
No Correlation Between the Two Matters

The imperial physician was clearly smart, “Old Lady, rest assured, Madam Shen and I are relatives, I know what should be said and what should not be said. However, …”

He looked towards Nanli, his eyes pleading, “If sixth miss is willing to sell me a Talisman of Warding Evil, that would be even better.”

Concerning Chu Shuo, Nanli took out a Talisman and handed it to him directly.

The imperial physician cherished it like a treasure, carefully placing it in an expensive porcelain bottle.

He was only a step away from kneeling down and worshiping it.

Following that, Madam summoned her trusted aides to come in and clean up the broken porcelain on the ground.

She then instructed her siblings, emphasizing that this matter must not be leaked, but rather kept hidden.

Nanli understood the underlying meaning.

This was the feudal era, where the one who held the power of life and death was the current emperor.

If they were to accuse Guanyin of any wrongdoing, it would be a direct slap to his face.

Therefore, the An'yang Marquis Mansion could only swallow this bitter pill.

However, the evil spirit taking the Old Lady’s life and the jade pendant absorbing Chu Shuo’s vitality, Nanli wondered if these two incidents were related.

Chu Shuo was still annoyed and wanted to stomp on the wooden carving of the evil spirit.

“Second brother, be careful not to be tainted by the malevolent aura due to your weakened vitality,” Nanli stopped him.

She personally picked up the wooden carving and placed it in the Qiankun Bag.

Seeing this, Chu Shuo became worried, “Then why did you touch it?”

“I am fine,” Nanli's Taoist skills were extraordinary, such a small amount of malevolent aura couldn’t harm her at all.

But Chu Shuo’s concern made her heart ripple slightly.

Having family members and an elder brother who cared for her was truly a good thing.

After thoroughly examining the Old Lady’s pulse, Physician Shen confirmed that she was fine and returned to the palace to report.

To avoid suspicion, they concealed everything Nanli had done and only praised Physician Shen’s exceptional medical skills for saving the Old Lady’s life.

The Old Lady changed her clothes and wore a white jade forehead ornament with hidden patterns as she sat in the Hall.

Everyone in the mansion was wide-eyed in astonishment.

The Old Lady was on the verge of death just now, yet now she was able to get up and walk.

“It was all thanks to Nanli's return that I was able to overcome this ordeal. She has suffered for ten years outside, and from now on, no one in the mansion dares to bully her, or I will not let go of them easily,” Madam said with vigor, her sharp gaze sweeping over everyone.

Everyone responded in unison, saying that Nanli was a lucky star.

To allow An'yang Marquis and Chu Ye to focus on their military training, Madam sent someone to the military camp to deliver a letter, telling them not to make a wasted trip.

Next, it was Madam Shen’s turn to introduce her to the family.

Apart from the eldest brother Chu Ye, who was serving in the military camp, and Chu Shuo, who came to pick her up, she had met her three elder brothers one by one.

Second uncle Chu Hanming had lost his legitimate wife early on and had only one daughter named Chu Nanying, the Seventh Young Miss of the Marquis Zhenbei Mansion.

Because she had been in poor health since childhood and rarely left the house, she did not come to Xianghe Courtyard today. Chu Shuo had already chatted with her in the carriage, and judging from their appearances, they were quite compatible in terms of personality.

The brothers had known about their sixth sister since they were young, and now that they had finally found her, some had teary eyes, some asked about her well-being, and all of them presented her with gifts.

The Third Brother Chu Huan was a bookworm and gave her a collection of poems, saying that he would teach her how to read and recognize characters.

The Fourth Brother Chu Yang was obsessed with martial arts and gave her a specially made sleeve arrow for self-defense.

The Fifth Brother Chu Yan hesitated for a moment and asked, “What did your Second Brother give?”

“Besides money, what else can I give?” Chu Shuo put on an expression that said, “Money is what I have the most of.”

Chu Yan pursed his lips and retracted his hand, “I’m sorry, Sixth Sister, I… I haven’t prepared a gift yet.”

