was going as fast as a car, maybe faster.

He finally stopped placing her down. She clung onto a tree feeling a bit nauseous. "Why aren't you in the olympics Usain Bolt!" She groaned. He then began to approach her. She closed her eyes tightly as she get his cool breath fan her neck. Just then he yanked the shoulder of her coat and her top. She looked at him confused. Just as she was about to speak..

He bit her


No such thing as Werewolves

She held her shoulder in pane as he pulled off. "You're a blood sucker??" She asked fear instilled in her heart as she moved back as he got closer. "Nothing that foul.." he seemed to be slightly angered at that comment. "Then what the hell are y-" before she could finish he yanked her towards him with her un-Injured arm. "We should wrap up the wound." He said picking her up once more.

She didn't bother fighting back. Her arm hurt like crap and she didn't wanna anger the man with her life in his hands. She sighed as she realized he was walking towards the freeway. "Are you an idiot? What makes you think I won't scream and catch someone's attention." She blank faced him as he put her down. Just then a black limo rolled up besides them he got in pulling her in before shutting and locking the door.

He leaned back glancing at her bleeding bite wound. "Does it hurt??" He asked leaning towards it. "No it feels like a rainbow riding a unicorn in a field of sunflowers and cornucopia's." She said in a very much sarcastic tone. He chuckled again reaching in the back of the limo for something. "Calm down Jamal don't pull out the nine" she thought as he reached back. He then brought a first aid kit.

She furrowed her brows confused glancing up at him with her emerald eyes. "Sooo your not actually gonna kill me??" She asked as he opened the first aid kit. "At least not yet.." he finally spoke. She glared up at his small smirk. "So where are you taking me?" She asked glancing out the window. She then hissed as he applied rubbing alcohol onto her wound cleaning up the blood with a cloth.

"We're going to a friends home." He said as he began to bandage her arm. This was definitely going to scar. "A friends home?" She furrowed her brows again seeing the driver in the middle of nowhere. "Your finally gonna kill me aren't you? Listen I have a lot of skills, I'm a useful person-"

"I have no intention of killing you Echo.."

"Then what do you- how the hell do you know my name?" She furrowed her brows confused. "I know everything about you. Your favorite food, your favorite color your blood type-"

"Oh my god your one of those freaky stalkers, I-I have HIV and AIDS!" She lied desperately trying to convince him. He only chuckled wrapped up her wound securely with bandages. "I have no desire to rape you."

"Then what in gods name do you want from me??" She huffed almost child like wrapping her hands across her chest. He chuckled at her behavior suddenly pulling her into his chest. "I never expected my mate to be a mere human.. of course with the abilities you have don't truly know if I can categorize you as one .." she furrowed her bows harder at his words. "Mate? You sound like an Australian or UK citizen.. what abilities?? And who are you?"

She was honestly surprised she hadn't asked this sooner. "My name is Ivan. And I am the Alpha."

Just then Echo bust out laughing leaning on him for support as she clutched her stomach. "Your telling me your a wolf? Good joke, now really who are you." Her laughs died down as she faced his blank face. She had forgotten the mention of ability. Her smile then dropped realizing he was serious.

"Haha... n-no,t-that's impossible. T-there's no such thing-"

"No need to understand it all now, everything will be explained in detail once we arrive at my home.."

Her heart was pounding out of her chest her mind racing. Finally the vehicle came to a halt. She glanced outside to see a solemn house in the middle of a fields. It was a large White House with a very modern exterior. She jumps a bit when Ivan begins to get out. "We don't have all day." He glanced down at her.

She swallowed hard slipping herself out of the car. Her once bouncy attitude acquitted by fear. He then shut the car door turning around. "We won't be here long, I just have some business to take care of." He sighed as he began to walk towards the house. Echo stood silently nibbling on her nails. "Follow." He ordered. Simple yet sternly. Fear of pissing off the man who had her life in his hands, she did as she was told.

When they arrived at the door it swung open immediately to reveal.

An injured wolf?



It was large grey wolf. It's eyes blue as the sea. It glared at Echo and snarled it defense. It immediately stops once its eyes land on Ivan. In fact it seemed to almost bow. The poor creature limped as it stepped back. "That's Fera, a very good friend of mine." Ivan said to echo who looked down at the wolf with pity. "How'd Fera end up so... hurt?" She asked curiously.

"Humans..." Ivan glared hard at her, as if he was reminded of something. Instinctively she backed up in fear. He then yanked her inside by her arm tossing her onto the ground. She looked up at him in fear swallowing hard. His eyes almost seemed to mirror regret but it quickly went blank. "Help heal her." He said slamming the front door. "Heal her?! I'm not a doctor, I don't know how to-"

"I've been watching you for some time now Echo. By everything that's happened you have to be her.. " he trailed off walking over to the corner of the empty home. "You can heal her, and you will."

