
Chapter 39: The Power of the Bond

Dirge POV

To bond BEFORE they got the potion? Had Thessi become full Cresta overnight?

In everyone's eyes, Dirge saw deep understanding and faith. 

He pulled them all aside, out of earshot of Casuhill–although he wondered if the thorn trees would eavesdrop on their conversation and tattle on him. Thessi’s eyes shimmered with questions. But he remembered that she’d asked about bonding several days ago. He was the one that was holding back. Why? This was his MATE. 

His voice sounded hoarse. “Do I need to ask the others?”

“This is YOUR decision, Dirge,” Jiro said quietly. “As you rightly pointed out several days ago, we’ve all had our version of this moment in our family. Even as your Alpha and Luna and your family, Dane and Lilia can’t make this choice for you–and neither can I, as your brother.”

Jiro ALWAYS told people what to do. That was why they made him Alpha of the Crimsontail Shadows in the first place, wasn’t it? Now he was saying it was Dirge’s decision!