Uncle Chu Hanming sneered, “Chu Yan, weren’t you carving a wooden hairpin as a gift? Do you think it’s too shabby to present?”

Chu Yan became even more embarrassed, unable to utter a word with his head lowered.

He didn’t have extra wealth to prepare a decent gift.

Before Madam Shen could help defuse the situation, Nanli's expression turned joyful, “Fifth brother, you actually made a wooden hairpin yourself? The one I often wear has become worn out, so it’s perfect to replace it with one made by your own hands.”

Only then did Chu Yan notice that his younger sister’s hairdo lacked extravagant ornaments, with only a simple bamboo hairpin, which complemented her pure and beautiful appearance.

Finally relieved, he took out the wooden box, saying, “As long as you doesn’t mind.”

Nanli happily accepted it, saying, “I don’t mind at all! I really like it!”

Seeing her genuine smile, Chu Yan’s tense heart finally relaxed, and he smiled along with her.

Witnessing their harmonious scene, Chu Hanming’s face gradually darkened.

Nanli also prepared the return gifts, the safety talismans for each person.

Knowing that Nanli had stayed at Xuanyue Temple for half a year and had witnessed her capabilities, the Old Lady instructed everyone to keep the talismans close to them.

Chu Hanming coldly snorted, thinking that indeed, this girl from a remote and impoverished place could only give such a shabby gift.

Little did he know that the instruction from the Old Lady would save his life in the future.

Madam Shen resided in Yuerong Pavilion, where she had already prepared a chamber to be close to her daughter. Various garments and accessories were fully prepared, mostly in simple styles. She even arranged for two first-class maidservants for her, named Yuanbao and Chunbao.

Nanli's heart was once again touched, realizing that Madam Shen had made meticulous preparations.

The next day, Nanli accompanied Madam Shen to Xianghe Courtyard to visit the Old Lady, and on the way back, she was intercepted by Chu Shuo, who said he wanted to take her out for a stroll.

At the Yong’an Tower.

Chu Shuo brought her to a private room, and after sitting for a while, a young man entered through the door.

The young man wore a golden embroidered robe with a jade crown, clearly indicating that he was a nobleman’s son.

Chu Shuo said to Nanli, “He is the heir of the Marquis Zhenbei Mansion and my dear friend.”

Oh, he was the dear friend with several concubines.

No wonder he seemed a bit conceited.

However, the black mark between the Zhenbei heir’s eyebrows made Nanli couldn’t help but take a few more glances at him.

Xie Beihan fanned himself leisurely, feeling somewhat pleased to be stared at so directly by a young girl.

He said, “Brother Chu Shuo, this is your newly found sixth sister, right? She’s beautiful; but I’m afraid my father won’t agree to this marriage.”

Nanli didn’t understand him. Chu Shuo was also puzzled, “What do you mean? When did our families have a marriage arrangement?”

“Your sixth sister has been staring at me, she must be fond of me,” Xie Beihan sighed, “If she hadn’t been wandering outside, with her status as a legitimate daughter, there would be no problem.”


Nanli's mouth twitched.

This friend of her second brother was too self-absorbed.

Chu Shuo became angry and said, “Cut it out, how could my sixth sister be interested in you? Even if she is willing, I wouldn’t agree.”

With so many concubines in the backyard of the Xie family, how could he push his own sixth sister into that pit of fire?

Xie Beihan sneered, closing his fan, “You asked me to investigate the matter, but you don’t have a single good word to say.”

“After being friends for so many years, do we still need these formalities?”

Chu Shuo poured him a cup of tea, “Speak up, who presented the white porcelain Guanyin?”

Nanli raised her gaze, surprised that Chu Shuo was investigating this matter.

It seemed that although he was foolish and wealthy, he was pure and filial.

“I received a letter and I went to the palace early in the morning to investigate for you,” Xie Beihan took a sip of tea, “The white porcelain Guanyin rewarded to your grandmother was presented by the magistrate of Yuezhou. However, half a year ago, the Yuezhou prefect was imprisoned for corruption. He didn’t last two days in jail before he committed suicide out of fear.”