"And how would suppose I do that Mr. sir Alpha." She glared at him instantly regretting it as his seemingly annoyed eyes landed on her. "Figure it out.. I'll give you two time alone. Echo you have one hour."

Echo steps in his path nibbling on her lip. "What if.. you know.. I fail.." she cleared her throat nervously unknowingly rocking back and forth. ".... Then I'll kill you." He glanced down at her before walking around her into another room. She took a deep breath turning to face Fera. She had no idea what to do, but she wanted to live. She wasn't ready to die yet.

"Uh, h-hey I'm Echo.. a-and your Fera-" before she could finish talking Fera stood up on all fours and her body began to morph. The fur seeped into her skin revealing her bare pale skin skin. There now kneeled a pale naked woman with a badly wounded and bleeding arm.

Echo sat wife eyed in shock for a good minute before snapping herself out of it. "Uh.. that was.. interesting.. c-could I take a look?" She motioned towards her arm.

Fera glared for a slight second before nodding. Echo stretches towards her arm examining it thoroughly. It was a knife wound. The rest were bruises from a beating. "I'm sorry.." she rasped out mumbling her guilt. "I'm sorry they hurt you.. humans are fucked up, and as a human.. you just have to learn to live with it.."

Fera tilted her head curiously almost like a dog. Echo stood up about to move closer when she tripped onto the ground. She winced as her hit accidentally cut against a piece of splinted wood. "Ouch.." she hissed rubbing her bleeding hand.

Fera curiously took her bleeding hand looking at it. "U-um I'm okay.." she tries to pull her hand away failing. As Fera stares at her hand blood drips onto Fera's hand eventually dripping into her wound.

And in a matter of seconds it begins closing up on its own. Echo's eyes widen as all of bruises begin to fade away as well as wounds. She stumbles back in shock her mouth wide open. "N-no, okay calm down.. there's no way I did that.. there's no way I did that. This is all some stupid ass lucid dream. Yeah. That's exactly it."

Just as she began to panic Fera hit her in the back of her head causing her to black out.



Ivan walked back into the room and to his surprise Fera was standing up uninjured while Echo laid on the ground knocked out. He rushed over to Echo examining her. "She healed you?? Why did you-"

"She was panicking. She would have passed out either way. At least this way I can wake her up whenever." Fera shrugged glancing down at her. Ivan sighed picking echo up bridal style. "How'd she do it?" He asked curiously. "Her blood.." Fera said pointing to her hand which was cut, the blood clotting up.

He rose a brow in amusement. Earlier when he had bit her he taken some blood. He had weirdly felt rejuvenated. That said it all. That meant Echo really was the one.. He sighed shaking hs head. "Gather the pack." he ordered Fera. She nods and without hesitation she set out.

Ivan looked down at her resting  face, a face he studied. strangely though he knew her, he knew her likes, dislikes, the people around her, her fears, he knew it all. yet he still couldn't understand her. He sighs exasperated before laying her down on the couch that sat in the corner.


Ivan walked out of the house where all his pack stood in human form. They all kneel in respect howling. He glances upon them all with content. "My fellow wolves... today is the day history's grace kisses upon our cheeks." he says loudly immediatly quieting everyone. "What our ancestors bestowed onto us is in full affect." he smirked slightly the wolves hooting in response.

"Our greatest asset against all enemies has been restored to our pack." He announced his pack howled and cheered loudly. It was the beginning to a new age.



Her eyes fluttered open gently slowly glancing round the room. She was laying in a wide black bed in the middle of a barren black room. She quickly shot up her memories flooding back in quickly. She slowly scooched herself off the tall bed her feet flinching at the coldness of the grey tiled floor. She steadied herself holding onto the rails of the bed feeling weak as she stood. This was the perfect time to escape, she couldnt mess this up. She took a deep breath gathering her stregnth running for the door. she smiled in relief as the doors knob turned smoothly. it wasnt locked. She sprinted out of the room immediatly stopping. the hall was huge.

It had about 7 doors in that hall, all of them closed. At the end of the hall there seemed to be stairs. Just then she hears someone walking up the stairs, in a panic she rushes towards one of the doors opening it, closing the door behind herself. She let out a small breath of relief leaning against the door. "You're awake?" She jumped at the deep voice her eyes darting across the room.

There stood a half naked Ivan a white towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets sliding down his perfectly sculpted body. His wet hair slicked back. She glanced around realizing she was in a bathroom. She mentally cursed herself whining. "Trying to escape Echo?" His deep voice shook her as he stalked towards her. She leaned closer against the door as he approached closer.

He now only stood inches apart from her. "Whattt??? Me escape?? Pshhh as if, h-how stupid would I have to be to try that!" She laughed nervously. He rose a brow his expression hardening. She cleared her throat looking down catching a glimpse of his sharp carved v line. She quickly looked back up his face shifting to amusement. "So you just wanted to see me naked?" He asked placing an arm against the door next to her head.

"Hell no. I-I mean, nothing against you but I'm asexual. I-I just needed to pee. But I'll leave you to your showe." She turned to try and open the door. Ivan took her hands with his free hand pinning them above her head. "Why leave now? You've nearly seen everything." He smirked moving his face in closer.

"Oh my Jesus he's getting closer, what should I do, out of all the rooms! Shit!" She frantically thought nibbling her head. Instinctively she closed her eyes tightly throwing her head toward smacking her head on his lip. He let her go hissing in pain. "Ow.." she winced in pain grabbing her head. She glanced up at Ivan who held his chin. His lip bled gently. She had busted it.

"God, I'm so sorry , I sweat I didn't mean to do that. Y-you we're just so close-"

Ivan laughed leaning his head back. Echo furrowed her brows together in confusion watching him laugh. His smile was wide revealing his pearly whites. She blushed clearing her throat. His smile made him 10x more attractive.

"You can go now Echo. Breakfast is downstairs." He smiled turning around. "R-right." She strutted before quickly exiting the bathroom slamming the door behind her. "Dumbass.." she held her cheeks cursing herself.



Ivan sighed buttoning up his dress shirt. He had a lot to attend to today. He still had to meet with his beta, delta, and omega. He knew he was going to catch earful on their end. His mind wondered off to an embarrassed Echo who had ran out of the bathroom. He smiled shaking his head.

"Are you smiling because of that human." A hateful voice spat. He turned to see Fera leaning against the wall staring at him. "Does it matter?" He asked buckling on his belt. "Yes it does. Don't sit here and forget her kinds sins just because she's your mate. Her only purpose is to obey you." She glared. "Her abilities don't excuse her." Fera turned round shifting to a wolf walking out of the room.

He sighed sitting on a seat in the corner of the room. He had to take some of fera's word in account being that she was the delta. She was right, he was so blinded by her that at times he forgets she's part of a damned race. A race of selfishness, hatred, hipocracy, greed, lust, laziness, a race of sins. People who hunt wolf Cubs just for the entertainment. People who destroy the home they live on for the simplest of things. The human race.

He had to remind himself that she was part of them, even if she had abilities she was still.. human. He rose from the seat sighing. It was about time he went to his  meeting now. He opened his door something bumping into his chest. He glanced down to see Echo. "Uh, hi.. i-I was planning on knocking." She laughed nervously fiddling with her top.

"What do you need?" He asked his face cold as ice. He could sense the slight disappointment on her face which she quickly covered with a fake smile. "I was hoping we could eat together." She laughed nervously. He rose a brow curiously. "Why?" He asked.

"Well yesterday I was basically kidnapped by someone who knows everything about me and healed a human shape shifter with my blood, I think I need a proper explanation to wrap my mind around.." she gestured her hand in a circle motion in between the space of the two. "All this."

Ivan blinked looking down at her uneasy face. She did make sense, to a mere human everything that happened yesterday would seem insane. "Alright." He sighed, before she could respond he shut the door in her face.



Just as she was going to thank him he shut the door in her face. She glared at the door angrily. "You kidnapped me! I should be the hostile one!" She mumbled loudly before make her way down the stairs.

She made her way down to the rugged kitchen taking a seat at the dining table where a box of donuts sat with a four cup holder that held three coffees sitting next to the donut box. "Huh, wolves eating donuts and coffee.. never thought I'd witness that." She thought in her mind reaching to fiddle with a coffee cup.

"I see your awake.." Echo quickly whipped around to see Fera. She looked blank except for the obvious hatred spread across her eyes. "Ah, yeah. Nice to see you better." Echo smiled kindly. "I don't need your pity." She spat hatefully. She could sense the sheer despise Fera held towards her.

Echo furrowed her brows in both frustration and anger. What had she done? She had even healed her, what did she have against her? "Listen human," Fera began leaning against the door frame to the kitchen. "Your nothing, your life is meaningless if not for your abilities and being Ivan's mate.."

Echo glanced up at her dark eyes. "Just thinking of having to acknowledge you as Luna makes me sick to my core." She hacked a spit dangerously close to her feet. Echo frowned glancing up solemnly. "I didn't choose to be here." She mumbled loud enough for Fera to hear. Fera then reached over tilting her jaw upwards towards her face tightly.

"But your here anyways. Mind your place. Just because you have a little magic and your Ivan's mate doesn't mean your anything. Your still a worthless scruffy human." Fera roughly shoved her away, echo almost loosing her balance on the seat.

She quickly caught herself by the table. Fera only huffed walking off. She glanced down at her lap tears blurring her vision. Her position had just hit her. The fact that she may not make it out of this house, that she may never see her dream. She shook her head closing her eyes tightly. The

"I'll escape.. I'll make it home once again.. no matter what." She thought to herself nodding as she wiped the tears that threatened to fall.



Hope you all enjoyed!! Make sure to go stay tuned for my other upcoming books, feel free to comment and share!

Until next time!

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